
Source: TW

Jiānkūn 堅昆 is not of wolf descent. Their ancestors were born in a cave north of the Kögmän Mountain (曲漫山 Sayan) as the offspring of a god and a cow (神與牸牛). They have yellow hair, green eyes, red beards.

The (green) color of the Kirghiz eyes was noted in manuscript PT 1283 by the Turkic agents. This indicates Western Eurasian ancestry. This taken with the Indo-Iranian type R1a1 among them indicates that they did descend from an Aryan population on the steppe that was Turkicized.

The Qirghiz, unlike other Turks, claimed descent not from the wolf but from a God and cow, & so revered cows.
There seem to have been some Hindu influence, for even Gardizi wrote that “the Qirghiz, like the Hindus, burn their dead, saying that fire is the utmost purifying thing.”

This probably is a memory of myth similar to pR^iShni the wife of rudra being called the cow of heavens – on whom rudra fathered the maruts. See: