Mechanism design
Engineer / implement social choice function. Mech design in making protocols for computer network problems: algorithmorithmic mechanism design. Electronic market design: mech design in electronic markets.
Set of alternatives A. L: set of all linear orders over A. Preference order of
Social welfare function
(Arrow): Every social welfare fn over A with
Social choice function
Voting methods
Ways of finding outcome of multicandidate (
Majority vote won’t work: Condorcet paradox. Strategic voting:
Strategic manipulation
Incentive compatible mechanism: No
VCG mechanism
Maximizes social welfare:
1st price auction. 2nd price auction. Generalized 2nd price auction: winner pays a price between 1st price and 2nd price.
Combinatorial auctions
Search auctions
How to order the list of ads? Payment per click
Prediction markets
Markets whose purpose is to find a probability. People who buy low and sell high are rewarded for improving the prediction, those who buy high and sell low are punished for degrading it.