
  • एवम् ऋग्वेदे ज्ञायते। वसिष्ठपौत्रो ऽथर्व्वमुनेरौरसात्कर्द्दमकन्यायां शान्तिनान्न्यां जातः ऽपरो दध्यङ्नामा।
    • स हि मधुविद्याम् अश्विनीकुमाराभ्यां मधुविद्यां ददन् अश्वशिरा बभूव।
    • तस्य ह्य् अश्वशिरसा देवेन्द्रो ऽसुरनाशञ्चकार। (Ṛgveda, Maṇḍala 1, Anuvāka 13, Sūkta 84)

The stories regarding the two hermits Dadhici and Dadhyaṅ in the Purāṇas are not very clear. In Mahābhārata Dadhīca is mentioned as the son of Bhṛgu, and in Ṛgveda it occurs that Dadhīca was the son of Hermit Atharva who was the son of Vasiṣṭha. Moreover the story of Dadhyaṅ teaching the Aśvinīdevas the ‘Madhuvidyā’ is connected with Dadhici in some other purānas Some statements in the Ṛgveda make it difficult to assume that both Dadhyaṅ and Dadhīci are one and the same person. So shelving on the majority of statements in the various purāṇas this book has accepted the fact that these hermits are separate persons and that Dadhīci was the son of Bhṛgu whereas the hermit who taught Madhuvidyā to the Aśvinīdevas was Dadhyaṅ.]