०५ पुनर्वसू


+++(α , β Geminorum - Castor and Pollux)+++

  • अदितेर् द्वे शिरसी।
    • तैत्तिरीयसंहितायाम् - 1.2.4 “अदितिर् अस्य् उभ्यतः शीर्ष्णी, सा नः सुप्राची सुप्रतीची सं भव ।”
    • Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa ( - “aditir asy ubhayataḥ śīrṣṇīti. sa yadenayā samānaṃ sadviparyāsaṃ vadati, yadaparaṃ tatpūrvaṃ karoti, yatpūrvaṃ tadaparaṃ - tenobhayataḥ śīrṣṇī, tasmād āhāditir asy ubhayataḥśīrṣṇīti ||”
  • रामायणे - “kumbhakarṇa-śiro bhāti kuṇḍalālaṅkṛtaṃ mahat । āditye’bhyudite rātrau madhyastha iva candramāḥ ॥”
  • “These allusions indicate that the two-headed nature of the constellation of Gemini was transposed on to the presiding deity Aditi and the inversion associated with the two heads along with the eastward and westward paths might indicate an old memory of the start of the ecliptic at Aditi in prehistoric times (>7000 years BP).”