
unmAda competition

  • “Given that the current (rudhironmAda v2) strain is still an unmāda it will compete vigorously with other unmāda-s for its host. Since, none of these unmāda-s kill the host the battle is not going to lead to attenuation in anyway… In any case we can say that already a covert war between two unmāda-s, like the crusade and the jihād, is under way among the maha-mleccha.” - MT
  • “Finally, the second amendment of the mahāmleccha constitution and those who know how to make use of it will be the last line of defense for the pretonmāda. So these and the those infected by the new strain will clash. The former have the advantage of fecundity while the latter of propaganda and the economic backing from the converted vyāpārin-s. " - MT
  • “Marūnmāda’s foothold in mahāmleccha is still weak; hence, while they will take the side of the 4th strain the basic resolution of the war remains unclear.” - MT


  • They try to hide their White Judeo-christian beliefs and perspective, but it is there.
  • Religion-age-education breakdown here.


  • Soft pop culture exterior.
  • Powerful, efficient institutions.
    • Government
    • Business
    • Church

Core philosophy

  • Common goal: Preservation of economic power, lifestyle, while compromising to favor the dominant unmAda-s.
  • patriotic “manifest destiny” core
    • Push the false claim: Western ethics = human rights.

Country policies

  • Prof Mearsheimmer said in his famous speech on the rise of China & whether this will lead to war with the US that the US deliberately creates chaos death & destruction everywhere on Earth because it’s terrified that one day in some peaceful corner an adversary will rise.


  • Hindu thought has penetrated US pop culture (though not the core). So, India is worthy of being a “cool” satellite to the US core. [See American Veda, for details.]


  • USA wants subservient powers in the region to offset China. It is averse to India or Japan growing into assertive and powerful “equal” partners. “India is too big to exist, too unreliable to be an ally - a colonial society rapidly trying to indigenise. A billion plus people not just passively consuming western goods but also trying to compete with the West is a terrifying idea. A semi-colonial barely functional Nehruvian behemoth is borderline acceptable; atmanirbhar Bharat with a distinctive civilisational is certainly not.”
  • Evangelical Abrahamist lobby is powerful. NGO’s receiving funds from USAID and American public are active in suberting hindu culture and power. Example:

Balkanization project

The long term goal is balkanisation. Russia, China, India need to be needled, the best possible way is unrest on their borders (Source:


Pakistan, since partition, has dutifully played the role it was created for: as a spoiler in the great game that is still in play. It’s function (oft via jihAdis) is to destabilize India and certain other regional powers (Russia, China, Iran). The US has turned a blind eye to Pakistan grooming Taliban.


The US has the best possible means of fomenting trouble in Iran, in Kashmir, in Central Asia, and possibly even China with just one move - let loose the Taliban. One of the goals of course is to balkanise India, in which Pakistan plays a key role.


The US has turned a blind eye to Pakistan grooming Taliban. Does it not know what is plain to a child in the remotest village in Afghanistan? Of course it knows. Taliban is a rabid dog on a leash, and Pakistan the handler. To sow chaos it loosens the leash on occasion. (Source:

Threat narrative

  • Growing economic and military might of China.
  • Islam.
    • This is a relatively new (post 9/11) item.

Where can I learn more?