Source: TW
A thread those who don’t know what Puri Shankaracharya ji has done. …
- Do you know that the present Jagadguru Shankaracharya ji had left his home and hearth in 1960 after taking a pledge to adopt the Sanyas order at 17? It is also worth mentioning that he actively participated in the meeting held on 7 November 1966 right in front of the Indian Parliament. Even before the commencement of the above meeting, Shri Gavananda Hariji had received three hours of advice and guidance from him on the main issues of that meeting. He fought hard for cow protection and was arrested along with Swami Karpatriji Maharaj and other sadhu santh to save Cows. They all were kept in jail for 52 days.
- While the Jagadguru was leading the national movement at the birthplace of Ram Ji, Ex-PM Narshhima Rao formed the Ramalaya Trust the main objective of which was to build both a mosque and mandir at the same place to create Hindu-Muslim bhaichara. Only puri Jagadguru Shankaracharya disagreed and refused to approve it and faced death threats.
- While traveling to Nepal 22 years ago, upon observing the conditions there, Jagadguru immediately realized that Nepal would not remain a Hindu state for a long time and that a major threat was looming for the king. Nepal king died within a short time and Nepal fell into the hands of communists. Jagadguru organized a huge rally at Jagannath Puri along with many sadhus, santh and general public. The objective of this rally was to see Nepal once again emerging as a Hindu power. It had a tremendous impact in some other states of India and a few days later he visited Nepal to address a religious gathering organized by some eminent persons and organizations. more than two lakh people participated in that . This step taken by Jagadguru to restore its Hindu nation again. From then demonstration for monarchy is going on in nepal.
- For preservation of Ram Setu Puri Shankaracharya toured across India starting from China border night up to Rameswaram. At pandharpur, Maharastra, as many as five thousand devotees prayed to lord Pandharnath for the bridge-protection. The Jagadguru also carried on the movement for the bridge at Rameswaram a long with one hundred fifty devotees representatives of his. In this connection he also got in touch with the Govt. of srilanka and the UNO.
- Here the proof Jagadguru Shankaracharya Nischalananda Saraswati re-converted the tribals of Odisha.
- Jagadguru had taken immense pains to organize the “Save Ganga” conference with the sole objective of protecting the mystical sanctity of its sacred waters – a conference which saw the participation of representatives from seven states.
- Do you know when Dalai Lama was all set in Delhi to convert millions of Hindus to Buddhism on receiving the news jagadguru rushed to Dharamshala and in a press-interview advised the Lama that he would be better off carrying out his project. Jagadguru made it clear in clear words that the Lama would not arrogate to himself the role of the maker of India’s destiny. On this Lama sent his chief messenger to meet Acharya. The messenger promised that the conversion program would be stopped immediately. DL
- Yet another cow protection incident During the J B Patnaik Ex-CM, a huge conference of Muslims was to be held in Brahmabarda, Orissa. On that occasion, thousands of cows were to be slaughtered for food in Brahmabarda, a Hindu dominated area. On receiving the news, Jagatguru immediately came into action and announced that if the conference would be held in Brahmabarda, not a single cow would be put to the knife and all mandatory Will take vegetarian food. The government relented and Acharya’s sacred wish was respected. All the cows were distributed among the nearby villages. The conference was filled with vegetarian ethos from the beginning till the end. Thus the Jagadguru has been keeping himself busy over the years for the proper preservation of the Hindu manbindus.
- Apart from all this, Jagadguru has been giving important discourses for the last few years to bring about an ideological revolution among the public at large. With this objective in mind, he has been visiting renowned educational institutions of India, delivering lectures on “Science without Veda (knowledge), “Destruction in the name of development” and other such topics of vital importance.
- Jagadguru has also written more than 130 books. Considering zero as an ideological number, gurudev wrote an entire book titled Swastika Mathematics. Needless to add, the book easily attracted the attention of leading scientists and mathematicians of Oxford and Cambridge. (नैवम्। ) This unique mathematical treatise had such an impact on businesses around the world that some mathematicians and scientists had to visit the Govardhan mutt in Puri to learn more about the subject.
- 16 years ago in 2008, on the Pausha Purnima day, the Gurudev started “Sandhya-Vandan” (Evening worship) on the sea-shore in grateful adoration of the samudra devta. Furthermore, in the huge gathering of devotees that gathers on the seashore every Pausha Purnima Day, Gurudev keeps on awakening everyone to do his little bit to wipe out in to the burning problems facing the Nation. A kindred programme is also carried out at Ganga Sagar every Makar Sankranti Day in the evening hours. Plans are afoot to carry out such programmes at Kanya Kumari and Rameswaram as well in the new future.
- In Rastrotkarsh Abhijan tour of Rajasthan in November 2016, CM Vasundhara Raje Scindia arrived to see him. Pujyapad advised him not to close the cow shed at Pathmeda, as it was the responsibility of the govt land. The man who runs the cowshed is doing very good work for cow protection. He promised to take necessary steps for the protection of cow progeny. Later in January 2017, Rajasthan Govt. Passed an order to legalize the cowshed running for charitable purposes. In this way the lives of lakhs of cows were saved from reaching the slaughterhouses.
Kanchi defence
The Shankaracharya of Puri went from city to city, from Jammu to Bhopal, rousing Hindus against the arrest of the Shankaracharya of Kanchi.
pAlghar attack
The brutally martyred Sanyasis were from Juna Akhara and come under Dvaraka Peeth Shankaracharyas. The slain were Sanyasis of his own dandi sanyasi parampara. First read the “Ninda Patra” sent by him to CM Uddhav Thackeray. Then watch the condemnation by Puri Acharya. Now show me any video or tweet of Modi ji condemning Palghar lynching. 🙏🏽