+vaishyas v3

  • Arya-vaishya inclusion into the vaishya varNa.

mArvAri baniya-s seem to comprise elite human capital.

v3 conflicts

There were the famous anti-mArvArI riots in Maha in the late 1800s. The English might have tacitly let them run for a while to make sure no one gets too powerful though they stopped it eventually. It is possibly a widespread feature of conflict between “son of the soil” types & trans-regional groups with strong kinship networks, high intelligence, good economic sense and work ethic.

Comparable conflicts happened in Europe with the paleo-Abrahamists who occupied niches similar to the mArvArI v3. - MT

Root in stress

Every strain of ethnic sub-nationalism in India has a thread of suspicion and prejudice against Baniyas in general, Marwaris in particular and of late, Gujarati businessmen. Take Dravidians, Bengali sub-nationalists, he assorted NE separatists, Khalistanis, Maharashtrian manoos types, Islamists, heck, even various Lohiaite factions all share this prejudice. Also, one of the contributory factors to the predeliction for socialism in Indian politics is the envy and suspicion of the Bania.

One may note that none of these groups ever object to predatory business practices and rent-seeking by in-group members. The suspicion is from the peripatetic nature of the Marwari and their ability to stay true to their roots. One may argue that the suspicion is also an offshoot of the transition of the Indian economy during the 19th CE, when all indigenous production and native trading was amputated. Native capital had no place to invest in except in money lending. Almost anyone who ran a capital surplus engaged in usury as it was the only means of earning returns. There was little regulation on usury and that is where the trope of the harsh unforgiving money-lender Bania seems to have been born.