

  • Rizwan Ahmed Hindi - P1


“By 1989, with Rajiv Gandhi blundering on several fronts, VP Singh formed a Government. Immediately, Kashmir exploded: The drama of Union Home Minister Mufti Sayeed’s daughter’s kidnapping forced India to free terrorists. A murderous exodus of Kashmiri Hindus followed — the seventh in a series of genocidal rounds of ethnic cleansing since 1389.”

Before 1990, there were nearly 80,000 families of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits living all over Kashmir Valley. By end of 1990s, less than 800 families were left in Kashmir. 99% of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits were thrown out out Kashmir Valley in just little less than 3 months.

Casuality count

1991-2011 -

In the last 21 years, 43,460 people have been killed in the Kashmir insurgency. Of these, 21,323 are militants, 13,226 civilians killed by militants, 3,642 civilians killed by security forces, and 5,369 policemen killed by militants. The 21,323 militants were killed in operations by security forces and include both Kashmiri and foreign militants. And of the 5,369 members of the security forces, around 1,500 are Kashmiri policemen.

Short term desiderata

Article 370 should stay repealed, that kAshmIri paNDits and any hindu-s willing to live there be resettled in kAshmIr with security.


These Urdu Pakistani TV interviews with Pakistani journalist Najam Sethi summarizes an understanding of the situation (both the past and the present): 1 and 2. kAshmIri muslims seem to want freedom from India, while not joining Pakistan either. Terror spurt: (India Today 1990).

About the kAshmIri paNDit-s

It pains me that the descendents of abhinavagupta, kalhaNa, bilhaNa, kShemendra, kShemarAja, kayyaTa, bhallaTa, rudraTa etc.. should become such dunces that they are dominated by the likes of motilAl and “paNDit” javAharlAl, and that they should then loose their valley in such sorry fashion.

kashmIri paNDit-s were quite scholarly at the turn of the 20th century (Aurel Stein’s collaborators here). Later, however, traitors and idiots reared their heads with motilaal and javAharlaal. This continues today.

Of course, being an Hindu, I do not want to let the land of abhinavagupta and kashyapa to relapse into Islamic rule. The ethnic cleansing of the hindu Kashmiri paNDit community is a sad event, it was preceded by a proliferation of madarasa-s.