One puzzle is whether the Mongols put together their nakShatra list from Uighur list or independently from the sUryagarbhasUtra, which the tAthAgata-s in their characteristic plagiaristic way claimed was taught by the sugata. e.g.
- kR^ittikA -> Uig: Kirdik; Mon: Kerteg
- but rohiNI-> Uig: urughuNi; Mon: rokini;
- vishAkhA -> Uig: vishak; Mon shushagh. The Mongol transformation for vishAkhA is odd.
Others are quite similar & regularly derived from the H list. Notably, 1 the Indian transmission to the chIna-s begins with chitrA but Uighur & Mongol list begin with kR^ittikA.
- Uighurs have chitra as chaidir whereas Mongols have it as jayitari;
- jyeShThA -> Uig: chisht; Mon: chistA;
- abhijit-> Uig: abichi; Mon: abiji.
It seems that Skt ja -> cha in both Turkic (Uig) & Mongolic; but if cha from Turkic is taken the Mongols make it ja.