
agency, capacity for historical action, 68-9, 87, 123, 129-30, 137, 140, 150, 211-2, 240, 285

particular problem for peasantry, 14-5, 145-8, 166, 186-7, 282-3

“passive revolution,” concept of, 31, 153 n.11, 205, 212

see also collective action, fatalism, peasantry

agonism, “culture of mistrust,” 1, 6-7, 12—3, 20, 211, 229-31, 258, 283

as theme in Sicilian literature, 120-2, 126-7, 258, 281

as impediment to social action, 14, 18, 256

Agrarian Question, see land tenure system, land reform

amoral fatnilism, see Banfieid, Edward C.

antimafia movement, 2, 20, Chapter 11 passim·, 283

anti-Semitism, 100-1, 104—7, 114

“backwardness”, see development

banditry, brigandage, 9, 13, 14, 55-7, 65, 83, 103, 135, 138, 257-8

Banfield, Edward C., 6, 12-3, 19, 157, 206, 228-9

binarism, see dualism

body types, differences of, 83-5, 90, 104, 127-8

see also race, racism

Bossi, Umberto, 1—2, 28

see also Lega Nord

Bufalino, Gesualdo, 20, Chapter 10, passim

camorra, the, 55, 56, 72 n. 11, 112, 217, 245

capitalism, global capitalism, 3, 149, Chapter 9, passim; 269—70, 281—2, 285—6

Carboneria, Carbonari, see “secret societies”

Cassa per il Mezzogiorno, 28, 91, 210 see also Extraordinary Intervention

Catholic Church, Papacy, 15—6, 124, 143. 148, Chapter 8, passim; 257

in Kingdom of Naples 28—30, 32, 37—8, 42, 44-6

sale of ecclesiastical domain 29-30, 213

vis the peasantry 15-6, 159, 168-70

see also religion

chaos, as concept in Sicilian literature, 261—2, 268, 274-5 n. 1, 275 n. 3, 281

Chatterjee, Partha, 17-8

Christian Democracy, Christian Democratic Party, 236-7, 247, 251

civilization, issue of belonging to, 2—3, 5—6, 10, 15, 20, 45-6, 63, 65-71

retrieval of ancient civilizational histories, 5, 15, 20, 142, 269, 271

civil society, democratic culture, 1—2, Chapter 10 passim

axis of North-South contrast, 1. 6-7, 21, 216, 288

emergent in today’s South, 2, 3, 19, 252, 255-6, 283, 288

in light of vastly unequal power, 17, 139-41, 143, 145, 151, 159, 167

see also state, “weakness” of

classes, class relations, 18, 43-4, 53-4, 64, 127, 129

class consciousness as problem, 14—6, 138, 148, 166, 251

élite class alliances, 27, 135, 138, 212

subaltern class alliances, 14, 59-60, 135-6, 138-9, 149, 182, 282, 286

“clean hands” anti-corruption movement, 2, 19

clientelism, 1—3, 6-7, 12—3, 216, Chapter 10, passim; 254, 258

national links, post-Unification Italy, 19, 218-9, 241 n. 7

national links, “First Republic”, 2, 210, 241 n.8, 284, 286

relation to organized crime, 2, 20, 126, 218-9. 220, 250-1, 252-3, 255

see also corruption

Colajanni, Napoleone, 11, 12, 111—2, 251, 281 see also race, racism

collective action; “failure” of, 1, 6-7, 11, 12, 18, 20, 27, 180, 229-30

racial theory of, 111

see also agency

colonialism, vis the Italian South, 13—5, 27, 135, 149, 286

see also imperialism

Communism, Communist Party, 137, 138-9, 152-3 n.8, 165, 179, 237, 250, 251

Consolo, Vincenzo, 20, Chapter 12 passim

constitutional monarchy, 6, 29-30, 32, 37, 42

corruption, 47, 78, 128, 206, 234, 241 n. 5, 247

collusion with organized crime, 2, 20, 126, 218-9, 250-1, 252-3, 255

see also clientdism, mafia

crime; violent crime, 1—2, 9, 10-1, 46, 47, 55, 66, 85-8, Chapter 4, passim; 121-2, 206, 208, 271

criminology, “criminal anthropology,” 8, 10-1, 89—90; Chapter 4, passim

Croce, Benedetto, 29, 41, 136, 138—9, 141, 161, 164, 184-5

Cuoco, Vincenzo, 30—1, 40, 143

death, outlooks on death, 120-2, 158-9, 258, 272

De Martino, Ernesto, 14-7, 20, Chapter 7, passim; Chapter 8 passim·, 282—3

demographic indices, 40, 80-1, 82-4 see also emigration, immigration

De Sanctis, Francesco, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41—2, 72 n.7

development, underdevelopment or “backwardness”, 1, 39, 41, 45-6, 72 n.14, 164-5, 206, 230-1, 237-9

dualism, 5, 6-7, IO, 46, 60, 70-1, 78-9, 85-6, 88, 164, 225

emigration, 1, 19, 83-4, 208, 269-70, 284, 288 see also demographic indices

Enlightenment, 9, 11, 14, 20, 27, 126, 141, 143, 193, 255-7, 262, 280

Neapolitan Enlightenment, 30-1, 41

entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship, see middle class

essential ism, cultural determinism, 3, 20, 87, 149, 227-8, 249, 257-9, 271, 286

theme in Siclian literature, 12, 20, 117-8, 126-30, 271, 274

related to racial determinism, 11, 19, 88-90, 126-30

European Union, 1, 2—3, 7—8,

exile, experience of, 8—9, 28, 31-3, 36, 41-6

Extraordinary Intervention in the South, 1—2, 6, 10, 28, 91-2, 206, 220, 227, 240-1 n. 4, 284, 288

see also Cassa per il Mezzogiorno

fascism; neo-fascism, 20-1, 114, 138-9, 158, 179, 284, 287-8

possible recurrance, 3, 20-1, 225, 255

damaging to southern economy, 219, 220

and repression of the mafia, 247-8, 253, 259

fatalism. 12, 20, 46, 118-9, 122, 124-30, 145, 149, 252, 281, 282

see also agency

feudalism, abolition of feudalism, 6-7, 8-9, 19, 29-32, 40, 104, 181-3, 280

folklore, popular culture, 8, 9, 14—6, 35, 51, 141-2, 249, 281-2

in interaction with élite culture, 15-6, 142, 150-1, 159-60, 165-72, Chapter 8, passim

revolutionary potential of. 14—6, 142, 166, 282

see also peasantry

Fortunato, Giustino, 45, 51, 64, 70-71, 74 n. 27, 88, 90

Foucault, Michel, 92 n.2

Franchetti, Leopoldo, 10, Chapter 2, passim: 77, 135, 253, 280-1

Freud, Sigmund, 142, 177

gender, gendered representations, 1, 10-1, 17, 69-70, 102, 107-8, 127, 129, 170, 253-4, 256

Gerschenkron, Alexander, 41, 205

Gladstone, William, 5-6, 44-6

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 177, 269

Gramsci, Antonio, 13—9, 27, 127, Chapter 6 passim; 166-7, Chapter 8 passim; 205-6, 208, 257-8, 282, 286

Gribaudi, Gabriella, 2, 219, 232

hegemony as Gramscian concept, 15-6, 136-7. 142-3, 151, 167

“historic bloc,” 14, 27, 135, 138, 140, 187, 205, 212-4, 283, 286

critique of concept, 19, 207, 212, 220

homogeneity of South overdrawn, 7, 15, Chapter 3, passim; 220; 271

argument for “many Souths”, 19-20, 28, 208, 213-4, Chapter 10, passim: 267-8, 274, 274-5 n. 1, 281, 283-4

honor, see gender, gendered representations

Idealism, 11, 136, 184—5

illiteracy, see poverty

immigration, 1, 2, 269-70, 288 see also demographic indices

imperialism (British, French, United States), 4, 5-6, 10, 17-8, 99-100, 268, 286

imperialism (Italian), 10, 21, 114, 181, 287

see also colonialism

industrialization, industrialism, 29-30, 39-41, 47, 82, 86, 91, 227, 240 n. 2

associated with consumerism, 264-6, 282

associated with demise of magic, local culture, 159, 194, 265, 281-2

as distinct, in Italy, from urbanization, 141—2

small firms and problem of trust, 238—9

intellectuals, Southern Italian intelligentsia, 8-16, Chapter 1, passim·, 139, 141, 144—6, 148, 150, 182-4

detachment from the people, 31, 53, 139-45, 147-8, 150-1, 167, 184-5, 266

Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Neapolitan Kingdom, 5, 7—9, Chapter 1, passim; 81, 210

Lampedusa, Tornasi de, 11—2, Chapter 5 passim; 281

land tenure system, 14, 39, 40, 42-3, 58, 104, 140, 152 n.1, 164-5

landlord power, domination, 9, 30, 42, 46, 57-8, 63, 65, 129, 182, 248, 251, 266

landlords and rural unrest, 29, 42-3, 58, 77, 146, 217-8, 257, 266

latifundia, argument for flexibility of, 19, 213—4

sharecropping, smallholding, 57—8, 63—4, 210

see also land reform, peasantry

land reform, 29, 43, 104, 227, 240-1 n. 4

latifundia, latifundism, see land tenure system

la miseria, see poverty

lazzari, see revolution and counter-revolution

Lega Nord, Northern separatism, 1—3, 28, 225, 227, 241 n.11, 286-7

see also Bossi. Umberto, regional separatism

Lombroso, Cesare, 10, 17, 88-90, Chapter 4, passim; 149, 281

mafia, the, 55-57, 65, 112, 135, 206, 217-9, Chapter 11, passim; 271, 284

and politics, 2, 20, 126, 218-9, 220, 250-1, 252-3, 255

under fascism, 247-8, 253, 259

see also corruption

magic, 16, 158, 160, 163-4, 167-8, 171, Chapter 8, passim

malaria, see poverty

Marxism, 13-5, 43, 136, 139-41, 146, 150, 152-3 n.8, 162, 165, 170, 262, 287

Meridionalism, meridionalists, 9, Chapter 2, passim; 77, 90, 135, 138, 140, 171, 205-6

“new meridionalists,” 28, 94 n. 16, 208, 221 n. 2, 283

middle class, southern bourgeoisie, 8-9, 28-31, 159, 194, 210-1, 212-6, 218-9

dependence on state employment, 215—6, 217

entrepreneurial middle class, weakness of, 30, 39, 44, 124, 159, 194, 210-16, 218-9, 220, 283

modernization theory, 6, 15, 158-60, 172 n. 2, 206-7

modernization processes in southern Italy, 209-11, 220, 268, 284

modernism, postmodernism, 261—4

Niceforo, Alfredo, 11, 12, 88-9, Chapter 4, passim

’ndranghetta, 245

Nitti, Francesco Saverio, 135

Northern Question, 20, 28, 41, 149-50, 212, 216-8, 285-6

Occidentalism, 12, 20-1

organized crime, see camorra*,* ’ndranghetta, mafia

Orientalism, 5, 8, 17, 20—1, 117—8

Ortiz, Fernando, 16-7

patronage, see clientelism

peasantry, Southern Italian peasants, 14—5, 18, 30, 42-3, 53, 57-9, 63-5, 138-9, 145-8, 166-70, 180-2

peasantry in ìndia, 17-8

revolutionary potential of, 18, 43, 145

see also agency, folklore, land tenure system, poverty, revolutionaries

Pirandello, Luigi, Pirandellian, 246, 247, 249, 255-6, 261-2, 272-3, 275 n. 2, 281

Pizzorno, Alessandro, 12—3, 153 n.11

Positivism, 10-1, 77-8, 82, 85, 89-90, 101, 113, 124-5, 136

poverty, 9, 28, 52-6, 65, 89, 135, 152 n. 5

and degradation, “miseria”, 14, 54-6, 65, 118, 129, 147

and illiteracy, “ignorance”, 30, 39, 45-6, 52, 59-60, 100

and poor health, 39, 45-6, 100, 262-3

and underdevelopment, “backwardness”, 1, 30, 45-6, 158-9, 170, 206

see also peasantry

“presence,” philosophy of, 16, 161-3, 167—71, 172-3 n. 7, 190-1. 196, 199 n.14, 282-3

protectionism, see trade, economic liberalism

Protestantism, 178, 181—2, 192, 198 n. 8, n. 11

Putnam, Robert D., 6-7, 13, 19, 21, 90, 216, 228-30, 241 n. 7, n. 11

race, racism, 3, 10-1, 85, 88-90, Chapter 4, passim; 149, 179-80, 186, 245-7, 280-1

anti-racism, 11-2, 111-2, 149, 251, 281

race-mixing, 100, 104—5, 109

racial categories in literature, 127-9

see also body types, Colajanni

regional separatism, regional nationalism, 2-3, 18

see also Lega Nord

relativism, cultural relativism, 15, 17, 162-3, 282

religion, popular religion. 15-6, 17, 124, 166—72; Chapter 8, passim; 282

Restoration, of the Bourbon monarchy (1815), 8-9, 31, 215-6

revolutions, uprisings, 5, 17-8, 30-2, 37, 53,

164 5, 217-8, 257-8, 272-3

counter-revolutions, 14, 30-2, 43—6, 143

Neapolitan uprising (1848), 8—9, 35, 41-6

French Revolution, 8, 29

Paris Commune, 9, 53, 77

Bolshevik revolution, 138

revolutionaries, images of, 14, 18, 121-2, 138, 145-6, 148, 180, 257-8

see also peasantry

Risorgimento, Unification of Italy, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 59-60, 100, 109, 127, 182

special problem for the South, 13, 52-4, 104, 123, 135, 218-20

failure to build consensus, 52—3, 135-6, 139-40, 146, 153 n.11

turning point in discourse on the South, 8-9, 27, 77-87, 125

Romanticism, 9, 31, 34-6, 41—2, 119

Rossi Doria, Manlio, 28, 165, 213

Said, Edward, 5, 117

Salvemini, Gaetano, 51, 71 n. 3, 127, 135-6, 138, 152 n. 1, 208, 215

Sciascia, Leonardo, 11-2, 20, Chapter 5 passim; Chapter 11, passim; 263, 279, 281, 283

secret societies, conspiracy, Carboneria, Freemasonry, 8-9, 32-5, 272-3, 286

sharecropping, smallholding, see land tenure system

Silverman, Sydel, 12-13, 232, 235

Social Darwinism, 10, 108

see also Spencer, Herbert

Social Question, the, see poverty

Socialism; Socialist Party, 106-7, 136, 165, 179, 237

Sonnino, Sidney, 51, 61—4, 68, 73-4 n.18, n. 25, 77, 135

Spencer, Herbert, 10, 108

statistics, 8, 10, 37, Chapter 3, passim; 112

State, “weakness” of in South, 19, 140, 211, 216, 218, 258, 284

see also civil society

sulphur mines, Sicilian, 56-7, 250

Tarrow, Sidney, 13, 152 n. 1, 229-30, 241 n. 7, n. 11

theater, 8, 29, 35-6, 124

trade, economic liberalism, 6, 13, 19, 27—9, 39-40, 135, 209, 280

tariff policy, protectionism, 27, 41, 44, 135-6, 138, 212-4, 219, 220

volatility of export markets, 19, 209, 213-4, 283

travel, tourism, the Grand Tour, 3, 4, 62-5, 142, 177-8, 269

unemployment, see poverty

underdevelopment, see development

Verga, Giovanni, 11—12, 51, Chapter 5 passim; 209, 247, 255, 257, 274, 281

Vico, Giambatista, 31, 144, 146

Villari, Pasquale, 9, 33, 35, Chapter 2, passim; 77, 80, 135, 152 n. 1, 153 n. 10, 215, 280-1

Weber, Max, 99, 177-8

Wolf, Eric R., 166, 186