Mechanical utility
NASA uses Sanskrit.
False. NASA website does not any mention such program.
Sanskrit is the best suited for interacting with a computer. (Originally proposed by Rick Briggs.)
- Semantic context-freeness is different from syntactic context-freeness.
- Example by suhAsa -“मित्रं कलत्रम् अपश्यत्” – Did the wife see the friend or did the friend see the wife?
- There is some truth to the continued value of the kAraka-analysis of Sanskrit grammar (same concept was presented in this Ted talk).
Other languages don’t have a finite set of root words. Other languages don’t gave a finite set of grammatical rules.
- There is no doubt that pANini’s vyAkaraNa is a marvel, but consider the below.
- Sanskrit literature - right from veda-s through vAlmIkI, vyAsa and kAlidAsa to modern times - has shown plenty of irregular forms.
- छन्दोविषये -
- कृपया “व्यत्ययो बहुलम्” इति पाणिनीयस्य सूत्रस्य विवरणं जानीहि। तेन स्फुटं मन्ये महर्षेर् अन्ते पराजयाङ्गीकारः - यथा कथमपि विचित्रशब्दा भवन्तीति। पुनश्चान्यान्य् अपि भवन्ति सूत्राणि (छन्दस्युभयथा) ये इतोऽपि पोषयन्ति भावमिमम्।
- Observe the explanation of “छन्दसि दृष्टानुविधि” here.
- पाणिनीयव्याकरणं केवलं साधुत्वप्रदर्शनाय स्यान्नाम छन्दस्सु बहुशः, न पुनः निश्चप्रचं साधुत्वनिश्चये।एवमन्यान्यपि सूत्राणि “बहुल”-शब्दयुक्तानि भवन्त्येव लक्षणग्रन्थस्यास्य सीमाबोधकानि - अन्ते लक्ष्यमेव शरणम् तेषु स्थानेष्व् इति तदभिप्रायः।
Sanskrit is the mother of all languages / most languages/ Indo European languages.
As suhAsa says:
“She’s just one of the close relatives of the actual mother - The Proto Indo-European Language. Calling Sanskrit the “Mother of Languages” is like saying “The Chimpanzee is the father of man””
Sanskrit science forgeries
Sanskrit texts reveal that ancient hindu-s had flying machines, atom bombs etc.. There is plenty of “undeciphered scientific knowledge” in Sanskrit texts.
Suhasa says:
Old trick! Translate very loosely, conflate common language with technical language, and you can find your idea of choice in a text.
- puShpaka-vimAna in the Ramayana and the vaimAnika-shAstra merely show the excellent imagination of their authors. [MT]
- This is not to deny that ancient hindu scientists and mathematicians expressed themselves using Sanskrit.
- Forgery list here
Known sources of errors
- As of 2016 - some Samsrita Bharati books including “Pride of India” [TW16] and “kovida text”. [TW16]
Negative Impact, addenda
- Falsehood in favor of Sanskrit damages the respectability of both the language and its lovers.
- As suhAsa says: “Word-offerings of praises (read lies) will do nothing to revive the language. Learn the language, speak it, enjoy its literary richness and then proudly wear the badge of Sanskrit on your chest.”
- Other analyses:
- Suhasa’s post.
Memory magic plus
Hartzell’s 2018 work highlights effects of verbal memorization, which is not particular to sanskrit. (London Taxi Drivers who were required to memorize lot of info showed similar brain changes). Also, hypertrophy in memory-specific areas may or may not correlate significantly with overall cognitive performance.