- Eleusine Indica, बल्बज, करडि-हुल्लु. Crow-foot-grass.
- A famine food. Low yield. Relative of millets.
- Desmostachya bipinnata, commonly known in English by the names halfa grass, big cordgrass, and salt reed-grass. Aka kusha.
- Branches from the base, erect from a stout creeping rootstock.

स्रोतश् चन्द्रादयः।
- Visit the ICAR - Horticultural Research Institute. As a special gesture they allow Dvijas with kachcham (only on amAvAsya with mAgha star?), entry reportedly allowed before 2PM. They give a badge. Once you are in you need to get to the back side of the institute where the farms are located. Just drive long enough and you will get places where darbha is found. Ground staff are very helpful.
- Collection points shrAvaNa kRShNa amAvAsya 2019
- Aka garike
- Cynodon dactylon
- grass creeps along the ground with its stolons and roots wherever a node touches the ground, forming a dense mat
- Fast growing, tough. Hard to control - so called “devil grass” by some.
- selectively eaten by dogs to swiftly induce vomiting
- ANDROPOGON MURICATUS, Vetiver, Khas-Khas, Khus-Khus, सुगन्धिमूलम्
- up to and over 2 m. tall, in dense tufts, with stout spongy aromatic roots.