
  • jeDhe shAkAvalI here.
    • English dates in the shAkAvalI are Julian
  • Uday S Kulkarni book
    • “@MulaMutha actually does mention that all dates used in the book pre 1752 are given as is in “Old Style”. (No conversion applied)
  • Shivaji and his times by jadunath sarkar here
  • English records
    • Adapted Gregorian in 1752
  • Dutch East India company
    • Adapted Gregorian in about 1600 as per Bellarikar
  • Portuguese
    • The new Gregorian Calendar came into vogue in Bassein Goa and other territories under Portuguese domination since October, 1583. But in the territories under the British, the old Julian Calendar held the field till 1752. That leads to difference of ten days before February 1700 and eleven days thereafter.
  • New History Of The Marathas Vol.1 here
  • New History Of The Marathas Vol.2 here
    • Uses Julian date for Feb 8 1736 - siddi destruction of parashurAma temple in chiplun on shivarAtri.
  • Marathas and Panipat here