- Not so - the “grammar translation method” introduced and imposed by the British, and exposure to only hard registers of sanskrit causes this wrong impression. See this detailed speech. With an immersive approach, conversational Sanskrit is as easy as any other language. Of course, advanced/ masterful usage requires serveral years of dedicated effort - like in any other language. [Funny “Hitler learns Sanskrit” video.]
- If the right register (Simple Standard Sanskrit - archive) is used, sanskrit is quite easy for all Indians. [chamu video] It can be learned in a few days. Samskrita bhArati routinely teaches this.
- I know idiots who’ve learned. So have lakhs of people. I know very intelligent people (superspecialized famous doctors) who haven’t - despite me taking them to a camp. What matters is simply honesty and the lack of fear of “mistakes” (and looking silly).

Simple sanskrit is good only for gimmicks.
- Bogus. Besides common sense, direct experience suffices as proof. Just as illiterate rustic villagers selling sheep for slaughter can have “intellectual debates”, so can one with simple standard sanskrit.
- Look at this page - what level of English are we using? SSS easily surpasses. Consider this lecture by nidar singh - just contrast the gravity of the concepts he presents with the presentation (level of english used).
- How good are you/ people debating complex matters with “broken hindI”?
- BTW, this sick attitude is shared by none other than Sheldon Bollocks.
- People routinely teach and learn complex jargon-laden concepts such as vedAnta (via bhagavadgIta), vyAkaraNa and nyAya using the Simple Standard Sanskrit register.
- Open sambhAShaNa sandesha magazines and tell me there’s only quotidian stuff there.
Disservice to traditional scholars
Samskrita Bharati and RSS have done a disservice to traditional scholars by making Sanskrit learning free for everyone. Completely pro-bono work earns goodwill but eliminates opportunities. Who will pay a Sanskrit scholar to learn when SB is teaching half-baked Skt for free?
There are lot of matters to teach beyond basic sanskrit conversation, and people are willing to pay for it (plus the certificates).
High register not required for shAstra
In fact there is a famous nyAya quote reg. this. to
In the heat of an argument, the Tārkika says, “इदं तु पटम्!” (“This is a cloth!”). This is incorrect, because “Paṭa” is masculine, and he should have said, “अयं तु पटः”.
The Vaiyyākaraṇi jumps on this: “कथं कथं पटम् इति?” (“How come you’re calling it Paṭam [when it should be Paṭaḥ]?”
The Tārkika coolly replies, “घटम् इव पटम्!” [“Paṭam is like the word Ghaṭam!”] This is wrong too – Ghaṭa is masculine as well!
The Vaiyyākaraṇi is flabbergasted, and shouts “कथं कथं घटम् इति?!” The Tārkika has a ready answer: “यथं इव घटं, तथं इव पटम्!” Aaargh! He’s twisting avyayas also to fit his logic! The words should be यथा and तथा!
The Vaiyyākaraṇi plaintively wails, “कथम् कथम्?!!!”
Pat comes the reply: “कथम् इव यथं, यथम् इव तथं, तथम् इव घटम्, घटम् इव पटम्”. Even ‘Katham’ has been enlisted, and the poor Vaiyyākaraṇi gives up and asks, “कथं कथं व्याकरणम् एव उल्लङ्घ्यते?” (“You’re violating every rule of grammar!”)
The Tārkika’s reply shuts him up permanently: “अस्माकोणां तार्किकेषाम् अर्थनि आसक्तिम्, न तु शब्दरि” (Every word here is wrong – it should read अस्माकं तार्किकाणाम् अर्थे आसक्तिः न तु शब्दे, “We logicians are interested only in meanings, not in sounds”)
Can’t read dramas and texts
Some object: “Simple Sanskrit is like Butler English only less useful. One can’t read any classic Sanskrit Dramas, or Kavyas with that knowledge.”
- You can be taught classic Sanskrit Dramas, or Kavyas using Simple sanskrit register.
- You can consume lots of modern novels, texts and speeches using Simple sanskrit.
Simple sanskrit register is a recent fake neo-language.
“There are several offshoots of Sanskrit that already exist and have evolved organically … Why engineer a neo-language?”
- Simple standard sanskrit is an organic, well-attested register of the language. Listen to this 1961 radio broadcast - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oH80EHYu4I .