Himera battles

Source: TW


Archaeogenetics & other methods contribute to the understanding of the battles of Himera between Carthaginian & the Greeks. The 1st battle was won by the Greeks. The second under the lesser known 1st Hannibal decimated the Greeks for good. Hannibal then made a human sacrifice of 3000 yavana-s & enslaved all their women. Probably some victims of his gruesome sacrifice were among those whose genomes were sequenced by the authors. At least 2 individual seem to be fighters from the steppes with East Asian admixture, like shaka-s One of them has a potential Mongolic mito haplogroup leaving no doubt that these were likely shaka-s who had mixed with groups on the eastern steppe. It is also notable that there were Baltic groups in the war – I wonder if these were actually the famous Thracian peltasts who were mobilized by the Greeks, rather than actually hailing from the Baltic region.