Source: TW
Inflation from 2000 to 2022
Gold price: 8.4% per year
Money supply growth: 6.8% per year
Oil price: 4.7% per year
Median house: 4.6% per year
Education: 4.6% per year
Medical services: 3.4% per year
CPI(=consumer price index): 2.6% per year
Deposit yields: <2%
Apparel: flat
Electronics, software: down
As @saylor would say, inflation is a vector.
The price of scarce things tend to go up more in line with money supply growth, while tech and offshoring make other things radically abundant, which pulls the CPI calculation down.
If something compounds by 4.6% per year, then after 23 years the price is 2.8x what it was at the start of the period. That’s pretty big.
I think medical services and education on this particular list are understated, tho. Hospital services in particular are way higher.