
King Triśaṅku in Bālakāṇḍa of Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, wanted to go to svarga while retaining his human body. Uttarakāṇḍa’s śūdra Śambūka wanted to become a deva (greater goal) while retaining his human body. Both faced their share of repercussions. - satyan

  • तद्-वधे न केवलं सशरीरदेवत्वकामः, अपि तु तद्-युगोचित-वर्णधर्म-व्यभिचारः, यदाधारेणैव ब्रह्मद्विष आक्षिपन्ति। तन् न व्याख्यातम्।
  • nArada’s statement: “…a man of the lowest caste may not give himself up to penance in the Dwapara Yuga; it is only in the Kali Yuga that the practice of asceticism is permitted to the Shudra caste.”