
Source: Aryamsha

My opinion on caste is pretty simple. Does it matter? yes. Is it the end all of things? no. It’s perfectly fine to be proud of your tribe and like its history, but if your primary identity becomes that in this age and era, you’re likely terminally online (dehatis dont really browse reactionary twitter). There are genetic and sociocultural differences in Indian castes and tribes, but for the broad part, Hindu savarnas resemble each other a lot in terms of ancestry and have similar cultures, mores once they urbanize.

What the fuck is the point of a Rajput and Maratha hating each other? Are you actually so retarded you think the entire world sees you as some two separate races or religious identities? The only identity you share that matters is you’re Hindu and Savarna. Yes, it’s not easy to make peace with past feuds when you’re ego obsessed with history and view it as a personal insult, but you have to move on. Nobody gives a flying fuck what kang won what battle in 775 or 1775 and “owned” what caste.

You are part of the same race, religion, culture, civilization. These Balkanoid tier feuds are a pure waste of time, and at least the people who follow me should rise above petty provincial identity.


Do you know the first Indian travel writers to Europe in the 19th and 20th century were Muslim, Parsis or Christians? It’s because Hindus didnt use to go outside India because they were scared they would get outcasted and loose their caste. What kind of an absolutely retarded rule was this? Yet it was “trad” and enforced by “trad scriptures” - which scriptures? the same ones that led to the conquest of a subcontinent and all of south east asia? scriptures that talked about krinvanto vishvam aryam but hesitated to let people cross kala pani?

Conclusion: Sea-travel was seen as risky as it may lead to long voyages where one doesnt do sandhya or come in contact w mlecchas. Modern Pandits in 19th century decided all dvijas can do sea-travel with no prayaschitta.