
shAhu kShatrapati, son of sAmbhAji, who bounced back from mughal captivity (and very poor education in his own religion [TW]) to take over the throne after defeating tArAbAyi, who was wise enough to let the most able men take power. Yet he sadly held bAjIrAv back when it came to completely uprooting the mogol empire[WP], held the mogol emperor in such regard and alleigence as to stop bAjIrAv from even constructing a gate facing north [TW].

वर्धिष्णुर् विक्रमे विष्णोः
सा मूर्तेर् इव वामनी।
शम्भुसूनोर् असौ मुद्रा
शिवराजस्य राजते॥