22 Readings from the वाल्मीकि-रामायणम्

22 Readings from the वाल्मीकि-रामायणम्


The following verses are excerpted from the first of the वाल्मीकि रामायण. In the passage the divine sage नारद, in re sponse to desilta’s questions, relates, very concisely, the tale of <TH. It is on the basis of this narration that is hift, inspired, discovers poetry and composes the रामायण.

The verses selected complete the story in outline, from the abduction of Hial to the end. Due to the conciseness of the passage some of the references will be obscure. Notes have been provided to clarify various problems. Note that syntactic units frequently cross verse boundaries.



श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामायणे बालकाण्डम् ?

जगाम सहमारीचस्तस्याश्रमपदं तदा । तेन मायाविना दूरमपवाह्य नृपात्मजौ ॥१॥

जहार भार्यां रामस्य गृधं हत्वा जटायुषम् । गृधूं च निहतं दृष्ट्वा हृतां श्रुत्वा च मैथिलीम् ॥२॥ राघवः शोकसंतप्तो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः । ततस्तेनैव शोकेन गृधं दग्ध्वा जटायुषम् ॥३॥ मार्गमाणो वने सीतां राक्षसं संददर्श ह । कबन्धं नाम रूपेण विकृतं घोरदर्शनम् ॥४॥ तं निहत्य महाबाहुर्ददाह स्वर्गतश्च सः । स चास्य कथयामास शबरी धर्मचारिणीम् ॥५॥ शबर्या पूजितः सम्यग्रामो दशरथात्मजः । पम्पातीरे हनुमता सङ्गतो वानरेण ह ||६|| हनुमद्वचनाच्चैव सुग्रीवेण समागतः । सुग्रीवाय च तत्सर्वं शंसद्रामो महाबलः ॥७॥

आदितस्तद्यथा वृत्तं सीतायाश्च विशेषतः । सुग्रीवश्चापि तत्सर्वं श्रुत्वा रामस्य वानरः ॥८॥ चकार सख्यं रामेण प्रीतश्चैवाग्निसाक्षिकम् । ततो वानरराजेन वैरानुकथनं प्रति ॥९॥ रामायावेदितं सर्वं प्रणयाद्दुःखितेन च । प्रतिज्ञातं च रामेण तदा वालिवधं प्रति ॥१०॥ ततः प्रीतमनास्तेन विश्वस्तः स महाकपिः । किष्किन्धां रामसहितो जगाम च गुहां तदा ॥११॥ ततो ऽगर्जद्धरिवरः सुग्रीवो हेमपिङ्गलः । तेन नादेन महता निर्जगाम हरीश्वरः ॥१२॥


अनुमान्य तदा तारां सुग्रीवेण समागतः । निजघान च तत्रैनं शरेणैकेन राघवः ॥१३॥ ततः सुग्रीववचनाद्धत्वा वालिनमाहवे । सुग्रीवमेव तद्राज्ये राघवः प्रत्यपादयत् ॥१४॥ स च सर्वान्समानीय वानरान्वानरर्षभः । दिशः प्रस्थापयामास दिदृक्षुर्जनकात्मजाम् ॥१५॥ ततो गृध्रस्य वचनात्सम्पातेर्हनुमान्बली। शतयोजनविस्तीर्णं पुप्लुवे लवणार्णवम् ॥१६॥ तत्र लङ्कां समासाद्य पुरीं रावणपालिताम् । ददर्श सीतां ध्यायन्तीमशोकवनिकां गताम् ॥१७॥ ततो दग्ध्वा पुरीं लङ्कामृते सीतां च मैथिलीम् । रामाय प्रियमाख्यातुं पुनरायान्महाकपिः ॥१८॥ ततः सुग्रीवसहितो गत्वा तीरं महोदधेः । समुद्रं क्षोभयामाप्त शरैरादित्यसन्निभैः ॥१९॥ दर्शयामास चात्मानं समुद्रः सरितां पतिः । समुद्रवचनाच्चैव नलं सेतुमकारयत् ॥२०॥ तेन गत्वा पुरीं लङ्कां हत्वा रावणमाहवे । रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य परां व्रीडामुपागमत् ॥२१॥ तामुवाच ततो रामः परुषं जनसंसदि । अमृष्यमाणा सा सीता विवेश ज्वलनं सती ॥२२॥ ततो ऽग्निवचनात्सीतां ज्ञात्वा विगतकल्मषाम् । कर्मणा तेन महता त्रैलोक्यं सचराचरम् ॥२३॥ सदेवर्षिगणं तुष्टं राघवस्य महात्मनः । बभौ रामः संप्रहृष्टः पूजितः सर्वदैवतैः ॥२४॥ अभिषिच्य च लङ्कायां राक्षसेन्द्र विभीषणम् । कृतकृत्यस्तदा रामो विज्वरः प्रमुमोद ह ॥२५॥ नन्दिग्रामे जटां हित्वा भ्रातृभिः सहितो ऽनघः । रामः सीतामनुप्राप्य राज्यं पुनरवाप्तवान् ॥२६॥


न चाग्निजं भयं किंचिनाप्सु मज्जन्ति जन्तवः । न वातजं भयं किंचित्रापि ज्वरकृतं तथा ॥२७॥ न चापि क्षुद्भयं तत्र न तस्करभयं तथा । नगराणि च राष्ट्राणि धनधान्ययुतानि च ॥२८॥ नित्यं प्रमुदिताः सर्वे यथा कृतयुगे तथा ॥२९॥ दशवर्षसहस्राणि दशवर्षशतानि च । रामो राज्यमुपासित्वा ब्रह्मलोकं प्रयास्यति ॥३०॥ इदं पवित्रं पापघ्नं पुण्यं वेदैश्च संमितम् । यः पठेद्रामचरितं सर्वपापैः प्रमुच्यते ॥३१।। एतदाख्यानमायुष्यं पठन्रामायणं नरः ।

सपुत्रपौत्रः सगणः प्रेत्य स्वर्गे महीयते ॥३२॥ इत्याचे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये बालकाण्डे प्रथमः सर्गः ॥१॥




v. 1: The subject is रावण.

तस्य = रामस्य मायाविन् (see glossary) = मारीच

नपात्मजौ = रामलक्ष्मणौ v. 3:

ततः = जटायुषो मरणानन्तरम् शकिन-with grief; having burned with grief-probablya

reference to the conventional notion of grief as fiery. v.5: तम् = कबन्धम्

महाबाहुः = रामः सः = कबन्धः अस्य = रामस्य take in thesense of अस्मै, “told him about…” शंसद् the form is अनद्यतनभूते लङ् with irregular loss of the

augment. v. 9: वैरानुकथनम् (see glossary)—the story of his (सुग्रीव’s)

hostilities with his brother all king of the monkeys. v. 10: प्रणय-Sugrivais grieved for the love of his wife, who has

been taken by his rival.

दुःखितेन (सुग्रीवेण)

तेन-refers to राम’s skill at archery v. 12: हरिवरः = सुग्रीवः v. 13: एनम् = तम् v. 23-24: After the first half of verse 23, one should mentally supply

तां स्वीचकार कर्मणा- the killing of रावण, etc. construe: राघवस्य महात्मनो महता कर्मणा त्रैलोक्यं

सचराचरं सदेवर्षिगणं तुष्टम् [अभूत] v.26: farahgerund of VET v. 27-29b: These verses describe the conditions in राम’s realm. v.30: प्रयास्यति; नारद is relating all this during राम’s reign, hence

the future tense. v. 31-32: These verses constitutea फलश्रुति, an account of the benefits

accruing to one who reads, recites or hears a holy text. v. 31: संमित-construes with instrumental (equal to …).

v. 11:



अतः (ind)—from this, hence, therefore

इतो व्याघ्रस्ततस्तटी (idiom) on one side a tiger, on

the other a precipice, i.e., a serious dilemma

अनुरूपक (adj)—like, the same as

अपक्रान्त (adj)-gone away, lured away अपहर्तव्य (adj)—to be abducted अप + Vह (1P)—abduct

इन्द्रः (m)—(at end of compound) lord

of, best of


(m)—lord, god उद् + आ + Vह (1P)—announce, call out

उपायः (m)—means, device, stratagem


अमर (adj)-immortal; (m)—a god अव + धू (5P)—shake off, disregard असंशयम् (ind) doubtlessly

असुरः (m)-demon, titan

आ + ज्ञा (9P)—know; (fur ) order

आ + Vदा (3P)—take, assume

आ + स्था (1P)—assume, have recourse to,


इतः ततः (ind) here. . . there

(adj)—both (used only in the dual) एकमनः (adj)—having an attentive mind

एनम् = तम्

कम्पनम् (n)—tremor, shaking कम्पित (adj)—trembling

कल्यम् (ind)—at daybreak काञ्चन (adj)-golden कामिन् (m)-lover





दूरम् (m)-time, Death

(ind) far Vक्रीड

धनुष्पन्त (1P)—play, amuse oneself (adj; m, n)-having a bow

नाशकः (adj)-favorable, suitable | (m)-destroyer क्षिप्रम्

नित्यम् (ind) quickly, immediately (ind)—always, constantly

निवासः (m)—ass, donkey

(m) dwelling गिरिः

पदवी (m)-mountain

(1) path; with अनु + गम्, follow चित्र

in someone’s footsteps

(adj) spotted, speckled







(adj)—harsh (12)—shine, blaze

पर्याकुल तटी

(adj)—frightened, confused

(f)—slope, precipice




(n) truth


(adj)—urged (adj)—tall

प्र+Vमथ् Vदह

(1P)-harass, torment, annoy




(ind) in front of, before the eyes

of (m; occurs only in plural)—wife,


प्रलयः | (m)-cosmicdissolution



प्रलोभय् (णिजन्त of प्र + Vलुभ)-infatuate (m prop) name of a rākşasa


मृत्युः (adj)—calm

(m) death

प्रातः (=प्रातर)

मेघः (ind)—in the morning



मैथिली (adj)-(at end of compound) for |(1)—lady of Mithila, i.e., Sita

the most part, generally, यथेष्टम् practically

(ind)—according to desire, as you

wish (adj)—urged, impelled



बलवन्त (adj; m, n)-mighty

बाढम् (ind) excellent! good idea!

भण (1P)—say -मृत् (adj)—(at end of compound)

bearing, carrying मक्षिका (f)—fly, mosquito मनोहर (adj)-charming, fascinating महापुरी (1)-great city

(adj) proper

रकारः (m)—the syllable ‘ra,’ the letter ’s’ रजतम् (n)-silver रिम् (1A) enjoy, make love

लड्डेश्वरः (m)-lord of Lanka,epithet of

Rāvana लोकः (m)—host, army





(f)-illusion, magic


वधः | (m)-killing, slaughter




संभ्रान्त (adj)—to be killed

(adj)—confused वित्रासः

साधु (m)—terror

(ind)—directly, straight शक्य


(adj)-(with infinitive) capable of

(m)- charioteer

of being… (कर्मणि)

सुमध्यमा शौर्यम्

(1)—woman with beautiful waist (n)—valor




(adj) dark


(n) friendship (f)—a young woman (who has not

had children)



स्वजनः (ind)—properly, fully

(m)—kin सखि

हितः (m)-friend

(m)—welfare, benefit संत्रस्त

हृष्ट (adj)—terrified

(adj)-delighted समविभक्ताङ्गी (f)—woman of symmetrical limbs




foolish impelled fair-waisted from within abduct doubtlessly golden path bearing weapons bright light harsh destroyer save, protect

(adj) (adj) (adj) (ind) (1P) (ind) (adj)

प्रेरित सुमध्यम अन्तरात् अप + राह असंशयम् काञ्चन पदवी

शस्त्रभृत् उज्ज्व ल


(m) (adj) (m) (adj) (m) (1P)





(In order of occurrence)

वासः (n)-garment, clothing जीर्ण

(adj)—aged, worn out वि+Vहा (3P)-give up, discard

अपर (adj)—other

सम् + Vया (2P)—attain देहः (m)—body देहिन् (adj)—having a body; (m)—man,




नरः (m)-man




आख्यानम् (adj)—having fire for a witness (n)-story, episode

(the sign of solemn and invio

आत्मजः lable pact)

(m)—son अनघ

आदितः (adj)—sinless

(ind)—from the beginning अनुकथनम्

आदित्यः (n)—account, tale

(m)—the sun अनु + प्र + Vआप

आयुष्य (5P) obtain, get

(adj) conducive to long life अनुमानम्

आवेदित (णिजन्त of अनु + (मन्) reassure

(adj)—made known अप

आश्रमपदम् (f; pl. only)—waters

(n)-location of an āśram अपवाहय्

आहवः (णिजन्त of अप + Vवह्)—lure away

(m)-battle अर्णवः

इन्द्रियम् (m)-ocean

(n)-sense, organ of sense अव + Vआप

उप + गम् (5P) obtain

(1P)—attain (a state) अशोकवनिका

उप+ Vया (f)—a grove of aśoka trees, scene

(2P)—come of Sītā’s confinement

उप+ Vआस् आकुल

(22)—wait upon, serve (adj)-confused

आ + Vख्या

(ind)—except, with the exception (2P)—tell, relate

of. . . (with thing excluded in द्वितीया)




जटा (10P)—tell

(f)—braided topknot; a symbol of कबन्धः

asceticism womby Rāma during (m prop)-name of a hideous | his exile.

rāksasa who, when mortally जटायुस् wounded by Rāma, directs him (m prop)—king of the vultures, to Sabari.

brother of Sampāti and old


friend of Dasaratha. He attempts (n)-moral taint

to halt Rāvana’s abduction of

Sītā and is killed by the rākşasa. किष्किन्धा

ज्वरः (f prop)-capital city of the mon keys. The text here calls it a

(m)-feverish disease



(m)-fire कृतयुगम् (n)-the Golden Age of the world | तस्करः



तारा क्षोभय

(f prop)—queen of the monkeys, (णिजन्त of Vक्षुभ)-agitate, cause to

at various times consort and wife

of the rival brothers Vālin (q.v.) tremble

and Sugriva (q.v.) गणः

तीरम् (m)-host, entourage

(n)—bank, shore गर्छ

त्रैलोक्यम् (1P)-roar, bellow

(n)—the ‘Three Worlds’ heaven, गुहा

earth, hell; the Universe (1)-cave, cavern

दिश् (दिक्) गृध्रः

(1)—cardinal point, direction (m)—vulture

दूरम् (ind)-far, a long way




| पुण्यम् (n)-god, divinity

(n)—merit धर्मचारिन् (adj)-righteous

(f)-city Vध्यै (4P)—be rapt in thought (m)-grandson नन्दिग्रामः

प्र+Vइ (m prop)—village outside Ayodhyā (2P)—die, depart

where Bharata, acting as regent, प्रणयः awaited Rāma’s return

(m)—love नलः

प्रतिपादय् (m prop)—a monkey; chief archi

(णिजन्त of प्रति + /पद्)-install tect of the bridge whereby Rāma’s

| प्र+ vमुद् forces crossed the sea to Lankā.

(1P)—rejoice नादः

प्र+Vया (m)-roar

(2P) go निर् + गम्

प्रस्थापय् (1P)-go forth

(णिजन्तof प्र+ स्था) send, dispatch पम्पा

प्रियम् (f prop)—name of a lake; scene of Rāma’s first meeting with

| (n)-good or pleasant tidings






(1Ā)—jump, leap

(adj) harsh

ब्रह्मलोकः पवित्र

(m)—Brahma’s world; the highest (adj)-pure, holy



मज्ज् (मज्जति) (adj)—under the protection of … ||





from ambush. He had reassured (2P)—shine

Tāra when going to respond to महाबाहुः

Sugriva’s challenge. (adj)-great-armed

विकृत महीयते


विज्वर (नामधातु of महि [adj] great)—to

(adj)-free from anxiety grow great, rejoice

विभीषणः महोदधिः

(m prop)—a rākşasa, younger (m)-ocean

brother of Rāvana, but an ally of मायाविन्

Rāma (m)-possessing माया, illusory

विश् power (refers to Marica)

(6P)—enter Vमार्ग

विश्वस्त (1Ā)—search for

(adj)—reassured, confident मृष्

विस्तीर्ण (4A) bear, endure

(adj)—broad युत (adj)—full of, associated with

(n)-hostility योजनम्

व्रीडा (n)-a unit of distance

(f)—shame; in this case it refers लवण

to Rāma’s anxiety regarding (adj) salty

whatpeople might say about his वातः

taking back a wife who had lived (m)—wind

in another man’s house. वालिन्

Vशंस् (m prop)- king of the monkey’s, (1P)-relate

elder brother of Sugriva and hus- शबरी band of Tara. At Sugriva’s re

(f prop)-a female ascetic who quest Rāma shoots him down

aids Rāma





संमित (f)-assembly

(adj) equal to


सरित् (n)—friendship

(f) stream: arai fa:- ocean

सहित सङ्गत (संगत) (adj)-met with

(adj)-along with सचराचर

सुग्रीवः (adj)-’together with movable and | (m prop) a monkey king, ally of

immovable things,’ entire Rāma सती (f)—a virtuous wife

(m)—bridge, causeway संतप्त

स्वर्गत (adj) oppressed, afflicted

(adj)-gone to heaven सं + Vदृश् (1P)—see


(m prop)—a great monkey hero of समागत

the Rāmayaņa. He jumped across (adj)—come together

the ocean, bumed Lañkā and car सम् + आ + नी

ried Rāma’s message to Sītā. (1P)—assemble

हरिवर सम् + आ +Vसद्

(adj)—best of monkeys (10P)-reach

हरीश्वरः समुद्रः

(m)-lord of monkeys (m)-ocean


(1P)-abduct, carry off (m)—a vulture, brother of Jatayus: हत

he informed the desperate mon

| (adj) abducted keys of Sītā’s whereabouts.

हेमपिङ्गल (adj)-golden-yellowGLOSSARY OF GRAMMATICAL TERMS

379947 (akarmaka): ‘intransitive 4.38 378R (akşara): syllable 2.23

अतिपत्तो लङ् (atipattaulrn): see लङ् (Irn) 3E 5 (adyatanabhūte luñ): see 5 (lun) 37 ( 1) fac ce (anadyatana—[śvastana] bhavisyatkāle

lut): see € (lut) अनद्यतनभूते लङ् (anadyatanabhute lah): see लङ् (lan) 3F (anit): roots which do not take the ‘Fl’ (‘it’) infix 16.1 356R (anusvāra): nasalization of a vowel; sign of nasalization 1.17

TRIP (antaḥstha): semi-vowel 1.14 3146faralds (apatyavācaka): a meaning of a alga (taddhita) derivation

20.11.a.i 3728 (abhyāsa): reduplication

a. of third 19 (gana) roots 7.22 b. of the perfect ( lit) 17.6 c. of the desiderative (HERsannanta) 18.22.a

d. of the intensive (HSRyañanta; 455 yañluganta) 18.25 3194€ (avagraha): sign used to separate words whose initial “a” or “ā”

vowel has been lost or has combined with another vowel, from a

preceding word: 2.26 31047446 (avyayapada): adverb 4.3.c

TORTA (avyayibhāva): indeclinable (compound) 14.9 31164-146 (ātmane pada): “middle voice" 4.26 31 fs5 (āśir liñ): the benedictive, 14.16 $€ (it): the epenthetic vowel (i) 16.1 3rchal RI-s (utkarsavācakapratyaya-s): comparative and super

lative affixes 20.11.m 3774454 (uttamapuruşa): ‘first person 4.9 3446 (upapada): reduced word (compounds) 12.17 3471-s (upasarga-s): verbal prefixes 8.11 342745 (ubhayapada): roots conjugated in either 311547146 (ātmanepada)

or C (parasmai pada) voice 4.17


3047-s (üşman-s): sibilants 1.15 2004 (ekavacana): singular number

a. in reference to verbs 4.12 b. in reference to nouns 4.27 Cate && (ekaśeşa dvandva): elliptical dual (compounds) 14.7 31187 (osthya): labial 1.8 Quo? (kanthya): velar 1.8 pat gen (kartari prayoga): the active construction 9.9 se (karty): the agent or subject 4.37.b cito (karmaņi prayoga): the Sanskrit passive 9.5

(karman): direct object 4.38

R -s (krt pratyaya-s): primary suffixes 20.2 MU-s (gana-s): conjugational classes of verbs 7.4 ff. Tui (guna): a grade of vowel strength 3.6 ff. To (guru): prosodically heavy syllable 17.6.c.i age fat (caturthi vibhakti): the ‘fourth’ or dative case 5.2 ita (cvi pratyaya): derivational suffix 20.12 PSR () (nijanta (preraka]): causative 18.4 ff. dy (tatpuruşa): syntactic (compounds) 12.10 ff. AG Pris (taddhita pratyaya-s): secondary affixes 20.2 ff.

TGE (tadveda): a meaning of alga (taddhita) derivations 20.11.a.3 aliou (tālavya): palatal 1.8 has (tin): any conjugational ending 4.3.a Fasa (tiñanta): any conjugated form, a finite verb 4.3.a

are faut (trtiyā vibhakti): “third’ or instrumental case 4.42 CR (tvānta): gerund in ‘-cal’ (’-tvā) 11.5 God (dantya): dental 1.8 & (dvandva): copulative compound 14.1 & HATH-s (dvigu samāsa-s): compounds with an initial numeral 13.6 faciet u (dvitiyā vibhakti): ‘second’ or accusative case 4.41 Sea (dvivacana): dual number

a. in reference to verbs 4.12 b. in reference to nouns 4.27


UTC (dhātu): verbal root 4.4 74 (napumsakalinga): neuter gender 4.26 TH (nāmadhātu): denominative 18.27 fyra (nipāta): particle 4.47 4eft fat (pañcami vibhakti): ‘fifth’ or ablative case 5.3 4646 (parasmaipada): active voice 4.16 परोक्षभूते लिट् (paroksabhāte lit): (see लिट् [lit]) glass (pumlinga): masculine gender 4.26 954 (puruṣa): grammatical person’ 4.9 (see geme (prathama puruṣa),

मध्यमपुरुष [madhyamapurusa], and उत्तमपुरुष [uttamapurusa]) yepata (prakrti): underlying nominal base of afsn (taddhita) deriva

tions 20.8 te (pragļhya): vowels not subject to HU (sandhi) changes 3.21 gegee (prathamapuruşa): third person 4.9 Terhaps (prathamā vibhakti): ‘first’ or nominative case 4.40 seiten (prayoga): (verbal) usage (see mitor Reiter (karmaņi prayoga),

कर्तरि प्रयोग [kartariprayoga], and भावे प्रयोग [bhāve prayoga]) 25997 (bahuvacana): plural number

a. in reference to verbs 4.12 b. in reference to nouns 4.27 बहुव्रीहि (bahuvrihi): an application of तत्पुरुष (tatpurusa) and कर्मधारय

HARA-s (karmadhāraya samasa-s) 13.5 ff. foerators gant (bhavisyatkāle krdanta): future participle 16.8 Haag (bhāvavācaka): a meanings of a alca (taddhita) derivation

20.11.a.2 HTC (bhāve prayoga): abstract construction (in connection with

the chilor IT [karmani prayoga]) 9.17 a G (bhūte krdanta): past passive participle 10.4 48214494 (madhyamapuruşa): second person 4.9 44 (mūrdhanya): retroflex 1.8

152 (458 ) (yañanta (yañluganta]): intensive 18.25

(laghu): prosodically light syllable 17.6.c.i 05 (3FFERAT 5:) (lan (anadyatanabhūte lan]): imperfect 8.6


SE (adh Me) (lat (vartamāne lat]): present indicative 4.19 fossi (fath f5) (liñ (vidhi liñ]): optative mode 14.12 लिङ्ग (linga): grammatical gender (see पुंलिङ्ग [pumlinga], नपुंसकलिङ्ग

(napumsakalinga), and FC (strilinga]) 4.26 ferie (fase) (lit (parokşabhūte lit]): perfect Lesson 17

(luk): loss of case endings 12.8 55 (31 5 ) (lun (adyatanabhūte luñ]): aorist 19.10

C (3PERATTAD ) (lut (anadyatanabhavişatkāle luț]): peri

phrastic future 16.11 25. (3fa4all 25) (lrñ [ati pattau lrñ]): conditional 16.9

C (AIYANS 226) (lrt (sāmānyabhavişatkāle lrt]): simple fu ture 16.2 Sic (lot): imperative 11.9 CSR (Iyabanta): gerund in 2 (-ya’) 11.5 वचन (vacana): grammatical number (see एकवचन [ekavacana], द्विवचन

[dvivacana), and 899 [bahuvacana]) 4.12 (for verbs), 4.27 (for nouns) Pol-s (varga-s): ‘classes’ of sounds 1.6 ANAR EGR (vartamāne krdanta): present participle 15.1 arme (vartamāne lat): (see C (lat)) Tue (vigraha): analysis of compounds 12.9 विधि लिङ् (vidhi lin): see लिङ् (lin) faut (vibhakti): grammatical ‘case’ (see 94171 (prathamā), Ferien

[dvitīyā), gai (trtiyā), ageif (caturthi), 4341 [pañcami), 481 (şaşthi),

Ha (saptami]) 4.28 fa14 (virāma): a sign indicating elision of inherent vowel 2.13 FaRT991 (višesana): adjective 13.7 fagle (višeşya): modificand 20.13 for (visarga): post-vocalic aspiration 1.17.2; 3.27 aic (vrddhi): grade of vowel strength 3.6 ac (vet): roots that optionally take the ‘F’ (‘it’) infix 16.1

95 (vyañjana): consonant 1.4 YG FR-S (suddha svara-s): simple vowels 1.4


981 fatti (şaşthi vibhakti): ‘sixth’ or genitive case 4.43

R-s (samyukta svara-s): complex vowels 1.6 H . (sakar maka): transitive 4.38

cell-s (sankhyā-s): numerals 19.3 HA: 981 (sataḥ șașthi): genitive absolute 15.12 Ad 974 (sati saptami): locative absolute 15.12 H I (sandhi): euphonic combination Lesson 3, etc.

HER (sannanta): desiderative 18.20 44141 auft (saptami vibhakti): ‘seventh’ or locative case 5.4 HELLA (sambodhana): vocative 4.36 4441142<ul (samānādhikaraņa): case agreement 12.11 H4TH (samāsa): nominal composition (see 370kHTC (avyayibhāva),

उपपद [upapada], एकशेष [ekasesa], कर्मधारय [karmadhāraya], तत्पुरुष statpuruşa], && (dvandva] and agait [bahuvrihi]) Lessons 12,13,

and 14 HCGT (sarvanāman): pronouns 5.5 सामान्यभविष्यत्काते लट् (sāmānyabhavisyatkale lrt): see लट् (Irt) 14 (sup): any declensional ending JOR (subanta): any declined form (noun, pronoun or adjective) 4.3.b HC (set): roots take the ‘5’ (‘it’) infix 16.1 Files (strilinga): feminine gender 4.26 F421 (sparśa): stop 1.8 FOR (svara): vowel 1.6