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‘ आयं गौः’ इति तृचमष्टात्रिंशं सूक्तं गायत्रम् । सार्पराज्ञी नामर्षिका । सैव देवता सूर्यो वेति । तथा चानुक्रान्तम्- आयं गौः सार्पराज्ञ्यात्मदैवतं सौर्यं वा ’ इति । अविवाक्येऽहनि मानसग्रह एतत्सूक्तं शंसनीयम् । सूत्रितं च- आयं गौः पृश्निरक्रमीदित्युपांशु तिस्रः पराचीः शस्त्वा’ (आश्व. श्रौ. ८. १३ ) इति ॥

Jamison Brereton

189 (1015)
Sārparājñı or Su ̄ ̄rya
3 verses: gāyatrī
The Anukramaṇī assigns this hymn either to Sūrya or to the shadowy figure Sārparājñī ([female] descendant of the Queen of the Snakes), who is also said to be its author. The former identification seems far more likely, or, rather, the hymn appears to be set at the dawn sacrifice and to play with the various sources of light
1660 X.190–191
that compete and combine at that time: the sun and the ritual fire, as well as Dawn (vs. 2ab). The fire, and in part its counterpart the sun, is portrayed as a variety of animals: a (male) cow (vs. 1), a buffalo (vs. 2), and a bird. The association of speech with the bird is also found in the Pataṃga hymn (X.177) and probably reflects the importance of ritual speech at the dawn sacrifice. There are no signs of snakes, much less their queen.

01 आयं गौः - गायत्री

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आ ऽयं गौः+++(→गमनशीलो अग्निस् सूर्यो वा, पुरा वृषभराशिस्थः)+++ पृश्नि॑र् अक्रमी॒द्
अस॑दन् +++(→असनत् इति तैत्तिरीये)+++ मा॒तरं॑ +++(भूमिं)+++ पु॒रः ।
पि॒तरं॑ +++(द्यौः)+++ च, प्र॒यन्त् स्वः॑+++(→सुवः॑ इति तैत्तिरीये)+++ ॥

02 अन्तश्चरति रोचनास्य - गायत्री

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अ॒न्तश् च॑रति रोच॒ना +++(→रोहिणी)+++
ऽस्य प्रा॒णाद् अ॑पान॒ती
व्य॑ख्यन्+++(=प्राकाशयन्)+++ महि॒षो दिव॑म्+++(→सुवः॑ इति तैत्तिरीये)+++ ॥

03 त्रिंशद्धाम वि - गायत्री

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+++(दिने मुहूर्ता, मासे दिनानि वा)+++
त्रिं॒शद् धाम॒ वि रा॑जति॒ +++(आदित्यात्मा ऽग्निः)+++,
+++(रोहिणी स्तुतिर् वा)+++ वाक् +++(सूर्य-)+++प॑तं॒-गाय॑ धीयते+++(→शिश्रिये इति तैत्तिरीये)+++ ।
प्रति॒ वस्तो॒र्+++(=उषसो)+++ अह॒+++(=ह)+++ द्युभिः॑
+++(→प्रत्य॑स्य वह॒ द्युभिः इति तैत्तिरीये)+++॥