Ukraine Invasion progress

Source: TW

What are the yardsticks for measuring the advance of the Rus in Ukr? It is not easy to get a clear picture especially because of the smoke-screens raised by the Occidental propaganda machinery. We see some anti-Rus handles on the TL swallowing all those claims& eagerly RTing them. On the other hand some Western & Rus handles are relatively realistic. The latter seem to admit that the going is not as good as they would have liked but it is hardly doom & gloom yet. They also seem to admit some of the effects of the classic navyonmatta style warfare waged by the Occident on economic assets.

But the key thing is a comparative measure for assessing the Rus military performance. We may infer from a variety of bits of evidence that a lot of the modern Rus hardware is inferior to the American cognates. The Americans also have the habit of exaggerating their enemy’s capacity so that their/their puppets victories might look bigger than they really are & their losses might look more the outcome of a tough struggle.

However, we cannot really compare American wars or their combat style to the Rus. Americans have preferred aerial bombathons since their assaults on Germany & Japan in WW2. They also have preferred to limit close fighting with “boots on the ground” in more recent times. They also seem highly averse to taking human cost. This makes the Americans v.good at smashing things but poor at holding things unlike their parents from across the pond.+++(5)+++

However, Rus armies have traditionally been inferior in equipment & probably strategy to the preeminent Anglo ones, and also likely Germanic ones. They seem to be willing to take huge human costs but use their strategic depth well to prevail with their primary capability as a land power to keep fighting & actually conquering land. Here too, all their expected weaknesses are seem to continue. However, they seem to have largely neutralized Ukr’s air defenses but their unwillingness to severely pound & smash their foes seems to be more of an outcome their interest in actually conquering the land for good as Karlin had predicted. Thus, they seem to be taking heavier losses than they would have otherwise incurred.

Those who have closely studied the Nuland-Zelensky with any eye of discernment will realized these embedded elements are like a parasitic fluke that doesn’t really care for the good of the snail host (ordinary Ukr). They want maximal damage to be incurred by the commoners & tip Rus towards the destruction mode in the hope the West will intercede & destroy the Rus. So far, apart from sending a few terrorists, the West is playing along by supplying the Ukr with intelligence & some hardware to tip the Rus in that direction. The Bacillus fermented soybean force+++(←netto <- NATO)+++ did the same in places which they had failed to conquer. Hence, the more the West & the Nuland-Zelensky axis who are drawing them into the war make the Ukr antagonistic towards their cousins, the more likely it is ruined – essentially what Mearsheimer predicts.

What I don’t have a good feel for is what fraction of Ukr outside the newly established republics really prefer to live in Pax Ruthenia. If than number is in a substantial majority then then the western designs would be blunted upon a Rus win, even if v.costly. If that is balanced or in the minority the ruin of Ukr is assured & the risk of bad stuff happening on a more global level is likely. One could game about 6-7 scenarios with 1-2 of them being globally bad. If all had an equal outcome we have about 0.3 probability of something more globally bad happening. If the bad ones are about 1/2 as likely (plausible) 0.15.


I just refreshed my memory with the name of the Galtonian American Edgar Snow who composed stuti-s of emperor M.Dong. A large Galtonian cadre has been doing its part of emp. Xi, but I wonder if the conflict with the mlechCha-s deepens orders might come to limit that or whether they would try to amplify it to try to win the emperor to their side against the rUs. I do think a part of the mlechCha establishment thinks it can get Xi to bat on their side even now. Of course the chIna-s realized can play both side but perhaps Xi is not agile enough for that.

NATO False flag

Why did the mahAmlechCha-led rotten soy forces deploy on the border of dAnu-apara? Is that despite the propaganda it looks as though the rUs have gained the upper hand? If that is the case, they want to send troops to raise the moral of their mercenary force? Or after all they want to enter the yuddha themselves because they think their mercenaries are not going to hold out for much longer? Or are they preparing for the direct attack on the rUs in the aftermath of the predicted major false flag attack? If their dAnu-apara mercenaries were close to a win as they have been blaring on their propaganda outlets, then there is no need for them to directly & openly deploy. If they want to stiffen their mercenaries, they could enter in disguise rather than openly. Thus, weighing the possibilities unless they really want to enter the yuddha openly, it is likely they have laid the groundwork for the false flag attack following which they will enter with the excuse in hand. The attack itself will be carried out by either the Euro surrogates or their covert corps.


The statement by the shUlapuruSha-s that they cannot talk about Nordstrom ~“even in a classified form” is quite funny. That’s more or less enough to tell the world who did it.


Source: TW

The rUs strategy is become clearer
even as the pa~nchanetraka+vassals have tried to spread a smokescreen over it shouting from the rooftops
that the dAnu-aparin-s will conquer Moscow🙂.
The battles of Bakhmut & the latest conquest of Maryinka were said to be clearly bruta+++(=stupid)+++ fulmina+++(=lightening)+++. But if one cuts through the noise of the Occident’s megaphone & delves into what some of their own analysts & what those not in Occidental control are saying, a different picture emerges. These two battles were primarily traps for the dAnu-aparin-s to exhaust their fighting males.

Thus, even as the Occident ramps up the delivery of newly made artillery to their puppet,
they would have been denuded of those who could actually use it best.
Now, this could still unravel in a dangerous way
because the Occident is perhaps even greater than the marUnmatta-s in its vindictiveness –
they simply cannot let go.
Hence, they (or their allies like the daNDaka-s) could simply decide to put their boots on the ground in the guise of dAnu-aparin.
The rUs reaction to this would make things take a deadly turn in the future.

202409 Kursk

Source: TW

It has been very difficult to evaluate the Kursk conflict between the rotten soybeans and the rUs. Probably, it has so far not gone as per the expectation of either side; hence, both are on letting out partial accounts favorable to themselves. Broadly, one can easily discern the following:

  1. The dAnu-aparin-s are only the glove while the fist behind them are the phira~Nga-s with weapons support from mahAmlechCha & probably laNDapura (Crimean war redux). Some daNDa-s, who have deep dislike for the rUs, are also likely involved on the ground.
  2. The dAnu-aparin-s backed by rotten soybean intelligence likely chose Kursk as a relative easy spot for a toehold in the rUs territory. They made an advance with hardly any rUs defenses.
  3. The rUs response was slow due to internal conflicts in their defense ministry& general ineptitude of their military. However, once it got going it inflicted heavy losses on the dAnu-aparin canon fodder.
  4. The phira~Nga-s, along with probably mahAmlechCha, daNDa, laNDa, u1 (may be?) auxiliaries joined the fray along with their superior tactical intelligence. They were able blunt the initial rUs fightback and take some critical territory.

The idea is to use this toehold for strikes deep into rUs on civilian infrastructure with their superior weapons. It seems their idea is to draw the rUs to directly attack the rotten soybeans. This will give them the long sought excuse to directly pummel the rUs with their superior arsenal. However, that could be a big risk if rUs is pushed into an existential crisis to trigger the use of nukes.