
the advaitin yatI, known as rudranArAyaNa before he left gRhasthAshrama at 19 after the birth of a girl child. He combated decadence in society by Dharma sangha and dharma Veer Dal.

  • He campaigned against reforms imposed by government - successfully against Hindu marriage and divorce bill drafted by Hindu law committee formed in 1941 and unsuccessfully against Nehru’s government (भारत अखंड हो, गोवध बंद हो, अधार्मिक बिल रद्द हों, मंदिरों की मर्यादा सुरक्षित रहे, विधान शास्त्रीय हो) and Ambedkar’s later codes - he was arrested (among 5k others), leaders like GoswAmi LakshmanAchArya and Swami KrishnAnanda lost their lives.
  • Opposed partition, supported victims of “Direct Action Day” riots; established land for riot victims, helped those who were forcibly converted.
  • “He started a satyAgraha demanding that the 14 slaughter houses in Mathura be shut down. Soon he was arrested and put in Agra jail for 6 months but the agitation continued and finally the Mathura municipality agree to shut down these slaughterhouses. In the next stage KarpAtri ji encouraged people to pressurise local boards and municipalities to shut down slaughter houses. As a result of public pressure, 32 districts passed proposals to shut down slaughter houses. In 1954, Dharma Sangha organised a VirAt Gau Raksha Sammelan and KarpAtri ji met the UP Chief Minister GV Pant to demand cow slaughter ban. Soon anti cow slaughter legislations were passed by UP and Bihar. KarpAtri ji was arrested next day and sent to Tihar jail where he was attacked by some inmates. It was a violent attack in which his he received head injuries and became unconscious. He also lost vision in one eye.”
  • In November 1966, a million Gau Bhaktas led by him peacefully protested to demand ban on Gau HatyA. “The crowd was lathi charged and then bullets were fired on crowd. A curfew was imposed in Delhi. As per official estimates 11 people were killed. However other sources indicate that this figure was in hundreds.”
  • “KarpAtri ji was involved with was the “Hindi Raksha Andolan” in Punjab ( 1957)”
  • “He repeatedly stressed the need for political consciousness among DhArmika people for survival of Dharma. When elections were declared in 1945, he appealed all Dharmika people to join politics. In September 1945, Akhil Bhartiya SanAtani dal was formed by him to provide a platform to such people. Post independence, KarpAtri ji formed the Akhil BhAratiya RAm RAjya Parishad in 1948. … This was 2% of the national vote. The party got 14.2% of votes in Madhya BhArat and 9.3% in Rajasthan. It won 3 Lok Sabha seats, all in Rajasthan and 32 assembly seats of which 24 came from Rajasthan…. By 1962, the party’s organisational structure weakened considerably with most of its members switching to Jana Sangha or Swatantra.”
  • “As per the rules of KAshi VishvAnAth temple, no one was allowed to touch the Shivalinga. Even the king of kAshi used to pray from far. Everyone was allowed inside the temple but no one was allowed inside the Garbhagriha. However, in December 1957, when a group of Harijans forcibly entered there with help of the city magistrate. He was so infuriated that he announced the construction of a new VishvAnAth temple. This temple was constructed in Meerpur, KAshi .”


  • Claimed that earth did not rotate.