jAti-varNa practice

Theory considered in Agama pages.

Correspondence of theory with practice

  • Frameworks always exist and make sense once defined - irrespective of how closely they were practiced. Whether or not one writes in the hindu decimal system, it exists.
  • What matters to us (and the creators and interpreters of the many many dharmashAstra works) is - how useful is the framework in organizing or systematizing the society to make it function smoothly.

Overlay of varNa-s on jAti-s

  • varNa-s were overlaid on/ mapped to many many pre-existing jAti-s (which could vary). These jAti-s and sub-jAti-s had their own hierarchies and restrictions on marriage and inter-dining beyond what the varNa-system required.
  • These myriad jAti-s were hypothesized to have arisen from the main varNa-s mixing together in various ways.
  • brAhmaNa-s learned in the dharmashAstra-s adjudicated disputes regarding varNa-assignment.
  • More details in varNa subpage.

Sentimental life, rituals and Ananda pursuit

  • This closely followed the theory described here (search term: Ananda).
  • In some cases, brAhmaNa-s accepted non-brAhmaNa saints as honored gurus.
    • There are cases like a shrIvaiShNava brAhmaNa carrying a dalit on his shoulders so that he could visit the deva without violating temple rules, falling at their feet, insisting on eating food leftover after serving them ( rAmAnuja ).
    • madhusUdana-sarasvatI initiated many sannyAsins from other dvija-varNa-s with the intention of protecting brAhmaNa sannyAsins as suggested by bIrbal [IMG].
    • matsyendranAtha’s 1k year old tradition initiates non-brAhmaNa sannyAsins as well.


  • Bali - W.

Some women

  • shUdra rulers - The brave belavaDi mallamma [KPP].

Woman philanthropists.

  • jiraLe mallamma, constructor of a much needed step well [KPP]
  • Courtesans such as shAntavve of sULEkere, vinapoti [KPP]
  • nAgaratnA the builder of tyAgarAja-samAdhi.