
  • वासिष्ठ-एकार्षेय-वासिष्ठगोत्रम् इति शुद्धवासिष्ठाः।

भारतीयार्येष्व् अर्वाचीनता

  • “We posit that tarOmaiti corresponds to an inversion of Armaiti who is the daughter of ahura mazdA in the Iranian world. Armaiti’s counterpart is the old Vedic goddess aramati, who is invoked several times in the vaishvadeva recitations. In particular, she is invoked multiply by the vasiShTha-s who appear to be more recent immigrants from the Iranian zone.” MT-iShmin
  • “We notice that unlike other vipra families that have long pre-R^igveda pedigrees in the Vedic world, the brothers vasiShTha, agastya and the lesser known mana suddenly appear claiming divine origin from mitra and varuNa and the patronymic maitravaruNi. Of them, vasiShTha is one of the most prolific composers and has several hymns to varuNa or mitrAvaruNa and also interestingly supplies the longest solo hymn of bhaga in the entire shruti. It is quite possible that these maitravaruNi-s came into the Indic realm from the borderland with Iranians where the Aditya-based system was already rising in dominance.” MT1


jagadguru rAmAnandAchArya, blind grammarian and poet on the tip of whose tongue sarasvatI resides.