01 जीवन्पुत्रेभ्यो दायं विभजेत्समङ् ...{Loading}...

जीवन्पुत्रेभ्यो दायं विभजेत्समं क्लीबमुन्मत्तं पतितं च परिहाप्य १

02 पुत्राभावे यः प्रत्यासन्नः ...{Loading}...

पुत्राभावे यः प्रत्यासन्नः सपिण्डः २

03 तदभाव आचार्य आचार्याभावेऽन्तेवासी ...{Loading}...

तदभाव आचार्य आचार्याभावेऽन्तेवासी हृत्वा तदर्थेषु धर्मकृत्येषु वोपयोजयेत् ३

04 दुहिता वा ...{Loading}...

दुहिता वा ४

05 सर्वाभावे राजा दायं ...{Loading}...

सर्वाभावे राजा दायं हरेत ५

06 ज्येष्ठो दायाद इत्येके ...{Loading}...

ज्येष्ठो दायाद इत्येके ६

07 देशविशेषे सुवर्णम्कृष्णा गावः ...{Loading}...

देशविशेषे सुवर्णङ्कृष्णा गावः कृष्णं भौमं ज्येष्ठस्य ७

08 रथः पितुः परीभाण्डञ् ...{Loading}...

रथः पितुः परीभाण्डं च गृहे ८

09 अलङ्कारो भार्याया ज्ञातिधनञ् ...{Loading}...

अलंकारो भार्याया ज्ञातिधनं चेत्येके ९

10 तच्छास्त्रैर्विप्रतिषिद्धम् ...{Loading}...

तच्छास्त्रैर्विप्रतिषिद्धम् १०

11 मनुः पुत्रेभ्यो दायं ...{Loading}...

मनुः पुत्रेभ्यो दायं व्यभजदित्यविशेषेण श्रूयते ११

12 अथापि तस्माद्ज्येष्ठम् पुत्रन् ...{Loading}...

अथापि तस्माद्ज्येष्ठं पुत्रं धनेन निरवसाययन्तीत्येकवच्छ्रुयते १२

13 अथापि नित्यानुवादमविधिमाहुर्न्यायविदो, यथा ...{Loading}...

+++(समाधानम् -)+++ अथापि नित्यानुवादमविधिमाहुर्न्यायविदो, यथा - “तस्मादजावयः पशूनां सह चरन्तीति” “तस्मात्स्नातकस्य मुखं रेभायतीव” “तस्माद्बस्तश्च श्रोत्रियश्चस्त्रीकामतमाविति” १३

14 सर्वे हि धर्मयुक्ता ...{Loading}...

सर्वे हि धर्मयुक्ता भागिनः १४

15 यस्त्वधर्मेण द्रव्याणि प्रतिपादयति ...{Loading}...

यस्त्वधर्मेण द्रव्याणि प्रतिपादयति +++(=व्ययीकरोति)+++ ज्येष्ठोऽपि तमभागं कुर्वीत १५

16 जायापत्योर् न विभागो ...{Loading}...

जाया-पत्योर् न विभागो विद्यते १६

17 पाणिग्रहणाद्धि सहत्वङ् कर्मसु ...{Loading}...

पाणिग्रहणाद्धि सहत्वं कर्मसु १७

18 तथा पुण्यफलेषु ...{Loading}...

तथा पुण्यफलेषु १८

19 द्रव्यपरिग्रहेषु च ...{Loading}...

द्रव्यपरिग्रहेषु च १९

20 न हि भर्तुर्विप्रवासे ...{Loading}...

न हि भर्तुर्विप्रवासे नैमित्तिके दाने स्तेयमुपदिशन्ति २०

    1. The last Sūtra of Khaṇḍa 13 and the first of Khaṇḍa 14 are quoted by Colebrooke, Digest, Book V, Text xlii, and Mitākṣarā, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6. Colebrooke translates jīvan, ‘during his lifetime,’ by ‘who makes a partition during his lifetime.’ I think that this is not quite correct, and that Āpastamba intends to exhort householders to make a division during their lifetime, as later they ought to become ascetics or hermits. Haradatta introduces into his commentary on this Sūtra the whole chapter on the division of a father’s estate amongst his sons, supplementing Āpastamba’s short rule by the texts of other lawyers. No doubt, Āpastamba means to lay down, in these and the following Sūtras, only the leading principles of the law of inheritance, and he intends that the remaining particulars should be supplied from the law of custom or other Smṛtis.
  1. ‘अनर्हौ’ इति ड. पु. म.स्मृ. ९ २०१. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. वृत्त्यनिमित्ते क्लीबादयस्तु न भर्तव्याः, इति ड. पु. उन्मत्तपतित्तौ निवृत्तनिमित्तौ इति च. पु. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. नार० स्मृ० १३. ३. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  4. म०स्मृ० ९.१११. वचनात् इति. क.घ. पुस्तकयोः । ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  5. Haradatta gives in his commentary a full summary of the rules on the succession of remoter relations. One point only deserves special mention. He declares that it is the opinion of Āpastamba, that widows cannot inherit. In this he is probably right, as Āpastamba does not mention them, and the use of the p. 134 masculine singular ‘sapiṇḍaḥ’ in the text precludes the possibility of including them under that collective term. It seems to me certain, that Āpastamba, like Baudhāyana, considered women, especially widows, unfit to inherit. ↩︎

  6. मुद्रितबृहस्पतिस्मृतौ नेदं वचनमुपलभ्यते । परन्तु ‘जनन्यां संस्थितायां’ (९.१९२.) इतिश्लोकव्याख्यानावसरे कुल्लकभट्टेनेदं वचनं बृहस्पतिवचनत्वेनैवोदाहृतम् । ↩︎

  7. सा न मातृकम् , इति ड.पु ↩︎

  8. म० स्मृ० ९, १३१ ↩︎

  9. म० स्मृ० ९. १९२. ↩︎

  10. २. ४. ५. ७. इमानि वचनानि मुद्रित तत्तग्रन्थेषु नोपलभ्यन्ते । ↩︎

  11. म० स्मृ० ७. १५३. १५३. ↩︎

  12. या० स्मृ० २. १३३, ↩︎

  13. गौ०ध० २८. १८ ↩︎

  14. म०स्मृ० ९. १३४. ↩︎

  15. या०स्मृ० २. १२७. ↩︎

  16. म०स्मृ० १. १७२. ↩︎

  17. ना० स्मृ० १३. ४. ↩︎

  18. व० स्मृ० १७. २५ ↩︎

  19. म० स्मृ० ९. १७३. ↩︎

  20. म० स्मृ० ९. १७०. ↩︎

  21. म० स्मृ० ९ १८२. ↩︎

  22. म० स्मृ० ९. १७४. ↩︎

  23. म० स्मृ० ९. १७७. ↩︎

  24. म० स्मृ० ९. १६९. ↩︎

  25. म० स्मृ० १. १७१. ↩︎

  26. , या० स्मृ० २. १३३. ↩︎

  27. या० स्मृ० २. १३२. ↩︎

  28. म० स्मृ० १. १८४. ↩︎

  29. ना० स्मृ० १३. ४९. ↩︎

  30. म० स्मृ० ९. १३४. ↩︎

  31. व० ध० १५. ६. ९. ↩︎

  32. म० स्मृ० ९. २०८. ↩︎

  33. शौर्य विद्याधनं तथा इति. घ. पु. शौर्यं भार्याधनं तथा इति. ड. पु. ↩︎

  34. या० स्मृ० २. १९९. ↩︎

  35. मत्स्यपु० अ० १८ श्लो० २९. ↩︎

  36. तै०सं० ६, ५.८. ↩︎

  37. म० स्मृ० ९. १८. निरिन्द्रिया ह्यमन्त्राश्च स्त्रियोऽनृतमिति श्रुतिः, इति मुद्रितपुस्तकपाठः । बोधायनसूत्रे तु प्रायस्संवदति ( ३. २. ४७.) पाठः । ↩︎

  38. धूमावसानिकं श्रान्यं सन्ध्यायां स्नानतत्परा । इति ड. भूमावसनिकं इति. घ. पु. ↩︎

  39. या०स्मृ० २. १३८. ↩︎

  40. गो०ध० २८, २१, २२. ↩︎

  41. या० स्मृ० २. १३८, १३९, ↩︎

  42. पितैवेति वयम् इति च. पु. ↩︎

  43. ‘Some say “on failure of sons,” others that the rule refers to the preceding Sūtra (i.e. that the daughter inherits on failure of pupils only).’–Haradatta. The latter seems to be the correct interpretation. ↩︎

  44. ‘Because the word “all” is used, (the king shall take the estate) only on failure of Bandhus and Sagotras, i.e. gentiles within twelve degrees.’–Haradatta. ↩︎

  45. ‘The other sons shall live under his protection.’–Haradatta. Colebrooke, Mitākṣarā, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6. ↩︎

  46. ‘“Black produce of the earth,” i.e. black grain, or according to others black iron.’–Haradatta. Compare for this and the following Sūtras Colebrooke, Mitākṣarā, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6, and Digest, Book V, Text xlviii. ↩︎

  47. The translation given above agrees with what I now recognise to be Haradatta’s explanation, and with Colebrooke, Mitākṣarā, Chap. I, Sect. iii, Par. 6. Both the P. U. and Mr. U. MSS. of the Ujjvalā read rathaḥ pituraṃśo gṛhe yatparibhāṇḍam upakaraṇam pīṭhādi tadapi, ’the chariot (is) the father’s share; the furniture which (is) in the house, that also.’ To this reading Mahādeva’s Ujjvalā on the Hiraṇyakeśi Sūtra points likewise, which gives pītur antaḥ. The N. U. MS. of the Ujjvalā, according to which p. 135 I made the translation given in the Appendix to West and Bühler’s Digest (1st edition), leaves out the word aṃśaḥ, and therefore makes it necessary to combine this Sūtra, with the preceding one, and to translate, ‘The father’s chariot and the furniture in the house (are) also (the share of the eldest).’ This latter translation agrees nearly with that given by Colebrooke, Digest, Book V, Text xlviii, where this and the preceding Sūtra have been joined; but the chariot is not mentioned. A further variation in the interpretation of this Sūtra occurs in Colebrooke’s Digest, Book V, Text lxxxix, and Mitākṣarā, loc. cit., where the words ’the furniture in the house’ are joined with Sūtra 9, and the furniture is declared to be the wife’s share. Considering that Sūtra 9 is again quoted in Colebrooke’s Digest, Book V, Text cccclxxii, and is not joined with the latter part of Sūtra 8, it is not too much to say that Jagannātha has not shown any greater accuracy than his brethren usually do. ↩︎

  48. The Mitākṣarā, loc. cit., apparently takes the words ‘according to some’ as referring only, to property received from relations. I follow Haradatta. The former interpretation is, however, admissible, if the Sūtra is split into two. ↩︎

  49. The Śāstras are, according to Haradatta, the Vedas. ↩︎

  50. Taittirīyā Saṃhitā III, 1, 9, 4. ↩︎

  51. ‘Athāpi (now also) means “and certainly.” They distinguish, they set apart the eldest son by wealth: this has been declared in the Veda in conformity with (the rule regarding) one (heir, Sūtra 6). He denies (Sūtra 13) that a passage also, which p. 136 agrees with the statement that the eldest son alone inherits, is found in the Veda.’–Haradatta. See Taittirīyā Saṃhitā II, 5, 2, 7. ↩︎

  52. Those who are acquainted with the interpretation of the law are the Mimāṃsakas. The translation of the second Vedic passage is by no means certain, as the root ribh, translated by ’to be resplendent,’ usually means ’to give a sound.’ Haradatta thinks that Āpastamba means to show that the passage ‘Manu divided his wealth among his sons’ is likewise merely a statement of facts, and cannot be considered a rule. This is probably erroneous, as Sūtras 10 and 11 distinctly state, that the practice to allow the eldest alone to inherit, is forbidden by the abovementioned passage of the Veda. ↩︎

  53. Compare for this Sūtra and the following one Colebrooke’s Digest, Book V, Text cccxv. The translation of pratipādayati, ’expends,’ by ‘gains,’ which is also proposed by Jagannātha, is against Āpastamba’s usage, see II, 5, 11, 17, and below, II, 8, 20, 19. ↩︎

  54. According to Haradatta, this Sūtra gives the reason why, in Sūtra 1, no share has been set apart for the wife. Compare Colebrooke’s Digest, Book V, Text lxxxix, for this Sūtra and the following two. ↩︎

  55. See below, II, 11, 29, 3. ↩︎