सम्भाजी - रामसिंहो ऽम्बेरराजा

मूलम् अत्र, अत्र। टिप्पनीर् मानसतरङ्गिणीकारेणात्र


रामराम राजमान-राजमान-महाराज-रामसिंहवर्म-महाशयेषु,

सद्-उचित-समुपचित-गुण-रत्न-धाम-स्नेहाभिलाषी श्रीशम्भुराजवर्मनृप-विहित-वचन-निवेदकम् अदः पत्रम् अत्रत्य-भव्य-भव्यावेदन-पूर्वकं श्रीमद्-गोचरं तद् एव पृच्छति।


यद् उत श्रीमद्भिर् लिखितं, स्वमनसि एवं स्थितं, यद् “दिल्लीन्द्रेण साकं विरोधो न विधेयस्, तस्य महत्वम् एव पालनीयं”,
तदनु +++(युष्मदेकमात्र)+++कुमार-कृष्णसिंहस्य तादृश्यवस्था+++(→हत्या)+++ सुरत्राण-सङ्केत-निष्पन्नेति निपुणं विज्ञाय
+++(while serving in the Emperor’s army in Maharashtra was put to death at about the age of 19 near Purenda on 10th April 1682 for complicity with his rebel son Akbar.)+++
कञ्चिद् राजकार्य-विषयं मनसि कृत्वाऽऽस्माकं स्तुति-पुरःसरं पत्रं प्रेषितम्।

यद् अकबरः सुरत्राणः स्वसविधे स्थापितः - इदम् उचितम् एव कृतं श्रीमद्भिर्, अस्माकम् अपि सम्मतमेतत्।


वयं हिन्दूकाः। अस्मान् भवन्तो यद् आज्ञापयन्ति, तद् अवश्यं विधेयम् इति।
तर्हि प्रकृत-विषये श्रीमद्भिर् मुख्यताम् अवलम्ब्यैतस्य यवनाधमस्य साम्प्रतं
“सकलहिन्दूकाः सत्त्वशून्याः श्रीप्रासाद-भङ्गादि-धर्मोपप्लवे ऽपि स्व-धर्म-रक्षणाक्षमाः स्वधर्महीना” इति मन्यमानस्योत्कर्षं,
तथा क्षत्रिय-शब्दाभिधेय-विपर्ययं,
तथा श्रुति-स्मृति-सिद्ध-वर्णाश्रम-धर्म-प्रजापाल-रूप-राज-धर्म-विप्लवं
चासहिष्णवः स्वकोश-देश-दुर्गादिषु विधृतानादराः।
दुष्ट-यवनाधिप-प्रतिद्वन्द्वितयैव अकबर-दुर्गादासौ स्वदेशे स्थापितौ।
यवनाधिप-सम्बन्धिनः सेनानायकः मारिताः केचित्, कारागृहे स्थापिताः केचिद्, द्रवं गृहीत्वा मोचिताः केचित्, धर्मेण केचिद्, अस्मत्-सैनिकानाम् उत्कोचं दत्वापयाताः। एवं विधा तत्-सेनानायका अप्रयोजकाः।


अस्मिन् समये “यवानाधमः कारागृहस्थो विधेयः, श्री-स्थापनादयः सर्वेपि धर्माः प्रवर्तितव्या” इति मनसि धृत्वा “तद्-अनुकूलम् आचराम” इति विदां कुर्वन्तु तत्रभवन्तो भवन्तः।

किं च वयं भवत्-समक्षं अल्पवयसः स्थितास् स्थिताः।
श्रमतां स्वधर्म-पक्षपात-शौर्यादयो गुणाः श्रुता दृष्टाश्च।
इदानीं तु यूयं सप्ताङ्ग-राज्य-सम्पन्नाः केवलं धैर्यम् अवलम्ब्यास्मदारब्धः यवनाछेदायोपयुक्ता भविष्यथ चेत्, किं किं न भवेत्?
एवं सति स्वधर्मत्यागेन तूष्णीं भावम् आपन्ना इदम् अतीवाश्चर्यम् अस्माकं विधत्ते।

अन्यच्च हाडा-दुर्जनसिंहः कीदृक्? तस्य कोशादि सर्वं भवद्भिर् अस्माभिश्च ज्ञायत एव। परन्तु तेन कोशादिस्थाने धैर्यम् एव मत्वा ऽस्मल्-लिखितानुसारेण कथम् उपप्लवो विहितः! स भवद्भिर् अदूर-वर्तिभिः श्रुत एवास्ति।

अकबर-स्थापने चोदनम्

इतो ऽस्माभिर् विधीयते यत्, तद् विधीयत एवेदानीम् अकबर-दुर्गादासौ गुर्जरदेशं प्रति प्रेष्येते। तर्हि श्रीमद्भिर् धैर्यावष्टम्भेन यत् कर्तव्यं तद् अवश्यं विधेयम्।
पठाणाधिपः शाहाआबास-नामकैर् अकबरस्याङ्गीकार-पूर्वकं पत्रं प्रेषितम्।
तथापि यवनस्यैतादृशं यशो देयम् इति अनुचितम् इति, यथा श्रीमत्-पूज्य-महाराजैर् अयम् एव यवनाधमो दिल्लीश्वरः कृतः, यशो गृहीतं,
तथापि श्रीमद्भिर् अपि अकबर-साहाय्येन यशो ग्राह्यम्।
हिन्दुस्थानस्यैते सुरत्राणाः। एतत्-स्थापने यवनाश् चेन् मुख्यास्, तदा तेषामेव प्राधान्यं स्यात्।
अतस् तद् व्यतिरेके अस्माभिर् भवद्भिश् चाकबरः सुरत्राणो विधेयस्, तेन स्वधर्मरक्षणं भविष्यति।
भवतां च महाराज-जयसिंह-वंशशो भविता।


सविस्तरं च श्रीमत्-कवि-कलश-पत्रात् तथा श्रीमज्-जनार्दन-पण्डित-पत्रात् प्रताप-सिंह-मुख-वचनेभ्यः चारमुखेभ्यश् चावगन्तव्यम्। नितरां स्वकुशल-लेखनेनानन्दनीया वयमिति किं बहुलेखनपल्लवितेन विज्ञधुरन्धरेषु॥



Shri Shambhu Raja craves your friendship and after enquiring about your welfare communicates to Your Highness his own words in this letter.

We have received your communication and understand your object to mean that no opposition should be offered to the Emperor of Delhi…

Thereafter you came to know how your son Krishna Singh met his ruin for having intrigued with Sultan Akbar ; and after full consideration of the political situation you again wrote to us in laudable terms that we acted rightly in offering shelter in our dominion to Sultan Akbar, that you approved the course we followed and that as we are Hindus, you signified your readiness to execute whatever was considered expedient in the circumstances.

If such indeed is your real intention, then you yourself ought to take take lead in this affair. The present wicked Emperor believes that we Hindus have all become effeminate and tint we have lost all regard for our religion. Such an attitude on the part of the Emperor we cannot any longer endure. We cannot put up with anything derogatory to our character as soldiers (Kshatriyas). The Vedas and the codes enjoin certain injunctions of religion…which we cannot allow to be trampled underfoot, nor can we neglect our own duty as kings to our subjects. We are prepared to sacrifice everything, our treasure, our land, our forts, in waging war against this satanic Emperor. We have killed many a brave captain of the Emperor, imprisoned several, released some after exacting ransom, and some out of compassion; several effected their escape by offering bribes. In this way the imperial commanders have proved themselves utterly incompetent. The moment has now arrived when the Emperor himself can be captured and made prisoner with the result that we can rebuild our temples and restore our religious practices. We strongly assure you that we have resolved to execute all this in the near future.

But we are in comparison with you young and inexperienced. We have seen and heard so much about your valour and your zeal for religion. You at present fully possess the seven arms of kingship, so that if you muster courage and co-operate with us in the task of annihilating the power of this Emperor, we can accomplish anything! When we ponder on this situation, we feel extremely surprised to find that you keep yourself so quiet and so unmindful of your religion.

We are planning to dispatch [Muhammad] Akbar…into Gujarat, so that you on your side must courageously execute whatever is possible. Shah Abbas of Persia has signified his willingness to support the cause of Akbar; but it does not…behove us to accept Muslim help in this cause and enable Abbas to gain the credit. Was it not your own revered father Jai Singh who gained the honour of helping Aurangzeb to capture the throne of Delhi? You can now follow the same example and obtain the same credit by helping Akbar (to the throne). If he becomes the Emperor of Delhi with the help of the Muslims of Persia, they will gain predominance. It is necessary to prevent such a contingency. If you and we join our forces and place Akbar on the throne, we shall get the opportunity of protecting our religion and on your part, you will shed lustre on the house of Jai Singh.

My ministers Kavi-kalash and Janardan Pandit are writing to you separately at length…