
Source: TW

The eagerness with which mainstream media declared Nikki Haley as a winner in both debates is striking. Her performance was pretty patchy esp in the 2nd one. Yet she was somehow the “winner”. The GOP establishment & media badly want her to emerge as the prime alternative to Trump.

It is v.clear that the neocons, a limb of the deep state with tangled connections that underlie “neo-Occidental civilization”, have decided to prop her up. The MSM has been a domain of the neocons since the rise of guchchaka & mahAduShTa-vakrAs. That’s what we are seeing here.

They (at least a subset) originally put their lot with anugAmin. However, anugAmin has a bit of a mind of his own & also the instinct to gauge what his base might want. Hence, he did not go their way. Also the base he is trying to tap into knows that nAri~Nga is a better choice, so why go for some1 secondhand. So anugAmin started declining.

OTH viveka is clearly best of the also-rans by a large margin. However, he has several disadvantages:

  1. He looks alien to the modal mahAmlechCa.
  2. Despite his many genuflections & assimilation of Judaeo-Christianity he is still a heathen.
  3. He opposes the primary neo-con + para-neocon (i.e., other deepstate operatives, e.g., soranAma mahAduShTa – he started with the hastin-s under rAjaka the sailUSha from kapilAraNya) project of never-ending wars like that in dAnu-apara.
  4. He is anti-Galtonism in a fundamental rather than superficial sense.
  5. He is a threat to the bureaucracy.

Hence, every attempt will be made to suppress him. It seems the primary reason for the neocons propping up the utterly useless paTTini is to try to balance him out.

Source: TW

The structure of the mahAmlechChAnAm navyonmatta-gUDha-chakra has a complex structure that cannot be easily probed by the lay beholder. There is madhyama-prAkAra which is manned by ardha-kRShna. Hence, those who probe a bit realize that it is not sana-piNDaka but end up thinking that it is ardhrakRShNa who calls the shots. But one should not forget that before the Chala-prabandha to place piNDaka on the Asandi, they brought a relative unknown ardrakR^iShNa & put him on the mancha. So he is not the real power – it is those who put him there.

Of course he is a useful frontend, for he is a veritable bodhisattva for the lay masses of left-liberals – he is the rAma-rAja for them. But the power & handling behind the scenes is handled by the true gUDhachara-s. They have allies with grandiose ambitions like the sora-kula but they are not as visible as him.

The answers can be found by asking why paTTinI, if made to run for the ma~ncha would win with a bigger margin than nAri~Nga, but in his own pakSha paTTinI cannot challenge nAri~Nga. The answer lies in connection of yuddhonmAda & the particular interest in dAnu-apara. That leads us to a confederation that in the broad sense includes: kR^iShNAdri-phuka, the pR^iShTaka-kula (ardhakR^iShNa-s biggest backers), agrabhaTa, TamTama steya, svAdupuruSha, madhubhR^i~Nga, dAvaka, bejha, guggulu, mukhagiri, dvAra: a truly formidable array

Internal struggle

Source: TW

The internal struggle among the mahAmlechCha has come down to one between loyalty to a popular personality and the oligarchic face of the deep state.
We believe that the natural human tendency is to gravitate towards the popular personality,
but if we were to believe the surveys so far, it is almost exactly half and half.
So, is the assumption that people gravitate towards the popular personality incorrect
or is there something else at play?
We believe it is not flawed
but a result of the deep state deploying something it has mastered over almost a century
with roots in the machinery deployed by the earlier leader of the Anglosphere.

While the German and Japanese challenges during WW2 caused a leadership change in the Anglosphere,+++(5)+++
it did not mean the death of the old methods.
We believe that they were intensified with the transition of power within the Anglosphere,
as the model of dominance moved away from direct “colonial” operation to manipulation “at a distance”.+++(5)+++
The Anglosphere had also picked up several effective propaganda tools from the defeated Third Reich.

When the deep state found a popular challenge to its ways (outside spending),
it turned these tools inward to place a puppet leadership.
The old propaganda tools have been successfully updated
in terms of delivery for the younger generation with a low attention span:

  1. It is unlikely to invest in reading long articles/books;
  2. It prefers the visual and auditory medium.
  3. It prefers, information delivered in short bursts that produce visceral reactions.

For the older and middle-aged folks MSM still remains a potent source of propaganda transmission.
Thus, through the capture of MSM and big-tech the deep state is able to deliver a strong dose of propaganda
that has worked effectively in keeping enthusiasm for the oligarchic rule high,
while concealing its disastrous performance in the last 4 years.+++(4)+++

Thus, as of today the deep state could pull off an internal victory among the mahAmlechCha
with almost 0.5 probability.
If coin flipped the other way,
given its vindictive nature,
the oligarchy would cause mayhem via its bha~njaka-s, kAlAmukha-s, marUnmattapriya-s and ShaNDasainya
to paralyze the ruler elected on popular personality.
At least some in both the elite and the working class are afraid of voting according to their real preference due to the fear of the bha~njaka-s disrupting life.

The above is all commonplace stuff
but there is a hidden, more tangled aspect of the oligarchy that is too dangerous to mention in public.


If anUpa+++(=vance)+++ had been gardabha, the mahAmlechCha MSM would singing his paens as though he was a second coming of ShiDga.
Now they ignore his bold engagements with them while spreading a childish slander.
But perhaps by putting himself out there anUpa is delivering a message on behalf of vijaya-nAma-vyApArin to the propagandized.

Pulled rug

Get the feeling that the nAri~NgapuruSha has come to the realization that deepstate-neocon machine will not let him become rAjan irrespective of the election outcome.
A certain resignation is seen in him despite continuing the fight.
It is interesting that
he never properly articulates how they pulled the rug under him the last time –
he simply says it was a fraud.
He could be more convincing if articulated that case –
it can be made quite strongly – as how the rug was pulled.

I personally think pichChilaka is the only tolerable candidate now
precisely because he is not too conservative in the American sense of the word.
A hyperconservative type is essentially a mahApretAnuchArin likely combined with neoconism.
Such types are bad for H as they will support pretabhAnaka-s in the desh.
They will also foment wars that are detrimental to the H.
Conversely, liberals are bad as they are naturally inimical to H and will support marUnmatta-s and socialist terrorists in addition also being neocons. pichChilaka is actually the middle ground and that is the problem he faces from both sides. But when one weighs things the left-liberal is the worst.


The way the gUDharAshTra/gUDha-chArin-s are plying their puttalikA sphuNTakI is quite sophisticated – drawing the pichChilalu~Nga into an ambush in a tilted playing field & prepping her up to make her appear like something she is not. Still, the pichChilala is still holding on to a draw. These operations are not limited to the mahAmlechCha domestic system but are used the world over.

Assination attempts

Source: TW

The first would-be nAri~NgapuruSha killer was puzzling but inscrutable.

The second one, however, is puzzling in a very different way.
Just a short excavation down the rabbit hole throws up so many knots that one cannot
but compare his situation with that of the former mlechCharAT karNATi.

mahAmlechChadesha is not at all a cheap place to live,
and it is very difficult to get by without money.
So how did this chap get by is the first question that comes up.
The dAnu-apara connection is just too obvious.
If he had been an ordinary kR^iShNa,
someone like aTTahAsakI in her former avatara might have tossed him into jail.
Yet he seems to have mostly roamed around scot free – how?
Was he an agent of the gardabhin-s or the praNidhi-s?