Form of a Contract between Seasonal Employers and Peasants

On the 2nd of October, 1899, we, the undersigned peasants of Yepifanskii uezd of Murashenskii township and Chernyshevka village, Yakov Matveev Marsakov, Pavel Spiridonov Shikunov, Nikita Pavlov Blagov, and Maksim Grigoriev Seleznyov, have filed this contract with the Karavaevo office of Semyon Tikhonovich Blagopoluchnyi, merchant of the 2nd guild, to the effect that:

  1. We, the peasants, have undertaken to farm in the coming year 6 desiatinas of rye and 6 of oats on the estate owned by Semyon Tikhonovich Blagopoluchnyi, merchant of the 2nd guild.

  2. For farming these 12 desiatinas we have received upon signing this agreement the entire payment of 5 rubles per desiatina, or 60 rubles in all.

  3. Rye will be worked in the following manner: the field is to be plowed and harrowed twice and weeded out. After the rye seeds have been sown, the field is to be harrowed two or three times. Lastly, the rye is to be cut, bound, packed into shocks, transported to the threshing yard, and the ricks covered. Oats will be worked in the following manner: sowing, harrowing twice, weeding, cutting, binding, packing into shocks, transporting to the threshing yard, covering the ricks. In the fall, the field is to be plowed.

  4. We pledge not to contract similar jobs. Should we do so, we shall be obliged to pay a penalty of 3 rubles per every forfeited desiatina.

  5. For all work, we are to appear when requested and do a good job. The plowing should be done at no less than 8 furrows for each 7 feet. If we fail to appear at the time assigned, we shall do the work at another time and also pay a penalty to the office of S. T. Blagopoluchnyi in the amount of 2 rubles; or, if we fail to appear at all, we must pay 3 rubles per desiatina. If the plowing is done poorly, we agree to immediately replow the field. Other cases of poor work will entail a fine of 2 rubles per desiatina for each instance. We accept this work as a joint responsibility.


Yakov Marsakov

Pavel Shikunov

Nikita Blagov

Maksim Seleznyov


2.0 desiatinas

1.5 “ “

1.0 “ “

1.5 “ “


2.0 desiatinas

1.5 “ “

1.0 “ “

1.5 “ “

TOTAL: 6.0 desiatinas

6.0 desiatinas

Pavel Shikunov is signing this contract for himself and, at their request, for the other signatories, who are illiterate. Signed and sealed on this day the 2nd of October, 1899, at the Murashenskii township office. Township supervisor Stoliarov. Scribe Gruzdkov.