Socio-cultural ethos

Heathen polity

Broader hindu world is included in the Heroes page.

We are after all their closest inheritors.


Anushirvan, pre-Islamic emperor of Persia (531 – 79), who gave refuge to neo-platonist scholars chased away by Christian goons led by Justinian. Critical in spurring contributions to science from (often nominal) muslims in later times.

Babek khoremi

the Persian heathen fighter against the Arab madmen, brutally executed in the end as usual. [M]

Mahizadyar the Parthian

Babek’s associate, who vowed to restore the Sassanian regime, the Persian language (which was being displaced by Arabic) and overthrow the Arabs. [M]

SuLu Khan

SuLu Khan, Kakhan of the Tuergish, who led a coalition of pagans (including parsi-s and Tibetans) in the defence against a coalition of Islamic forces and the Chinese.

Mansur Al Hallaj

who chose a painful death, rather than lie about his atheism in 10th century even as the the Kalif (a fellow atheist) begged him to lie; who was shockingly digested by the later intolerant monotheist sUfi tradition.

Amasanji Taiji

son of Esen Taiji (tamer of the Ming), ruler of the oirats, who defeated and reversed the Islam blight spreading among his people [M].

Tokugawa Iyesu

who exterminated the preta blight from japan.

George Gemistos Plethon

[M], who was an “underground” Pagan with a pan-heathen vision, preceptorial grandfather of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Giordano Bruno

[W], pantheist, tried for heresy and burnt at the stake.


  • Jogaila, grand duke of Lithuania, who for the Polish throne [1386] sold the gods and damned Lithuanians down the Christian hierarchy [AH17].