Usually trusted key-servers are used.
Identity based encryption (IBE)
IBE Authority (Auth) publishes public parameters (PP), has master secret key (MSK).
Semantic security under CPA
Challenger C, attacker A. C sends PP to A. A sends C
Security under the random oracle model
If Hash fn H is used. Adversary assumed not to have access to H code, but only oracle access to H used in the protocol. H returns a random group element when queried.
Used in SSL, PGP security proofs.
Selective security under CPA
Adversary must choose target before seeing PP.
Can be selectively secure without full security: take any fully secure scheme X with algs Setup, KeyGen, Encrypt, Decrypt. Make selectively secure but not fully secure scheme Y by saying keygen’(id) = keygen(id) if id = tid, and keygen(oid).
Main challenges in proofs
Make keys for
If recipient is not online, can’t get public key directly from him. IBE: No need to look up public key. Also, auth can grant SK at a future date, enabling messages which can be opened at a future date,
Auth can decrypt anything. If CA is compromised, it will be noticed. But if auth is compromised, this may not happen.
Boneh Franklin (BF) system
Security against CPA under Random Oracle model
DBDH challenger A, DBDH attacker/ IBE challenger B, IBE attacker C. C makes q oracle queries. Before attack starts, B guesses C’s target id tid, fixes H so that
Boneh Boyen
Setup: Pick
Randomized keygen: new key each time: Pick
Enc(PP, M, ID): pick
Dec: \
Selective security under CPA
DBDH challenger A, DBDH attacker/ IBE challenger B, IBE attacker C. A:
Keygen: pick
B sends cyphertext:
Waters cryptosystem
Instead of guessing tid as in BF, guess 1/q of the space of id’s as possible targets. Setup:
Fully secure. Selective id proof led us in the right direction.
Non pairing based IBE cryptosystems
Based on learning parity with noise hardness assumption by Vaikuntanathan et al.