
  • वीतहव्यः → सवेतस् (सावेतस-साम-द्रष्टा)।
  • तत्प्रजासु - जैमिनिः, यास्कः।


वीतहव्य was a हैहय-यादव king, whose ancestors had repeatedly attacked the kings of काशि. So, this conflict goes over several generations & दिवोदास (काशिराज) asks a certain भारद्वाज, his पुरोहित for help. With भारद्वाज’s grace, दिवोदास has a son, प्रतर्दन, who manages to defeat वीतहव्य & wants to avenge his ancestors by killing the latter. वीतहव्य takes refuge at an आश्रम of the great भृगु & when प्रतर्दन asks the great ऋषि to hand over वीतहव्य, the ऋषि tells him that there are no non ब्राह्मण-s at his hermitage. Owing to the तपोबल of the great ऋषि, that king became a ब्राह्मण
GA based on mahAbhArata anushAsana-parva 13

Vīta-havya is the name of a prince who is mentioned in the Rigveda1 along with bharadvāja, and as a contemporary of sudās,2 though in both passages it is possible to understand the word as a mere adjective. In the Atharvaveda3 vītahavya appears as connected with jamadagni and asita, but it is clear that the legend there has no value. It is possible, though not certain, that he was a king of the Sṛṇjayas.4 In the yajurveda Saṃhitās5 a vītahavya śrāyasa appears as a king: he may be identical with the vītahavya of the Rigveda, or belong to the same line. Cf. vaitahavya.

  • Vedic index

The legend of vItahavya is garbled and you see 2 different accounts from mahabharata and shaunaka Rigvidhana. We can safely deduce that the vaitahavyas were originally kshatriyas who were absorbed into kevala bhargava set. Rigvidhana makes him a gArtdamada. Irrespective of these uncertainties of original founder, the lineage gave rise to illustrious figures like jaimini and yAska.
इति कस्तूरिः।


पूर्वाश्रम name, शिवराम, was the great उपनिषद्-ब्रह्मेन्द्र, who wrote a commentary on 108 उपनिषद्-s to fulfill the dream of his father, शिवकामेश्वर.

दाशरथिः/ मुदलि-आण्डन्

  • रामानुजभागिनेयः
  • कन्दाडै-आण्डन् इति तदात्मजश् श्रीवैष्णवपीठाधिपतिष्व् अन्यतमः।
  • तदात्मजः - कन्दाडै-तोळप्पार्।

Hagiography gives some folk etymology using gandham+ADai.. but in reality kandadai clan has existed even from the 9th century as seen from a copper plate grant of Nandivarman Pallava III

  • रविलोचनः


Gaṅgādhara Vājapeyayāi also known by names Gangadhara Adhvarin and Gangadhara Suri was a great vedic scholar of the Krishna Yajurveda from Thiruvalangadu in Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu. He was an expert in Nyaya and Taraka Shastra. He was one of the eight jewels at the court of Maratha king Serfoji I of Tanjore. Bhaskararaya acquired knowledge of the Nyaya sastra and Tarka sastra from Gangadhara Vajapeyin.


कर्णाटेषु श्रीवैष्णवमतोपन्यासकः। स्वयमाचार्यः। 31-10-1933 - 26-11-2021.

समाश्रयणम् - इञ्जिमेडु-अळगियशिङ्गर्-यतौ।
भरन्यासः - मुक्कूरु-अळगियशिङ्गर्-यतौ।



श्रीमद्-रङ्ग-शठारि-संयमवर-प्रेक्षास्पदं सादरं
श्रीमद्-वेद-वतंस-देशिकयतेः पादारविंदाश्रयम्।
वाधूलान्वय-देशिकं बुधवरं वेदान्तिनं सद्गुरुं
व्यास-व्यास-सुतादिकाव्य-मधुपं नारायणार्यं भजे॥
+++(वाल्मीकीशुकव्याससूक्ति-मधुपं “वाल्मीकी” +इत्य् अपशब्दः खलु?)+++

वाधूल-वंश-तिलकं गुण-संविद्-आढ्यं
श्रीरङ्गशाठ्यारियतेः सु-+++(श्रीरङ्गकारिज-यतीन्द्र)+++-पदानुसक्तम्| वेदान्तदेशिक-यतीन्द्र-कृपाभिषिक्तं
नारायणार्य-गुरुवर्यम् अहं समीडे॥

श्रीमद्-सीतारामदिव्य-मणिपादुका-सेवकाय श्रीमते श्री-वाधूल-नारायणार्य-महागुरवे नमः॥

s-वीरराघवाचार्य-रचिताश् चरमश्लोकाः

अब्देऽस्मिन् प्लवनामके दिनमणौ दाक्षिण्यशारदृतौ
मासे वृश्चिक-कृष्ण-सप्तमि-तिथौ सर्पार्क्ष-शुक्रे दिने।
वाधूलान्वितश्रीनिवास-तनुजो नारायणार्यो गुरुः
वेदान्तार्य-यतेर् विशेष-कृपया भेजे नृसिंहाङ्घ्रिकम्॥

प्लवे वृश्चिक-सप्तम्यां
कृष्णे शुक्रस्य वासरे।
विद्वान् नारायणः श्रेष्ठः
स्वाचार्य-चरणाव् अगात्॥