Monkey leaders enter Madhuvan on the outskirts of Kishkinda and destroy it in their drunkenness.
ततो जाम्बवतो वाक्यमगृह्णन्त वनौकसः।
अङ्गदप्रमुखा वीरा हनुमांश्च महाकपिः॥5.61.1॥
ततः then, अङ्गदप्रमुखाः Angada and other leaders, वीराः heroes, वनौकसः wanderers of the forest, vanaras, महाकपिः great monkey, हनुमांश्च and Hanuman, जाम्बवतः Jambavan’s, वाक्यम् these words, अगृह्णन्त agreed upon.
In the midst of all the leaders of the monkeys including Angada, Hanuman accepted Jambavan’s advice.
प्रीतिमन्तस्ततः सर्वे वायुपुत्रपरस्पराः।
महेन्द्राद्रिं परित्यज्य पुप्लुवुः प्लवगर्षभाः॥5.61.2॥
मेरुमन्दरसङ्काशा मत्ता इव महागजाः।
छादयन्त इवाकाशं महाकाया महाबलाः॥5.61.3॥
सभाज्यमानं भूतैस्तमात्मवन्तं महाबलम्।
हनूमन्तं महावेगं वहन्त इव दृष्टिभिः॥5.61.4॥
राघवे चार्थनिर्ववृत्तिं कर्तुं च परमं यशः।
समाधाय समृद्धार्थाः सर्वेसिद्धिभिरुन्नता॥5.61.5॥
प्रियाख्यानोन्मुखाः सर्वे सर्वे युद्धाभिनन्दिनः।
सर्वे रामप्रतीकारे निश्चितार्था मनस्स्विनः॥5.61.6॥
ततः then, मेरुमन्दरसङ्काशाः resembling Meru mountain, मत्ताः in rut, गजाः इव like elephants, आकाशम् sky, छादयन्तः इव as though covering the sky, महाकायाः of huge body, महाबलाः mighty, प्लवगर्षभाः bulls among leaping monkeys, सर्वे all, महेन्द्राद्रिम् from the summit of Mahendra mountain, परित्यज्य left, प्रीतिमन्तः very happily, वायुपुत्रपुरस्सराः led by the son of the Windgod, भूतैः all creatures, सभाज्यमानम् praised by, आत्मवन्तम् selfconfident, महाबलम् mighty, महावेगम् swift, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, दृष्टिभिः seeing, वहन्तः इव like seeing without blinking, राघवे Rama’s, अर्थनिर्ववृततिम् remaining in state of offering, परमम् supreme, यशः fame, कर्तुम् to do, समाधाय concentrating, समृद्धार्थाः better than others, कर्मसिद्धिभिः accomplished ones, उन्नताः eager, पुप्लुवुः jumping vanaras, सर्वे all, प्रियाख्यानोन्मुखाः pleasantly talking among themselves, सर्वे all, युद्धाभिनन्दिनः anxious to wage a war, मनस्स्विनः determined, सर्वे all, रामप्रतीकारे to please, निश्चितार्थाः determined.
Thereafter led by Hanuman, all the vanaras left Mahendra mountain and marched very happily. The vanaras were strong and huge like elephants and resembled mountain Meru. Moreover when they leaped up they seemed to cover the sky (so it was difficult to tell their numbers). Since Hanuman had accomplished the task, the vanaras were praising his strength, his swiftness and courage. They were looking at Hanuman without blinking their eyes, and seemed as though they were carrying him by their eyes. They were determined in their minds to please Rama. Remaining in a state of offering themselves, some of them more accomplished than others, collected together eager to wage war and talking pleasantly among themselves having resolved to assist Rama.
प्लवमानाः खमाप्लुत्य ततस्ते काननौकसः।
नन्दनोपमयासेदुर्वनं द्रुमलतायुतम्॥5.61.7॥
ततः then, ते they, काननौकसः forestdwellers, monkeys, खम् sky, आफ्लुत्य rising up, प्लवमानाः started leaping, द्रुमलतायुतम् filled with trees and creepers, नन्दनोपमम् like the garden of Indra, वनम् garden, आसेदुः entered.
“The monkeys leaped into the sky and entered the garden that resembled the garden of Indra filled with trees and creepers.
यत्तन्मधुवनं नाम सुग्रीवस्याभिरक्षितम्।
अधृष्यं सर्वभूतानां सर्वभूतमनोहरम्॥5.61.8॥
अभिरक्षितम् wellprotected, सर्वभूतानाम् all creatures, अधृष्यम् difficult to access, सर्वभूतमनोहरम् enchanting to all beings, यत् that, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva’s, मधुवनं नाम Madhuvanam, तत् that.
The Madhuvanam of Sugriva was wellprotected and was difficult to access for the vanaras. It was enchating to all beings.
यद्रक्षति महावीर्यस् सदा दधिमुखः कपिः।
मातुलः कपिमुख्यस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः॥5.61.9॥
महात्मनः great, कपिमुख्यस्य foremost of monkeys, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva’s, मातुलः maternal uncle, महावीर्यः of great valour, दधिमुखः Dadhimukha, कपिः monkey, यत् that which, सदा always, रक्षति protected.
Dadhimukha, the foremost of all monkeys, of great valour and the maternal uncle of Sugriva was the caretaker of the garden.
ते तद्वनमुपागम्य बभूवुः परमोत्कटाः।
वानरा वानरेन्द्रस्य मनः कान्ततमं महत्॥5.61.10॥
ते those, वानराः vanaras, वानरेन्द्रस्य Vanara king’s, मनःकान्ततमम् delighting to all, महत् extensive, तत् that, वनम् garden, उपागम्य on reaching, परमोत्कटाः highly rejoiced, बभूवुः became.
On reaching the vanara king’s extensive, delightful garden all the vanaras highly rejoiced.
ततस्ते वानरा हृष्टा दृष्टवा मधुवनं महत्।
कुमारमभ्ययाचन्त मधूनि मधुपिङ्गलाः॥5.61.11॥
ततः then, मधुपिङ्गलाः honeycoloured monkeys, ते वानराः those vanaras, महत् large, मधुवनम् Madhuvanam, दृष्ट्वा seeing, हृष्टाः happy, कुमारम् young Angada, मधूनि honey, अभ्ययाचन्त sought permission.
The honeycoloured monkeys felt happy on seeing the Madhuvanam and sought Angada’s permission to drink honey.
ततः कुमारस्तान् वृद्धान् जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान् कपीन्।
अनुमान्य ददौ तेषां विसर्गं मधुभिक्षणे॥5.61.12॥
ततः then, कुमारः young Angada, वृद्धान् old, तान् him, जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान् chief of monkeys Jambavan, कपीन् monkey, अनुमान्य permitting, तेषाम् them, मधुभक्षणे to drink honey, निसर्गम् leave, ददौ gave.
Young Angada asked old Jambavan’s permission for the vanaras to drink honey and Jambavan permitted them.
ततश्चानुमतास् सर्वे सम्प्रहृष्टा वनौकसः।
मुदिताः प्रेरिताश्चापि प्रनृत्यन्तोऽभवंस्तदा॥5.61.13॥
ततः then, सर्वे all, वनौकसः forestdwellers, monkeys, अनुमताः having been permitted, सम्प्रहृष्टाः very happily, तदा then, प्रेरिताः motivated, मुदिताः rejoiced, प्रनृत्यन्तः started dancing, अभवन् they.
Permitted thus to drink honey the forestdwelling monkeys were motivated. They rejoiced very happily and started dancing.
गायन्ति केचित्प्रणमन्ति केचिन्नृत्यन्ति केचित्प्रहसन्ति केचित्।
पतन्ति केचिद्विचरन्ति केचित्ल्पवन्ति केचित्प्रलपन्ति केचित्॥5.61.14॥
केचित् some, गायन्ति sang, केचित् some, प्रणमन्ति prostrated, केचित् few, नृत्यन्ति danced,
केचित् some, प्रहसन्ति laughed, केचित् while others, पतन्ति fell down, केचित् some, विचरन्ति roamed, केचित् few, प्लवन्ति jumped up, केचित् some, प्रलपन्ति jumped up.
Some sang, some prostrated on the ground, some danced, while some laughed, some jumped from the tree, some roamed about and some jumped up and down.
परस्परं केचिदुपाश्रयन्ते परस्परं केचिदुपाक्रमन्ते।
परस्परं केचिदुपब्रुवन्ते परस्परं केचिदुपारमन्ते॥5.61.15॥
केचित् some, परस्परम् to one another, उपाश्रयन्ते comforted, केचित् some, परस्परम् one another, उपाक्रमन्ते held, केचित् some, परस्परम् one another, उपब्रुवन्ते exchanged secrets, केचित् some, परस्परम् to one another, उपारमन्ते entertained.
While some supported one another, some held each other, some exchanged secrets with one another, some entertained one another.
द्रुमाद्द्रुमं केचिदभिद्रवन्ते क्षितौ नगाग्रान्निपतन्ति केचित्।
महीतलात्केचिदुदीर्णवेगा महाद्रुमाग्राण्यभिसम्पतन्ति॥5.61.16॥
केचित् some, द्रुमात् from tree, द्रुमम् to another tree, अभिद्रवन्ते ran, केचित् some, नगाग्रात् from the top of tree jumped down, क्षितौ broken, निपतन्ति fell down, केचित् some, उदीर्णवेगाः very swift ones, महातलात् from the huge trees, महाद्रुमाग्राणि from the top of trees, अभिसम्पतन्ति fell down.
While some ran from one tree to another, some jumped down from broken branches, and some swiftfooted ones fell down from the top of trees.
गायन्तमन्यः प्रहसन्नुपैति हसन्तमन्यः प्ररुदन्नुपैति।
रुदन्तमन्यः प्रणुदन्नुपैति नुदन्तमन्यः प्रणदन्नुपैति॥5.61.17॥
गायन्तम् singing, अन्यः others, प्रहनम् laughing, उपैति on who fell, हसन्तम् laughing, अन्यः others, प्ररुदन् went roaring aloud, उपैति fell, रुदन्तम् roaring, अन्यः others, प्रणुदन्
pushing, उपैति fell on others, नुदन्तम् encouraged to do some thing, अन्यः others, प्रणदन् shouting, उपैति fell over.
While one was singing, others approached him laughing while some were laughing others fell on them laughing excessively. While some were roaring, others went pushing them down. While some were encouraged to do something others shouted at them.
समाकुलं तत्कपिसैन्यमासीन्मधुप्रसानोत्कटसत्त्वचेष्टम्।
न चात्र कश्चिन्न बभूव मत्तो न चात्र कश्चिन्न बभूव तृप्तः॥5.61.18॥
मधुप्रसानोत्कटसत्त्वचेष्टम् lost control due to drinking honeywine, तत् that, कपिसैन्यम् army of monkeys, समाकुलम् collected together, आसीत् quietly seated, अत्र there, कश्चित् not even one, मत्तः intoxicated, न बभूव not there, इति न not only this, अत्र there, कश्चित् none, तृप्तः satisfied, न बभूव इति न not there like that.
The army of monkeys had lost control over their bodies due to drinking of honeywine. Not even one was quietly seated there. Not even one was not intoxicated. Not only that, none were satisfied.
ततो वनं तत्परिभक्ष्यमाणं द्रुमांश्च विध्वंसितपत्रपुष्पान्।
समीक्ष्य कोपाद्धधिवक्रनामा निवारयामास कपिः कपींस्तान्॥5.61.19॥
ततः that, दधिवक्त्रनामा named Dadhimukha, कपिः monkey, परिभक्ष्यमाणम् drank all the honeywine, तत् that, वनम् garden, विध्वंसितपत्रपुष्पान् leaves, flowers, द्रुमांश्च and trees, समीक्ष्य seeing, कोपात् in anger, तान् कपीन् the monkeys, निवारयामास asked them to stop and get out.
Beholding the destruction wrought by the vanaras to the garden, trees, leaves and flowers, and having drunk all the honey, Dadhimukha angrily asked them to stop and get out.
स तैः प्रवृद्धैः परिभर्त्स्यमानो वनस्य गोप्ता हरिवीरवृद्धः।
चकार भूयो मतिमुग्रतेजा वनस्य रक्षां प्रति वानरेभ्यः॥5.61.20॥
प्रवृद्धैः by the elderly, तैः by both, परिभर्त्स्यमानः reprimanded, वनस्य garden’s, गोप्ता caretaker, हरिवीरवृद्धः old monkey leader, उग्रतेजाः powerful one, वानरेभ्यः by vanaras, वनस्य garden’s, रक्षांप्रति to protect, भूयः again, मतिम् in his mind, चकार thought over.
The elderly Dadhimukha who was the powerful protector of the garden reprimanded them and devised yet again a plan to protect it.
उवाच कांश्चित्परुषाणि धृष्टमसक्तमन्यांश्च तलैर्जघान।
समेत्य कैश्चित्कलहं चकार तथैव साम्नोपजगाम कांश्चित्॥5.61.21॥
कांश्चित् to some, परुषाणि in harsh words, उवाच spoken, अन्यांश्च to others, असक्तम् not to say, तलैः with the palm of the hand, धृष्टम् slapped, जघान hind part, समेत्य with good words, कैश्चित् with some, कलहम् quarrel, चकार made, तथैव in the same way, कांश्चित् some, साम्ना approached, उपजगाम in a conciliatory manner.
He spoke harshly to some, to others he asked not to talk, some he slapped on the hind part with the palm of his hand. To some he spoke pleasantly and with some he quarrelled. And to others he spoke in a conciliatory manner.
स तैर्मदात्संपरिवार्य वाक्यैर्भलाच्छ तेन प्रतिवार्यमाणैः।
प्रधर्षितस्त्यक्तभयैस् समेत्य प्रकृष्यते चाप्यनवेक्ष्य दोषम्॥5.61.22॥
तैर्मदात् in their drunkenness, अप्रतिवार्यवाक्यैः speaking in abusive language, तेन by them, बलात् by their strength, प्रतिवार्यमाणैः retaliated, त्यक्तभयैः devoid of fear, तैः those, प्रधर्षितः roared, सः that, दोषं च mistakes only, अनवेक्ष्य not seeing, सम्ये held, प्रकृष्यते च pulled.
In their drunkenness they were using abusive language and with their strength they retaliated without fear. They invaded without considering their mistakes. They caught hold of Dadhimukha and pulled him.
नखैस्तुदन्तो दशनैर्दशन्त स्तलैश्च पादैश्च समापयन्तः।
मदात्कपिं तं कपयस् समग्रा महावनं निर्विषयं च चक्रुः॥5.61.23॥
समग्राः all of them together, कपयः that monkey, मदात् in their drunkenness, नखैः with nails, तुदन्तः scratched, दशनैः with teeth, दशन्तः bitten, तलैश्च with palms, पादैश्च legs, तं कपिम् the monkeys, समापयन्तः getting together, महावनम् great garden, निर्विषयम् completely, चक्रुः looted.
In their drunkenness some monkeys scratched Dadhimukha violently with their nails, some bit him with their teeth and others slapped and kicked him with their palms and legs.Getting together they looted the garden completely.
श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकषष्टितमस् सर्गः॥
Thus ends the sixtyfirst sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.