Air travel

Factors affecting price

Travel date/ day

Tickets cost more in certain months.

Tickets tend to cost more on Fridays, saturday, sunday, than on weekdays (especially monday).

Airport demand/ competition

Flights from Dallas or houston probably cost less than flights from austin.

Operation costs

Some airlines are cheaper than others.

Fuel costs

This constitutes a major part of the operating costs.

Airlines which have access to cheaper fuel - either due to a stockpile (Southwest Airlines in 2000-2009), or geographic location (Emirates airlines) can offer lower prices.

Cheap international airlines

Try Sri Lankan or Korean airlines.


The operating areas of any airline is limited. People often end up using multiple airlines to complete their journey. Alliances of airlines can offer tickets for such journeys - thus geographically diverse alliances are advantageous to the business of individual airlines.

Customer retention programs


They offer incentives for customer loyalty with rewards which correspond to the number of miles traveled.

To make extra money, they sell products on flights, and offer lounges at various airports.

Travel agencies

Online and offline agencies sell tickets/ reservations on behalf of airlines, car rental agencies and hotels.

Clubbing these reservations together may result in lower costs for the consumer.

Hotel reservations

Expedia seemed to keep a 70$ margin on reservations (which was discounted for its employes).

Air-Ticket sales

It is often advantageous to call an agent - especially for international travel - to look for the best deal: some airlines are not listed on travel search websites.


Look at Orbitz and expedia. Check Southwest website, as it is not listed in these.



  • General charges
    • ₹ For Domestic flights INR 3500 Within 4 Days of Departure Time, INR 3000 Beyond 4 Days.
    • For International flights INR 5000 Within 4Days of Departure Time, INR 4500 Beyond 4 Days


EDESTINATIONS INC 1-800-949-FARE (rAjIv: works 7 days a week)

Car rentals

Car rentals seem to be cheaper on the internet - due to greater competition and clarity for the customer.

Communication networks

These networks provide infrastructure and services like internet access, (mobile) telephony, cable television etc..