Smart fraction

How the smart fraction (vide Griffe du Lion); physician fraction &scientist fraction scale with mean IQ in the range. I arrived at values for physician fraction &scientist fractions independently by myself but it is notable that a noted IQ worker Gottfredson give similar values.

doctor-scientist-smart-fraction vs mean-iq MT
doctor-scientist-smart-fraction vs mean-iq MT

(I0: the IQ threshold beyond which the area under the distribution curve gives you the IQ fraction required for being part of smart fraction or being a doctor or a scientist)

There are no entirely reliable estimates of Indian IQ. 1 average estimate that has been widely proposed is 85. Assuming a constant s.d of 15 we get the below table; Here “smart fraction” is # of people with IQ>108 which an author going by the name du Lion proposes to be a powerful predictor of national economic performance.
I use IQ>=137 as the scientist fraction i.e. that fraction of population that can be effective scientists who produce science/math/tech innovations.

IQ : Pop Smart Frac Sci. Frac
India 85 1.324e+09 82878260 348844.2
China 103 1.379e+09 509459608 16141606
USA 100 323100000 95928852 2203174
Mongolia 101 3027000 969757 5 . 24813 94

From different kinds of experience in desh I think that the Indian IQ might actually have a mean of around 94. If we assume this then we get the below table for the same: This would imply we have roughly similar absolute # of sci. frac individuals as the US.

IO Pop Smart Frac Sci Frac
India 94 1.324e+09 232128903 2746106
China 103 1.379e+09 509459608 16141606
USA 100 323100000 95928852 2203174
Mongolia 101 3027000 969757.5 24813.94

There is no indication thus far that chIna-s have the excess indicated in the table. This might arise from the verbal/quant differentiation in different populations as du Lion speculated. Others have said there might be chIna boosterism in play.

If we take another lower but perhaps more realistic chIna estimate & add a few other countries with their own caveats we get this table

IO Pop Smart Frac Sci Frac
India 94 1.324e+09 232128903 2746106
China 101.5 1.379e+09 458360725 12375898
USA 100 323100000 95928852 2203174
Japan 104 1.27e+08 50147590 1765738
UK 100 53010000 15738745 361467.9
Germany 102 82670000 28486285 811433.2
Mongolia 101 3027000 969757.5 24813.94
  1. mentioned upfront no truly reliable estimates
  2. these are reasonable starting points - not way out.
  3. distribution will remain normal but may be s.d is greater indeed (that may be true of chIna-s too I think). Let’s assume a reasonable s.d=17 then we get:
IO Pop Smart Frac Sci Frac
India 94 1.324e+09 271557033 7563608
China 101.5 1.379e+09 458360725 12375898
USA 100 323100000 95928852 2203174
Japan 104 1.27e+08 50147590 1765738
UK 100 53010000 15738745 361467.9
Germany 102 82670000 28486285 811433.2
Mongolia 101 3027000 969757.5 24813.94