
“Book One is an alleged eyewitness account of the Armenian conversion to Christianity by one Zenob Klag. It is remarkable for its portrayal of this conversion as a colonial process, led and controlled by representatives of a new (foreign) religious movement. Albeit in collaboration with (a subjugated and obedient) section of the domestic nobility, this foreign Christian religion is only imposed aafter fierce battles against the (native) pagan leadership and its popular supporters. Once masters of the land. this new Church moves to appropriate the choice portions of the nation’s property and wealth. The story unfolds in the form of a correspondence between Gregory the Illuminator in Armenia and his superior Archbishop Leo headquartered in Ghessaria. Neither is native to Armenia. Yet they talk as if they own the country and its population with some god-given power to do with them as they wish. Their air of confidence is unmistakable, no doubt sustained by religious righteousness. Preparing to consolidate their spiritual conquest of the local population, Gregory urges Leo to ‘send forth your (priests) in order to reap God’s harvest’. (p21) The harvest of course was not purely of souls. Control of people’s spiritual life was to be the fertile ground for raising vast amounts of material wealth through all manner of religious taxes, dues and gifts.”