acid rain, 320
adaptation, see behavioral adaptation airplanes, 212, 290, 398
alternative energy, 106, 164-165, 165, 166
attributes, 290-294
comparison matrix, 293, 289–299 gap to fossil fuels, 126, 300
summary, 294-299
Antarctica, 140, 153, 156
asymmetric risk, 345, 345, 349
awareness, 328-330
backpacking, 60, 346
bacteria, 3, 411
barrels, oil, 120
Bartlett, Al, 2
capacity, 78, 136, 175
energy density, 122, 277, 290
lifetime, 213, 215
behavioral adaptation, 332-343 attitude guidance, 333 energy principles, 334-337 flexibility, 344-346
quantitative energy, 337-343
Betz limit, 188
Big-5, see personality, Big-5 biofuels, 165, 230-235, 297
biodiesel, 234
EROEI, 234, 234-235, 295, 297 ethanol, 230-231, 297
from corn, 234, 234-235
and cons, 235-236, 295 usage, 106, 108, 109, 230 biological energy, 165
photosynthesis, 167
biomass, 165, 229-230
firewood, 229
planetary scale, 229, 235 pros and cons, 235-236
usage, 106, 108, 109, 229
birth rate, see population, birth/death rate
buses, 400
capacity factor, 176
geothermal, 279
hydroelectric, 176, 180
nuclear, 256
solar, 217 tidal energy, 281 wind, 190, 191, 193 carrying capacity, 34 cars, 213, 400
cats, destroyers of sofas, 317 chemistry
chemical energy, 121, 379-380 ideal gas law, 89, 381-382
molecules, 377
moles, 375-376
periodic table, 375 reactions, 378
stoichiometry, 376-379
China’s one-child policy, 47 climate change, 123, 138-158, 291
climate sensitivity parameter, 147 CO2 expectations, 140-143 CO2 measurements, 139-140 CO2 source, 138-139
CO2 spectrum, 145
consequences, 150-157 contributing countries, 143 feedback, 147
geo-engineering, 157 heating, 151-155
Kyoto Protocol, 139, 320
mitigating, 157-158
Paris Agreement, 139, 320
possible trajectories, 148–150
radiative forcing, 146, 146, 147, 151, 151
sea level rise, 155–157
warming mechanism, 143–147
atmospheric spectrum, 145
contributing countries, 143
conversion from power, 140, 141 expectations, 140-143
fossil fuel intensity, 138
historical emissions, 139, 142, 143
life cycle emissions, 181, 194, 218, 221,
measurements, 139-140
oceanic uptake, 142, 143
possible trajectories, 148-150
coal, see fossil fuels, coal
communication, 46-47, 310, 330-332
concentrated solar power, see solar thermal
Concorde, 22, 58
conservation, see behavioral adaptation cooling, 88, 95, 95, 98
COP (heat pump), 97
COVID-19 pandemic, 33, 351
current, see electrical, current
Daly, Herman, 322, 323
death rate, see population,birth/death rate
decoupling, 20-21, 23
deer, see logistic model, deer examples democracy, 309, 319, 330
demographic transition, 39, 38-46
benefits, 39, 40, 48
geography, 41-44
limitations, 41, 44-46, 48
population surge, 44-45
resource implications, 45
time sequence, 44
trajectory, 40
air, 185
energy, see energy density
water, 176
diet, see food
doubling time, see exponential, doubling
Dyson Sphere, 9
Earth energy budget, 11, 166, 167
Earth, cost of, 317
decoupling, 20-21, 23
end of growth, 27 growth, 17, 24-27, 318-319
monopoly, 25
pioneers, 27
rabbits, 22, 124
regimes, 323, 322-325 services, 20
steady state, 324-325 substitution, 21
U.S. history, 18
EER (heat pump), 97-98
electricity generation, 94, 104, 106, 170 geothermal, 276-277
heat engine, 94
heat pump, 95
human metabolism, 397
hydroelectricity, 175
lighting, 21
limits, 23
photosynthesis, 228-229
photovoltaics, 204
rebound, 23
solar thermal, 220
thermodynamic limits, 90-94
transportation, 402
wind energy, 188-189
Ehrlich, Paul, 32
EIA, see Energy Information Administration
electric transportation, 212, 290, 291,
current, 77, 202, 205
power, 76-78, 205
electricity, 165
generation efficiency, 94, 104, 106, 170
sector, 104
electron charge, 78
chemical, 121, 227, 379-380
comparison matrix, 292, 293, 289–299
conservation of, 69, 69-71, 91, 246,
conservation principles, 334-337
conservation, quantitative, 337-343
definition, 68
efficiency, see efficiency
familiar scales, 69
food labels, 74, 81, 121, 380 forms, 70, 164
global scale, 7, 12, 168
global usage, 108-110
gravitational, 174, 173-175
historical use, 7, 30, 107-111
kinetic, 184, 184-185
mass-energy, 246, 246-249 matrix, 289-299
mix, 106, 108
money analog, 70
sectors, 104
thermal, 71, 84-88, 396
thermal equivalent, 106, 170
trap, see energy trap trends, 107-111
U.S. usage, 7, 102-108, 110-111
units, see units
energy density, 118, 121, 121, 122, 122, 175, 254,
277, 290, 380, 398
Energy Information Administration, 7, 102
energy intensity, 18-21, 24
energy return on investment, see EROEI
energy trap, 132, 301, 310-311
entertainment, 54, 58, 330
entropy, 90, 91
arrow of time, 91
change, 92
Second Law, 91
equations, see formula hunting
EROEI, 231-235, 295, 310-311
estimates, 232, 234
food, 233
estimation, value of, 156, 186, 334 exponential, 2
absurdity, 9
bacteria, 3
doubling time, 2
energy extrapolation, 8
interest, 5
math, 4-6, 32
rule of 70, 2, 6
thermal extrapolation, 12
delay, 36
negative, 33, 36, 48, 50 positive, 33, 50
Fermi paradox, 312-313, 408 Feynman, Richard, 353
fireworks, v, 116, 120, 169
fission, see nuclear, fission
flexibility, see behavioral adaptation,
diet choices, 341-342
dietary energy factor, 340
energy, 74, 81, 121, 380, 380
energy input, 123, 233, 339-341
flexitarianism, 342
formula hunting, v-vi, 74, 368 fossil fuels, 117-134, 292
blip, 115-116
case studies, 128-130 cheap, 122
chemical reactions, 121 coal, 117
discovery, 117, 128-130
finite nature, 115, 124, 126-130
food production, 123, 136, 233 fracking, 124, 128, 130
future prospects, 125–132
gap to alternatives, 126, 300
geology, 120, 128
geopolitics, 131
historical usage, 118, 140
key plot, 116
making more, 169
natural gas, 120
oil, see fossil fuels, petroleum
overview, 117
peak oil, 116, 129, 133
petroleum, 118
price control, 133
pros and cons, 125, 122-125, 292
R/P ratio, 126-129
reserves, 126, 127
running out, 133
share of energy, 106-111
superiority, 300
fracking, see fossil fuels, fracking
fusion, see nuclear, fusion
fossil fuels, see fossil fuels, future
hard to predict, 117, 126, 130, 404–408
GDP, 18
generator, 89, 175, 185, 250 geothermal
heat pump, 99, 297
geothermal energy, 165, 167, 275-280, 295 depletion mining, 277-278, 297 energy density, 277
origin, 275
practical implementation, 278-280, 295 production statistics, 279
sustainable harvest, 276-277, 297 usage, 106, 108
global energy scale, 7, 168
gravitational potential energy, 174, 173-175
weakness, 174-175
Greek letters, 421
Green Revolution, 31, 123, 124 greenhouse effect, 12, 144, 146, 151 greenhouse gases, 145, 146, 144-146, 151 Greenland, 140, 153, 156
growth, see also exponential
dependence upon, 318-319 historical, 7
limits to, 13
thermodynamic limits, 12
hair, collective, 284, 322
half life, see nucleus, radioactive decay, half
heat, 73-76
capacity, 85-86, 152 generation, 84-85
home heating, 86-88, 96, 334
loss rate (homes), 87
loss rate(homes), 334
of fusion, ice, 152
of vaporization, 177 R-value, 87
waste, 10, 84, 396-397
heat engine, 90, 92, 88-94
0 K limit, 94 efficiency, 93-94
heat pump, 95, 95-99
100% magic?, 96
COP, 97
EER, 97-98
efficiency, 95-97
geothermal, 99
HSPF, 98
historical growth, see growth, historical
hockey stick curve, 31, 115
hotting up, see climate change HSPF (heat pump), 98
Hubbert, M. King, 116, 130
adaptation, see behavioral adaptation awareness, 328-330
communication, 46-47, 310, 330-332 diet choices, 341-342
evolution, 58, 312, 318, 408-411
long term prospects, 117, 404-410 metabolism, 11, 72, 74, 104, 168, 397 personality, see personality
values, 343-344
hydroelectric power, 164, 173-181, 295
capacity factor, 176 dam concept, 175 efficiency, 176
global usage, 180
in the U.S., 106, 108, 109, 178-179
pros and cons, 180, 295 theoretical potential, 177–178 hydrogen fuel, 122, 286 hydrological cycle, 177
ice melt, 152, 153, 154, 156, 156, 156 ideal gas law, 89, 381-382
individual action, 309-310, 332-343
infrared radiation, 10, 145, 146, 143-146, 147
universality, 11
intensity, energy, 18-21, 24
interest, see exponential, interest inverse functions, 5, 370
Jevons paradox, 23
Jevons, William Stanley, 23
Keeling curve, 139, 139, 142, 142
Keeling, Dave, 139
kinetic energy, 184, 184-185
Las Vegas, 120, 169
energy, 79, 197-199
photons, 79, 198, 199
Planck spectrum, 200, 199-201
Wien law, 199
logarithm, 5
logarithmic plot, 7
logistic model, 33-35
caveats, 38
deer examples, 33-36
fit to data, 37 math, 33-34
overshoot, 35
MacKay, David, vii
Malthus, Thomas, 27
math refresher
areas and volumes, 362-363
equation manipulation, 369-370 formula hunting, 368 fractional powers, 366-367
fractions, 363-365
integer powers, 365-366
intuitive rules, 361-362
scientific notation, 367-368
units manipulation, 370-373 unnecessary precision, 359-361
Milky Way Galaxy, 9, 55, 312
mole, 78, 375-376
Mt. Everest, 58, 62
Myers-Briggs, see personality, Myers-Briggs
natural gas, see fossil fuels, natural gas notation, 420
accidents, 263, 263
attitudes, 264
binding energy, 247, 249, 247-249 breeding, 259, 258-260, 296
cost, 256
fission, 165, 249-264, 296
accounting, 251-255 basics, 250-251
chain reaction, 251 plutonium, 259-260, 262 products, 250, 252, 253 pros and cons, 264, 296 thorium, 260, 296
uranium, 257, 257-258
fusion, 165, 167, 264-269, 299
cost, 267
deuterium, 266
fuel abundance, 266-267
hydrogen bomb, 266
ITER, 267
mindset, 267-268
NIF, 267
pros and cons, 268-269, 299 realities, 267-268
tritium, 266
waste, 268
implementations, 256
power plant, 250, 255, 255-257 proliferation, 262-263
radioactive waste, 261, 260-261
safety, 263, 263
strong force, 240, 245, 247
weak force, 245
weapons, 262-263, 266
nuclear energy, 106, 108
usage, 108, 109
nucleus, 240, 239-241
binding energy, 247, 249, 247-249
Chart of the Nuclides, 240, 241, 240-241,
242, 245, 259
labeling, 240
radioactive decay, 243, 244, 245, 242-245,
261 alpha, 243
beta, 244
gamma, 244
half life, 242
ocean currents, 165, 281-282, 298 oil, see fossil fuels, petroleum
oil prices, 132 overshoot, 35-38 ozone, 145, 320
pandemic, 33, 351
Passive House, 87, 219 peak oil, 116, 129, 133 periodic table, 375 personality, 304-308 Big-5, 305
Myers-Briggs, 306, 307, 305-307 petroleum, see fossil fuels, petroleum photons, 21, 79, 198, 199, 227, 394 photosynthesis, 227-229
efficiency, 228-229
mass origin, 228
potato example, 228
photovoltaics, 201-206, 294
I-V curve,
capacity factor, 216, 217 cell structure, 202, 205 concept, 201-203 efficiency, 204
installations, 215-217
losses, 203, 204
panel tilt, 208, 208-210, 210
panels, 205-206
peak watts, 210
pros and cons, 217-218, 294
residential, see solar, residential
series vs. parallel, 205
theoretical efficiency, 204, 202-205
plan for the future, 27, 316
difficulties, 319-322
growth dependence, 318-319
lack of, 316-318
who would make?, 321-322
Planck spectrum, 199, 200
policy, 47-48, 309-310, 320
birth/death rate, 38, 39, 40
demographic transition, see demographic
history, 31-32
one-child policy, 47
overshoot, 35-38
personal issues, 46-47
policy, 47-48
selfish?, 46
Tikopia, 47
power, 71-72
electrical, 76-78
power plant, 89, 90, 219, 250
predicament, 332
propane, 76, 335
R-value, 87
rabbits out of a hat, 22, 124
radioactive decay, see nucleus, radioactive
rebound effect, 23
renewable energy, 106, 108, 109, 165, 169
salvation?, 116
share of total, 108-111
resource war, 132, 308
resources, physical, 17, 27
rule of 70, see exponential, rule of 70
Sagan, Carl, 54
scientific notation, 367-368
sea level rise, see climate change, sea level
ships, 399
batteries, 215
capacity factor, 216, 217
constant, 11, 167, 203, 206, 206, 211
cost, 211, 215
Earth budget, 11, 166, 167, 211
energy, 106, 108, 109, 165, 197, 211-213
full-sun-equivalent hours, 209
heating, 168
insolation, 168, 207, 206-210
intermittency, 211-212, 221
luminosity, 9, 206
photovoltaics, see photovoltaics
residential, 213–215
configurations, 213
sizing, 213-215
suitability, 212
thermal, see solar thermal
transportation?, 212
solar constant, 11, 167, 203, 206, 211
solar thermal, 218-221
concentration, 219
efficiency, 220
electricity generation, 219, 219–221, 294
installations, 220-221
passive heating, 218-219, 294
power tower, 220
pros and cons, 221, 294
trough plant, 220
accomplishments, 59
cosmic scales, 57
costs, 58
exploration’s role, 61-63
like backpacking, 60 ocean comparison, 60 orbit heights, 59
other planets, 4
planet atmospheres, 61 scale, 54-58
scale factors, 55
Space Shuttle, 59, 62
student questions, 63
terraforming, 60 timeline, 59
travel times, 56 twenty one piløts, 62
unmet challenges, 60
speedometer analogy for kWh, 73 steady state economy, 26-27, 324-325 Stefan-Boltzmann
constant, 10, 199
law, 10, 144, 199
strong nuclear force, 240, 245, 247
substitution, 21-23
symbols, 420
absolute zero, 94
Celsius, 10, 73, 381
Fahrenheit, 10, 75
Kelvin, 10, 94, 381
terraforming, 60
thermal energy, 70, 84-88, 219, 277
geothermal, see geothermal
thermal equivalent, see energy, thermal
thermodynamic growth limit, 12
tidal energy, 165, 166, 280, 280-281, 296,
capacity factor, 281
implementations, 281
Tikopia, 47, 316
transportation, 212, 230, 290-292, 337, 338,
trucks, 399
twenty one piløts, 62
uncertainty, see behavioral adaptation,
units, 68-80
Ampere (A), 77
barrels, 120
British Thermal Unit (Btu), 75, 75-76
Calorie, see units, kilocalorie (kcal)
calorie (cal), 73, 73-75
Coulomb (C), 77
electron volt (eV), 78, 78
Joules (J), 68, 69
kilocalorie (kcal), 73, 73-75 kilowatt vs. kilowatt-hour, 73
kilowatt-hour (kWh), 72-73, 109, 335
speedometer analogy, 73 manipulation, 69, 370-373 Newton (N), 68, 69 prefixes, 72, 420
qBtu, or quads, 75, 104, 109 Therms, 76, 337 Volt (V), 76
Watt (W), 71-72
universe, 9, 55, 257, 312
Big Bang, 392, 394, 396 edge, 392-393
energy, 393-395
values, see human, values voltage, 76
war, see resource war
waste heat, see heat, waste
Watt, James, 118
wave energy, 165, 282-285, 298
derivation, 283-284
weak nuclear force, 245
Wien law, 199
wind energy, 164, 185-194, 295
Betz limit, 188
capacity factor, 190, 189-190, 193
derivation, 185-187
efficiency, 188, 188-189
estimated potential, 186, 193
installations, 191-192
intermittency, 190, 189-190
performance data, 190
potential (map), 186 power density, 189
pros and cons, 193-194, 295 spacing turbines, 189, 189 speed limits, 190, 190-191 turbines, 187-191
usage, 106, 108, 109
wolf, crying, 27, 351
horsepower (hp), 72, 185, 213
Y2K scare, 329, 351