20 कृत् and तद्धित-प्रत्ययाः, च्वि, Nominal Derivation and Sanskrit Vocabulary
The grammatical complexity of Sanskrit is such that, in the first year, it tends to overshadow other areas of language learning, especially the acquisition of a working vocabulary. Nonetheless, the major features of the grammar will soon, through constant repetition, become quite familiar. Vocabulary, on the other hand, tends to loom as a greater issue when one begins reading Sanskrit texts. With Sanskrit, more perhaps than other languages, the beginning student feels that he or she never seems to be able to learn enough words so that he or she can obtain some modicum of freedom from the dictionary.
There are a number of reasons for the extraordinary richness of the Sanskrit lexicon. One of the reasons concerns the deri vation of nouns and adjectives from verbal roots. Despite the relatively small number of verbal roots in common use, it is possible, through the use of the 344-1-s and a wide variety of derivational suffixes, to make a given root the base for a large number of words. By combinations and permutations of the 34621-s and suffixes, it would easily be possible to generate a hundred words from a single root. Mastery of the more impor tant of these suffixes, like a knowledge of the 34679-s, is, therefore, of immense help in the task of acquiring a working Sanskrit vocabulary. Sanskrit derivational suffixes are called Yeri-s and fall into two major categories depending upon whether they are added directly to a UTC or to some more complex form. Suffixes that are added directly to a verbal root are called a pris (pri mary suffixes), while those added to a formalready derived by कृत् or other derivation are called तद्धित प्रत्यय-s (secondary suf
the f
fixes). For example, from the root v4 (awaken), we may derive, by means of a familiar कृत् प्रत्यय -त,’ the form बुद्ध (भूते PGRI) (awakened, enlightened, the Buddha). Then, from this F derivative, we may further derive, by means of a alga pera,
(a follower of the enlightened one, a Buddhist). The most important ca-s and their basic functions are best leamed according to their basic category (i.e., कुत् or तद्धित), and within each category, according to their significance. Be fore going on to examine the yepy-s, however, it is essential that you be thoroughly familiar with the grades of vowel strength called ju and al(3.5-7). These vowel grades are often characteristic of the various kinds of nominal derivation, and it is difficult to relate many forms to their underlying forms without a clear, virtually automatic, knowledge of the grades of the simple vowels. If you cannot immediately see that the words GRR11, 2729, 2A, SIG, 3174, and I are derived from GRAI, TY, FACT, TG, # and V5 respectively, go back to 3.5-7 and learn the vowel grades thoroughly. Major op Hep-s
derivation is primary in that it depends on the simple ver bal U19-s of the language. Although all three vowel grades (no strength, Tu and alg) occur in various examples of orderi vation, it is a fair generalization to say that ju is the most characteristic while the other two are less common. There is one group of H R -s that should by now be quite familiar to you. These—the participial, infinitive, gerundive, and gerund suffixes such as -a, -7, -14, -404, -7, -37-112, -cai, and -234-have been discussed elsewhere. There remain, however, a number of R-s that are used to derive nouns and adjectives from the verbal roots. Such de rivatives differ somewhat from the participles in that they generally lose their verbal character insofar as they do not so clearly have opel-s and 24-s in sentences.
IS a
a. faay
The simplest of these suffixes, is the zero, or feqq er. Derivative nouns with this suffix consist simply of the verbal root with or without an 3440f. Such forms are rela tively rare and are restricted to a few items, mostly Fit nouns expressing the action of the root. Examples: Root
Derivative दृश् (see)
दृश (f) (sight)
(608) Vyu (fight)
(f) (fight, battle)
( YED(see 3.25.a) 34 + A + VHG (1P) 347796 [-(f) (upanişad) (sit down near (Fical) H4 + VÆG (1P) HHT (- (f) (assembly) (sit together)
R + VHG (1P) upra (-a) (1) (assembly) (sit around) 311 + V96 (1P) 31146 (-2) (f) (calamity, (undergo misfortune)
- The 1994 444, however, is more common in forms occurring at the end of compounds (see 12.17). Here, it forms an agent noun, i.e., a noun identifying the agent of the action of the root. Unlike action nouns, agent nouns can take any gender, depending on the inherent gender of the person or thing iden tified as agent. Examples: VETI (9P) (know)
(knower of everything) VFG (1P) (conquer) 15 (conqueror of Indra) (see 21.1) VGT (3P) (give) a (m prop) (boon giver,
b. 31
This is the most important derivational suffixes in the lan guage. It is added freely to a large number of roots and with them forms of a great number of action nouns mostly
- Before this suffix, the following changes in the root
occur: 1. A root vowel, if capable of Ju (i.e., in a light syllable or a
final long vowel), takes it. (In fact, this suffix is largely
restricted to such cases.) 2. Medial 31 is subject to ale, but this is not invariably the
case. 3. Some final vowels are likewise subject to g. 4. A ou (palatal) Furt, and sometimes in root final posi
tion revert, before the 21, to their corresponding usz (velar). Examples: Root
Derivative Vis (1P) (conquer) 314: (m) (conquest, victory) VF4. (4P) (be angry) 14: (m) (anger) VpU (4P) (be angry) tu: (m) (anger) 3G + V (2P) (go up) 394: (m) (ascension,
success) VFG (7P) (split) T: (m) (separation, split,
distinction) fa + VAT (7P)
fart: (m) (distinction, . (distinguish)
species) VTT (1P) (grieve) BIC: (m) (grief) VE (1P) (leave)
CART: (m) (abandonment,
renunciation) VTE (7P) (join) ANT: (m) (mental
concentration) ve (4P) (be greedy) H: (m) (greed) H4 + 371 + VIT4 (1P) 44714: (m) (meeting)
(come together)
&: (m) (fear, trembling)
3G + Vias (1P) (tremble,
fear) Vrac (2P) (know)
(1P) (be)
ata: (m) (veda, sacred
knowledge) 4:119: (m) (being, state,
abstract condition) fatal: (m) (release, visarga)
1: (m) (enjoyment) R: (m) (boon)
fa + VHET (6P) (release) VEI (7P) (enjoy) vą (9Ā) (choose)
i. A few words of this derivation are neuter.
Example: ni (3P) (fear)
14 (n) (fear) ii. A few are agent nouns.
Examples: V (8P) (do) (at end of compounds) (doer,
maker, agent) HIER: (m) (light-maker, sun) कुम्भकारः (m) (pot-maker, potter). Vमिह (1P) (emit fluid, urinate) Àa: (m) (cloud)
-371 A number of roots, especially those whose vowels do not qualify for Ju or IG (i.e., short in heavy syllable or long non-final, see 7.16), form Fill action nouns with the suffix आ. Examples: Root
Derivative VHq (1A) (serve) Hal (1) (service) VAN (1Ā) (speak) 491 (f) (speech, language) Vents (1P/Ā) (play) SI (1) (play, sport) VER(10P) (think)
Famill (1) (thought, anxiety)
As seen in Lesson 18, this suffix routinely forms action nouns from the ER desiderative) stem.
Examples: Root 1944 (4A) (think) Vary (1Ā) (ward off)
Derivative Hial (f) (inquiry)
Chi (f) (disgust)
d. -377
The suffix -37, like -37, is one of the most productive and important of the non-participial o 24p4-s. Like -37, it forms action nouns freely from many roots. Before it, root vowels generally take fun if they can. In contrast with the -31 Yep, -37 forms nouns mostly in the h o . Final
1504 (palatal) consonants are unchanged before -37A. Action nouns of this group sometimes take on a sense of object nouns, i.e., nouns indicating the object of an action, or, in the case of 3744 roots, nouns indicating the locus of action. A few are agentive. Examples: Root
Derivative VITA (1P) (go) 1474 (n) (going)
(2P) (kill) 6774 (n) (killing) Vवच
(2P) (speak) 444 (n) (speech) (3P) (give) 1974 (n) (giving, gift)
(3P) (drink) 41414 (n) (drinking, drink) VE (7P) (enjoy, eat) HSA4 (n)(enjoyment, food) vac (1P) (speak) 26574 (n) (face (mouth]) fa + VAT (1P) (adom) f ur (n) (ornament,
adorning) (3P) (stand) FIATH (n) (standing, place) (1P) (lead) 7474 (n) (eye [leader])
(7P) (crush, grind) 49014 (n) (grinding) VED (5P) (hear) 39014 (n) (hearing)
3114 (2Ā) (sit) 3146774 (n) (seat, posture) VE (1P) (carry) 91614 (n) (carrying, mount,
दा पा
This suffix forms a fairly restricted group of predominantly 747105 action nouns. Before it, root vowels take ju if possible (see 9.0-9.4). Examples: Root
Derivative Vतप् (1P) (burn, 24: (n) (austerity)
perform austerity) vaz (2P) (speak) : (n) (speech)
मन् (4A) (think)
(n) (mind, thought) 1774 (1P/A) (bow, 74: (n) (homage, bow)
do homage)
This suffix forms many important Eiros action nouns. Before it, roots are generally unchanged or weakened, ex actly as before the -त of the भूते कृदन्त. Examples: Root
Derivative V14 (1P) (go) fa: (f) (gait, path, way,
going (see 6.1.b)) 9 + V3114 (5P) (attain)
(f) (attainment,
acquisition) 174 (4A) (think) : (f) (thought, opinion) VE (6P)(release, free) ft: (f) (liberation) V514 (4A) (be born) sila: (f) (birth, genus,
caste) (P) (see)
(f) (sight, vision) (1P) (pour,
(f) (rain, shower) shower) TI + V (8P) (fashion, 36fd: (f) (form)
form) (4A) (be awake
(f) (idea, thought, aware)
highest mental faculty)
Vaca vas
(1P) (speak) (6P) (create) (1Ā) (take pleasure in)
3ft: He:
(f) (speech, saying) (f) (creation) (f) (pleasure, love making)
i. The common root v4G (4Ā), “go,” forms 4: (f), “go
ing,” despite the fact that the L GR is (see 10.12). This important root occurs only with 347-s. Examples: 37 + 196 (be born, 3c4fa: (f) (birth,
arise, originate) origin, arising) fa + V96 (experience fayfa: (f) (misfortune)
calamity) सम् + Vपद् (experience संपत्तिः (1) (good fortune)
good fortune)
g. 41
This suffix forms action nouns from a few roots. The nouns are mostly 798 5. Before the suffix, root vowels are subject to गुण. Examples: Root
Derivative 1514 (4Ā) (be born) 54 (n) (birth) VF (8P) (do, make) 49 (n) (action, karma,
grammatical object)
h. -5
This suffix forms, from a few roots, nouns that individu ally indicate an instrument or means of the action of the verbal root. These nouns are usually 7Hf55. Before this suffix root vowels are subject to ju Examples: Root
Derivative VITI (2A) (go) PF (n) (limb of the body
(means of motion))
(1P) (fall, fly)
(1P) (drink)
(2A) (rule, restrict)
(n) (wing (means of flying]) (n) (cup, drinking vessel (instrument for drinking]) (n) (scientific or prescriptive text [means of instruction)) (n) (ear (means of hearing]) (n) (eye (means of leading]) (n) (clothing (means of clothing])
(5P) (hear)
(1P) (lead)
(2Ā) (clothe)
- This प्रत्यय forms agent nouns in the पुंलिङ्ग and नपुंसकलिङ्ग. Corresponding Fils nouns are formed with the suffix Fil. Before these 4424-s root vowels take ju if possible. They may be added to many roots. The suffix ? is the same one discussed in connection with stems in final # (10.0-3) and the C (16.12.2). It is added to the stem with or without the vowel 5 as noted at those places. Examples: Root
Derivative (8P) (do)
(m,n) ( f) (agent, maker, grammatical
subject) (1P) (lead)
(m,n) (at f) (leader) (3P) (give) GT (m,n) Fit f) (giver) (1P) (protect)
(m,n) f) (protector, protectress)
Before this suffix, certain roots in which a consonant precedes the sequence 3T are changed as follows: 34 → 317; & →&. (See 10.8.d). Example: VaE (1P) (carry) at (m, n) (carrier)
-3755 This प्रत्यय forms पुंलिङ्ग and नपुंसकलिङ्ग agent nouns. Its Fillos equivalent is usually -501, although -376h1 and 3707 are occasionally seen. It is used fairly freely. Before it, medial short vowels take 14, medial 31 and final vowels
Tic. Examples: Root
Derivative V (1P) (lead) 70: (m, n) (leader, hero)
Aifa (f) (heroine (in
drama]) (7P) (split)
HGC:A1944 (m, n) (splitter)
w (f) (1P) (cook) 47907:/96074 (m, n) (cook)
ufc () (8P) (do) CAR:/9194 (m, n) (effector)
R4 (n) (the relation of
noun to a verb, expressed by the
grammatical case) dailiai (f) (concise, metrical
statement in one of the शास्त्र-s)
The above are by no means all of the opp -s. They are, however, the most important and commonly used. The others do not generate enough forms to warrant your learning them. It is sufficient to learn the individual forms without worrying
about their derivation. You should, however, make yourself familiar with the above list of suffixes and the ways in which they work. तद्धित Derivation Just as the 224-s are used to generate a variety of nouns from the verbal roots, so the ca -s enable one to build new nominal forms based on the meanings of other nominal stems. The underlying nominal forms are called upta. The forms thus derived are of several types. Two of these, however, are most important. a. Derivative adjectives.
i. These are normally derived from nouns and indicate
that their fazlea (modificand) is in some way related to the lata. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative 47: (n) (mind) HH (adj) (mental) sos: (m) (world) collabots (adj) (worldly) 984: (m) (man) 46.44 (adj) (human,
pertaining to men)
ii. Such adjectives are themselves often stereotyped as
nouns, especially when they refer to people who know or study the thing indicated by the प्रकृति. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative Ollohu14 (n)
duchu (adj) (pertaining (the science of
to grammar, but grammar)
more commonly: elut: (m) (a grammarian)
iii. This kind of nominalization is regularly stereotyped
in the derivation of proper names from those of some parent or ancestor.
Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative GER4: (m) (Daśaratha) GERT: (m) (son of
Dasaratha, e.g.,
Rāma) grafit (f) (Kunti) 4: (m) (son of
Kunti; e.g., Arjuna)
b. Abstract nouns. This important class of nouns is derived
freely from both nouns and adjectives. If X is any noun and Y any adjective, the derivations are usually best trans lated X-hood, the state of being an X; Y-ness, the state of being Y. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative शीत (adj) (cold) 144 (n) (cold, coolness) युवन्
(adj) (young) 1944 (n) (youth) 964: (m) (man) focal (f) (manhood)
Just as ju of a root vowel is a frequent characteristic of derivation, a characteristic mark of the aici derivation is aic. A number of the most important of the area feri-s require aic, which occurs in the initial syllable of the yefa. This rule has one relatively important exception. When the first vowel of an underlying form is immediately preceded by the semi vowel or 7, especially where the semi-vowel is the result of an external HP change of the final vowel of a quasi-indepen dent word (e.g., the 344-0-s , fa- or the coumpound forms - or -), this semi-vowel is first analyzed into 54 or 34, and the als then applies to the vowel (5 or 3). This applies to all area suffixes requiring वृद्धि. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative 42014 (n) (grammar) 216241:(m) (grammarian)
PR: (m) (logic) of: (f) (individual)
tulp: (m) (logician) Rifat (adj) (personal,
individual) Hae: (m prop) (son of
(m prop) (-37:)
When a semi-vowel preceding an initial vowel is not the result of external HAU, the regular rule applies. Example: प्रकृति
Derivative Faen (m prop) (F2-4) Faria: (m) (son of
(the god Brahmā)
20.11 The most important of the area fri-s are:
a. -37
This suffix is as important among als as its phonologi cal twin is among the A-s (20.6.b). It has four basic meanings, the first two of which are somewhat more im portant than the others. The meanings are: 1. 37440181 (genealogical descent) 2. Hallo (abstraction) 3. Jean
(possession) 4. JAG
(knowledge) The suffix has a Fitas counterpart, $. Both require are of the first syllable of the sofa. 37 (and $) are added to nominal stems as follows: i. They replace final 37 or 311.
Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative (m) (son) 417 (m) (grandson) 4711 (f prop) 4 : (m prop) (son of
(Yamunā river) Yamunā) uda: (m) (mountain) 9106 (f prop) (daughter of
the mountain)
ii. They replace final $.
Example: प्रकृति सरस्वती (f prop)
Derivative HR a: (m prop) (son of
iii. They are added to the ju of -3.
Derivative T: (m prop) 1919: (m prop) (descendant
of Raghu)
iv. They are added directly to #, which is not strength
ened. Example: प्रकृति
Derivative त्वष्ट (m prop) त्वाष्टः (m prop) (son of
They are added directly to consonant stem finals. In the case of final 3TR the weak form 3 is the base. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative HA: (n) (mind) HH (adj) (mental) 66 (n) (Brahman) 4: (m) (a brāhman) हिमवन्त् (m)
हैमवत (adj) (pertaining to (the Himālaya
the Himālaya mountains)
The following are additional examples of its uses: 1. 314240g प्रकृति
Derivative (m prop) <109: (m) (Rāma, descen (Raghu)
dant of Raghu)
(m prop) 51649 (f) (Sītā (daughter of (Janaka)
Janaka]) (m) (mountain) racit (1) (Umā, daughter of
the mountain)
- HCC प्रकृति
Derivative y (adj) (heavy) 14 (n) (weight,
profundity) my (adj) (light) $2014 (n) (lightness,
triviality) Rry (m) (child) R14 (n) (childhood)
yan (adj) (young) 1974 (n) (youth)
Derivative fra: (m prop) (Śiva) sta (adj) (belonging or
pertaining to Siva) fabu: (m prop) doura (adj) (belonging or
pertaining to Vişnu) gg: (m) (Buddha) at (adj) (belonging or
pertaining to
Buddha) 4. TESCO प्रकृति
Derivative व्याकरणम् (n) (grammar) वैयाकरणः (m) (grammarian)
This suffix is also of great importance. It is used to form a great number of nouns, mostly High (abstract), which are generally नपुंसकलिङ्ग. वृद्धि of the first syllable is general, but a number of forms show no strength. The suffix re places any stem-final vowel and is added to any stem-final consonant.
- 374241
Derivative ifra: (f prop) (Aditi) 31114: (m)(Āditya; the Sun) dala: (m prop) 104: (m) (son of Kavi)
(name of a sage)
- Halal
This is one of the most productive generators of Halal forms in the language.
Derivative FR: (m) (hero) Teh (n) (heroism) stea: (adj) (proper) 34R14 (n) (propriety) पण्डितः (m) (wise man) पाण्डित्यम् (n) (state of being
a wise man) segas (adj) (eager) 3944 (n) (longing,
eagerness) 315€ (adj) (lazy) 311er (n) (laziness) उदासीन (adj) (indifferent) औदासीन्यम् (n) (indifference) Re: (m) (fool) Hoem (m) (foolishness) aft: (m) (hero) den (n) (no alc)
(heroism, valor) kam (n) (face) 4041 (adj) (no to
(foremost) 3. Hra: (produced from the referent of the gosta)
Derivative Gra: (m) (tooth) Grey (adj) (dental)
all (n) (palate) 104 (adj) (palatal) c. -54
This is actually the preceding Here with the epenthetic vowel 5 before it. It occurs where the suffix - would otherwise have to follow a conjunct consonant directly. प्रकृति
Derivative 1974 (n) (field)
HER (adj) (pertaining to a
field) 14 (n) (kingly power) 14: (m) (the princely class)
d. -$4
This suffix is largely restricted to the function of forming possessive adjectives from the pronouns. In each case it is added to the form the pronoun takes in HATH (12.16.d). The gata shows no strength. प्रकृति
Derivative अहम् (I)
467 (adj) (my) (you)
racit (adj) (your) भवन्त्
(you) Hacia (adj) (your) वयम् (we)
अस्मदीय (adj) (our) यूयम् (you) yusti (adj) (your)
A:, H, aa (he, she, it) Tata (adj) (his, hers, its) e. -
This is a relatively common suffix, mostly as an 31440lah. It replaces a final vowel and requires वृद्धि. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative gravatt (f) (Kunti) Cate: (m) (son of Kunti,
Arjuna) 151 (f) (Ganges) 154: (m) (son of the
Ganges, Bhīşma) farell (f) (Vinatā) anda: (m) (son of Vinatā,
The suffix has some non-374240 usages. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative (m) (sage) 31194 (adj) (pertaining to
rşis, descended from
rșis) पुरुषः (m) (man) 1944 (adj) (human, as
opposed to divine) अतिथिः
(m) (guest) et (adj) (pleasing to
-5 This suffix requires qic and replaces a final vowel. Its chief use is as an 3742401 21h. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative GRY: (m) (Dasaratha) GRR12: (m) (Rāma)
11 (f) (Sumitrā) : (m) (Lakşmaņa)
g. -c and
These two Hidalgo 4224-s are extremely important. They are used with great freedom to form abstract nouns, which signify the state or condition of being that which is indi cated by the rest. They correspond to the English suffixes -ness, -hood, etc. No strength is required in the forta. Nouns formed with -त्व are नपुंसकलिङ्ग; those with -ता are स्त्रीलिङ्ग. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative (m) (monkey) 1994 (n) (monkey-ness,
the state of being a
monkey) मधुर (adj) (sweet) Real (f) (sweetness)
- This common cup has various meanings. It is sometimes used as an agentive suffix, sometimes as a diminutive, and often with no special meaning. It requires no strength in the ygfa. For example: प्रकृति
Derivative TRI: (m) (end) 3714: (m) (ender, i.e.,
death) रूपम् (n) (form) 4054 (n) (giving form, i.e.,
metaphor) 5: (m) (son) 9510: (m) (little boy) HTC: (m) (man) 41/4: (m) (youth; especially
a brāhman boy)
59: नग्न
(m) (arrow) (adj) (naked)
51904: foto
(m) (arrow) (ad) (naked)
i. -506
This suffix requires are in the first syllable of the gold. It has various uses, chiefly as at 144 (possession) and ada (knowing something). It replaces a final vowel and is added to a final consonant. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative mas: (m) (world)
ilano (adj) (worldly) (m) (veda)
afges (adj) (vedic)
aica: (m) (a vedic scholar) (m) (dharma) 14. (adj) (righteous) न्यायः (m) (logic) 74: (m) (logician) पुराणम् (n) (purāna, YRIA: (m) (a man versed in
a class of texts) purānas) स्वभावः (m) (inherent FaN194 (adj) (pertaining to
inherent nature,
innate) मनः (n) (mind) HATH (adj) (mental)
This suffix functions like the one above but is generally less common. Example: प्रकृति
Derivative Hi (f) (a philosophical HHH: (m) (a follower of the
mimāņsa school) The form 474 (adj), mine, is derived by this rep from the 981 55° form of 3764. (See verse at 18.23.2.a.)
-ART This suffix, which is added directly to a nominal stem with out any vowel strength, forms adjectives conveying the
sense of “made of" or “consisting of the thing indicated by the प्रकृति. सन्धि before this suffix is extermal. Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative वाक् (f) (speech) 91544 (adj) (consisting of
वाङ्मयम् (literature) चित् (f) (mind, Perhe (adj) (consisting of
consciousness) consciousness) काष्ठम्
(n) (wood) $1844 (adj) (made of wood)
There are a number of suffixes which indicate the pos sessor (स्वामिन्) of the प्रकृति. These are said to beस्वामित्ववाचक (expressive of ownership). These have already been in troduced in the various paradigms. They are -R-OR, -59, and -104. (See 11.3 and 12.0-12.3 respectively.) Examples: प्रकृति
Derivative 981: (m) (wing) 7 (m) (bird) 49: (n) (asceticism) auto (m) (ascetic) 423: (m) (cattle) 34R (ad) (rich in cattle)
(f) (memory) Fahd (adj) (having a good
*m. 3robefalet gere
There are two unrelated sets of RR-s that are used to form comparative and superlative grades of adjectives. They are said to be 360649196 (expressive of superiority): i. -CR-comparative
-04- superlative These are added to any adjectival stem. If the stem is one that has a twofold distinction of strength, then the weaker is used; if the distinction is threefold, the middle grade is used. The object of comparison is usually in the 450 fauft.
Examples: Adjective प्रिय (dear)
महन्त् (great)
Comparative प्रियतर (dearer)
महत्तर (greater)
Superlative प्रियतम (dearest) 46014 (greatest)
ii. -$4:comparative
-566—superlative These are technically F RRA-s, before which a root is subject to yo. Relatively few roots take these forms in the classical language, and even then, the deriva tives are not often really related to their roots. Therefore, it is best simply to learn a few important forms. Each of the following examples shows the ad jective corresponding in meaning, not the underlying verbal root. Examples: Adjective Comparative Superlative YRIA (good) |T (better) BS (best) गुरु (heavy) गरीयः (heavier) गरिष्ठ (heaviest) युवन् (young) कनीयः (younger) कनिष्ठ (youngest) TE (old) 51: (older) 548 (oldest)
iii. The declension of the superlative ending in 58 is like
that of any adjective in 31; its Flic ending is 31. On the other hand, the declension of comparatives in $4: is quite irregular. It will be given in the following
chapter. (See 21.4.) - This ri, added to any noun (stem final consonants are treated as in compounds), forms an adverb conveying the sense of “like” the referent of the world. (See 21.6.a.ii.a) Example:
Derivative (m) (monkey) 1496 (ind) (like a monkey)
प्रकृति osta
The fed repa a. This fre is treated separately from the others for two rea
sons. First, it is common and extremely versatile. Second it requires a subsidiary element, either a finite form or a derivative of the roots vp or V4. The Trupi itself is $, and it is added in place of a final vowel or directly to a final consonant. It requires no strength in the Topta. In meaning, the ita construction is rather like one use of the 149 (denominative—18.27-30), in that it indicates that a thing either becomes or is made into, literally or
figuratively, something that it is not. d. When an intransitive, reflexive sense is desired, a form of
the root v4 is used. When the transitive sense is desired, a form of the root vş is used (see 18.29.) The effect of this is to create a series of new complex “roots.” Examples:
Derivative Poul (adj) (black) कृष्णीभू (1P) (to become
black) (8P) (to make black, to blacken)
From these “roots" can be made any finite form and any
a derivation that can be made from the simple roots vom and V4. Note that in the formation of the gerund, the foc affix has the effect of an 3471 (see 11.7). Examples: कृष्णीभविष्यति (TOC) (it will become black) कृष्णीकरणम् (n) (blackening) कृष्णीकृत
(adj) (blackened) कृष्णीकृत्य
(gerund) (having blackened)389
The fed construction has several important usages. i. If the yetà is a noun, then it indicates a genuine change
of state. For example: नृपो बालकं सैनिकीकरोति । (The king makes the boy into a soldier.) If the yeafa is an adjective, then the form indicates a change of quality:
नारी चन्दनेन स्तनद्वयं शुक्लीकरोति । (The woman whitens her breasts with sandalwood.)
ii. Perhaps an even more important usage of the fed is in
a figurative sense. Here the change of state is not real. The subject either acts like (V2), or, more often, treats or regards something like (V) the referent of the yefa. Example: अरे ते राजपुरुषास्तपोवनं नगरीकुर्वन्ति । (Hey! These policemen are turning the penance grove into a city (i.e., they are making noise and generally acting as though they were in a city).)
भो मारुते त्वया क्रमता शतयोजनविस्तीर्णसागरो गोष्पदीकृतः । (O Māruti (Hanumān]! You, in leaping, have turned the ocean, a hundred leagues across, into a puddle in) a cow’s hoofprint.)
iii. Idiomatic usage: The adjective 79,“one’s own,” and
the indeclinable 35 (ind) (exclamation of agreement), “OK,” are used idiomatically with the fear and V to indicate acceptance, either mental or physical. Examples: इदं भोजनं स्वीकर्तव्यं भवता । (or स्वीकरोतु भवान् ।) (Please accept this food, sir.)
तादृशं वाक्यं न कदाप्यङ्गीक्रियते भारतदेशे । (Such speech is never accepted (agreed to) in India.)
Examples of the use of various Yeri-s. Virtually all of the Sanskrit you have learned so far has been illustrative of the principles of nominal derivation. However, a few remarks on some of the uses of this principle may be helpful. a. One valuable result of the system of suffixes is that it makes
possible a very precise and systematic evolution of techni cal terminology. Consider the root VRT (7P) with the 34H0f •fa’ in the sense of “qualify, specify.” Although finite forms of the verb are not common, its nominal deri vations are very useful. Thus: i. 1914, “qualification," is used in grammar to indi
cate an adjective. farten (gerundive),“to be qualified,” then means the noun modified by an adjective. The factor4, of course,
is विशिष्ट, “modified," by the विशेषणम् etc. ii. The poetic terms 3441 (f), “simile,” 3444 “subject of
comparison," and 3441 “object of comparison” are
derived from 34 + VAT (2P), “compare." iii. By use of the various suffixes one can derive many of
the important grammatical terms from the root vor. Example:
(subject) कर्मन्
(object) करणम् (instrument) क्रियापदम् (action word, verb)
(case relation) b. Juxtaposition of two (or more) derivations of the same root
can, by virtue of the significance of the Year, make for very powerful conciseness of speech. Example: कृतकृत्यः (बहुवीहि समास) “one who has done what he had to.”
Here, eight English words are needed to express what can be expressed by one word in Sanskrit. Again, take the example, feu9014 (11947P-grind) “the grinding of the ground” (i.e., beating a dead horse), where five English words are needed to express one Sanskrit word.
The capacity of Sanskrit for concise utterance, through a combination of derivational techniques, nominal compo sition, and the connotative power () of the case endings, is nowhere better employed than in the 21143-s, or schol arly texts. Example:
अविद्या परिहर्तव्या जन्ममरणादिलक्षणसंसारोत्पत्तिहेतुत्वात् । (Ignorance is to be shunned because of its being the cause of the origination of the cycle of re-birth, which is charac terized by birth, death, and so forth.)
Note here how the one compound, even though it has seven members, requires twenty-three words in an English ren
dering. d. The different “meanings of the different suffixes make
for a virtually unlimited freedom of paraphrase. Take, for example, the term बुद्धवचनम् =बुद्धस्य वचनम्) “the speech of the Buddha.” By subjecting the EGR “96,” which here is a noun, to further als derivation, one can generate the adjective ale, “Buddhist,” “pertaining to the Buddha.” One can then substitute the कमेधारय समास बौद्धवचनम् for the origi nal dy. Likewise, derivatives of adjectives like 48, “clear,” and ta, “fast,” can be used variously to convey more or less the same meanings: Examples: i. they can be used adjectivally
gia sa rai (The swift horse runs.) स्पष्टं वचनं वदति ।
(He speaks clear speech.)
ii. or adverbially,
378: tai yrafa स्पष्टं वदति ।
(The hose runs swiftly.) (He speaks clearly.)
iii. or, by alan derivation, they can be made into abstract
nouns which can then be put in an appropriate case, 37: TEZU yafai (The horse runs by swiftness
[i.e., swiftly).) स्पष्टतया वदति । (He speaks with clarity (i.e.,
As a final example of the usefulness of learning the major suffixes, consider the following partial list of derivations of the root vis (7P),“join, harness, yoke, concentrate the mind.”
h: (m) yoga, spiritual exercise, yoking,
a philosophical school IRT (m) -571 (f) Yogi, Yoginī, yoker
(adj) joined, fitting, proper,
concentrated (as of mind) ghts () joining; a well-made plan, plot,
strategem hou (adj)
to be yoked, joined 1974 (n) instrument for fastening, rope,
thong (m, f, n) hamesser युगम्
yoke, pair, cosmic cycle 4444 (n) joined pair; even (as of numbers)
(adj) (adj)
suitable, fit, proper योग्यता
propriety, suitability for (ad) suitable, fitting
ut (m)
a follower of the Yoga school HAH (n) a yoking, a measure of distance
(i.e., as far as one goes without unyoking oxen, etc.), mental
concentration (=yoga) योजनिक (adj) pertaining to a yo jana, of so many
yojana-s in length योजनीय (adj) to be joined Many more forms could be derived from the root preceded by various 3440f-s.
A. B.
Translate the reading up to पाययतेति. Pick out and analyze all re and all are derivatives from the passage. Give, for a-s, the root, 46474, and meaning; for Alga s, the resta, era, and meaning. Do the same up to datg4162. Do the same for the remainder of the reading. Generate the indicated nominal derivatives from the following list of धातु-s and प्रकृति-s using the indicated प्रत्यय-s. Base
प्रत्यय derivative and meaning HE4: (m) (buffalo) -37 (adj) (related to or coming from
- (n) (state of being a buffalo) (m prop) (Pūru) -37 (m) (son or descendant of Pūru) 1625 (1P) (abandon) -37 (m) (renunciation)
-4 (adj) (to be abandoned) (6P) (release) -fa (f) (release, liberation) (2P) (speak) -7 (n) (organ of speech)
- (adj) (spoken) हिमवन्त् (m prop) -37 (adj) (related to, coming from
(Himālayan mountain) Himālaya)
अलस (adj) (lazy) -य (n) (laziness) गङ्गा (f prop) -एय् (m) (son of the Ganges)
(the Ganges) OUH: (m prop) (Vyāsa) -54. (m) (son of Vyāsa) दूतः (m) (messenger) -य (n) (office of messenger) 9 + VARI (6P) (enter) -37 (m) (entrance)
-अन(n) (entrance) जिन् (4A) (be borm) -मन् (n) (birth)
-ति (f) (birth) उपगुः (m prop) (Upagu) -अ (m) (son of Upagu) VER (10P) (think) -341 (f) (thought, anxiety)
Translate and memorize the following verse from the बुद्धचरित, in which we hear thedramatic vow of the newborm prince गौतम affirming his destiny. बोधाय जातो ऽस्मि जगद्धितार्थमन्त्या भवोत्पत्तिरियं ममेति । चतुर्दिशं सिंहगतिर्विलोक्य वाणी च भव्यार्थकरीमुवाच ॥
Analyze the following derivatives used in the above verse. In dicate the underlying form, the year, and the type of deriva tion ( or aleci). Check the glossary for verse, below, for all items. Give case, number, and gender where applicable.
a. बोधाय b. जातः
हित (धा [3P] [place])
अन्त्या भवः उत्पत्तिः दिशम् (दिश् [6P] [point)
विलोक्य वाणीम् (Vवण् [IP] [sound) भव्य करीम
सौमित्रिविरपितस्वभगिन्याः शूर्पणखाया रोदनं श्रुत्वा तां तथा शोणितदिग्ध शरीरां छिन्नकर्णनासिकां भूमौ पतितां प्रेक्ष्य क्रोधमूर्च्छितः खर एवं पप्रच्छ। केन काभ्यां कैर्वा त्वमेवं विरूपिता । मम जीवतः को महावीरो देवगन्धर्व मानवानामेवंरूपं कर्म कर्तुं धृष्णोति ।
निहतस्य मया संख्ये शरसंकृत्तमर्मणः ।
सफेनं मेदिनी रक्तं कस्य वीरस्य पास्यति ॥१॥ कस्य पत्ररथाः कायान्मांसमुत्कृत्य संगताः ।।
प्रहृष्टा भक्षयिष्यन्ति निहतस्य मया रणे ॥२॥ ततः सर्वस्मिन्निवेदिते वृत्ते शूर्पणखया खरः परममन्युश्चतुर्दश महाबलानन्त कोपमानाक्षसानाहूयैवमवोचत् । कौचन मानुषौ शस्त्रसंपन्नौ तापसाम्बरौ दण्डकारण्ये कयाचन प्रमदया सह निवसतः । तेषां वधं कारयित्वेमां मम भगिनी तेषां शोणितं पाययतेति । एवमुक्ता राक्षसाधिपेन यथाज्ञापयति देव इत्याज्ञामङ्गीकृत्य ते दाशरथेः शौर्यमविज्ञाय मनोवेगेनागच्छन्दाशरथ्याश्र मम् । इमांश्चतुर्दश युगान्तमेघोपमानाक्षसान्दृष्ट्वा काकुत्स्थो भ्रातरमब्रवीत् ।
मुहूर्तं भव सौमित्रे सीतायाः प्रत्यनन्तरः ।।
यावदेतान्वधिष्यामि ब्रह्मघ्नानाक्षसान्वने ॥३॥ ततो निशाचरानुवाच
युष्मान्हन्तुमहं प्राप्त ऋषिभिश्च नियोजितः ।
यदि प्राणैरिहार्थो वो निवर्तध्वं निशाचराः ॥४॥ इत्युक्ता महात्मना धैर्यवीर्यसंपन्नेन ते शूलपाणयो राक्षसाः क्रोधाकुतमनस एवमूचुः ।
क्रोधमुत्पाद्य नो भर्तुः खरस्य सुमहात्मनः । त्वमेव हास्यसि प्राणानद्यास्माभिर्हतो युधि ॥५॥ का हि ते शक्तिरेकस्य बहूनां रणमूर्धनि ।
अस्माकमग्रतः स्थातुं किं पुनर्योछमाहवे ॥६॥ इति ब्रुवाणास्ते संरब्धाश्चिक्षिपुस्तानि शूलानि राघवे परमदुर्जये । स वीरो न क्षणमप्युद्विजमानस्तानि चतुर्दश परिघसन्निभानि शूलानि तावद्भिरि
भिश्चिच्छेद। ततो निशाचराँल्लक्ष्यीकृत्य मुमोच राघवो बाणान् । त इषवो राक्षसानां वक्षांसि वेगेन भित्त्वा वल्मीकानिव सर्पा भूमिं प्रविविशुः । पञ्चत्वं गतेषु निशाचरेषु शूर्पणखातीव त्रस्ता भीता च पुनर्जनस्थानं गत्वा भ्रातरं खरं सर्वं ज्ञापयामास । तनिशम्य स निशाचरो ऽत्यन्तं कुपितः सन्दूषणं नाम सेनापतिमुद्दिश्य खरः खरवचनमवोचत् ।
चतुर्दश सहस्राणि मम चित्तानुवर्तिनाम् । रक्षसां भीमवेगानां समरेष्वनिवर्तिनाम् ॥७॥ नीलजीमूतवर्णानां घोराणां क्रुरकर्मणाम् ।
लोकहिंसाविहारिणां बलिनामुग्रतेजसाम् ॥८॥ सेनां संयोजय सौम्येति । ततः संप्राप्तायां राक्षससेनायां राघवाश्रमे महाद्धमभूत् । अन्ततो रामेणाभिहता निशाचरचमूः सखरदूषणा यथोन्मत्तगजयूथं कुपितसिंहेन । सर्वेषां दण्डकारण्यस्थितानां राक्षसानामेक एवाकम्पनो नाम कथमपि जीवन्दुःखातो लङ्कां कथंचित्प्राप्य राक्षसाधिराज दशग्रीवं वैश्रवणं रावणमुप गम्य खरदूषणविनाशनं निवेदयाञ्चकार ॥
उत्पादय् (णिजन्त) stir up, arouse, produce एवंरूपम् (idiom)—such kind, such sort
अकम्पनः (m prop)—name of a rākşasa
अग्रतः (ind)—in front of अङ्गीकृ (8P)—accept, agree to
अनिवतिन् (adj)—not turning back अनुवर्तिन् (adj) obedient
अन्तकः (m) death (lit., “ender”)
अभिहत (adj)—slain, annihilated
कायः (m)—body
कथमपि or-चित् (ind)—somehow or other, barely काकुत्स्थः (m)-epithet of Rama किं पुनः (ind)—how much more (or less)
क्षिप् (6P)—throw
अम्बरम् (n)-garment
(m)—use, value
(adj)—afflicted by
(adj)—harsh, cruel गन्धर्वः (m)—a kind of celestial being चित्तम् (n)—thought, will जीमूतः (m) cloud
तापसः (m)—ascetic
आहवः (m)—battle
(adj)—fierce, terrible उत् + कृ (6P)—tear to pieces
तावत् (adj) so many, as many
त्रस्त (adj)—frightened दिग्ध (adj)-smeared
दुर्जय (adj)-invincible
परिघः (m)-iron bar, a massive club पाणिः (m)—hand; at end of compound
‘having… in hand, for example,
0541701: ‘with sword in hand’
प्रत्यनन्तर (adj)—being in the immediate
neighborhood प्रमदा (f)—a beautiful young woman
प्रहृष्ट | (adj)-delighted
(adj)—come, arrived फेनः
दूषणः (m prop)—name of a demon देवः (m) title of respectful address to
a king Vधृष् (5P)—be bold or courageous, be
confident, dare धैर्यम् (n)-fortitude, courage नियोजित (adj) appointed नि + Vवस् (1P)—live, dwell नि + Vवृत् (12)—turn back नि + शम् (4P)-hear, listen नील (adj)-dark, blue-black
पञ्चत्म् (n) dissolution, death
बलिन् (adj)-strong, powerful
ब्रह्मघ्न (adj)-killer of brāhmans
भिद् (7P)—split, cleave भीम (adj)—terrible मर्मन् (n)—vital spot
मानव (adj)-relating to Manu; -h
man, human
पत्ररथः (m)—bird (here, camion bird)399
वक्षः (adj)-human; -h-man, human; | (n)-chest
Vवध मांसम्
(1P)—kill, slay (n)-flesh
वर्णः vमुच्
(m)-color, hue (6P)-release
वल्मीकः मुहूर्तम्
(m)—ant hill (n)—moment, instant
वि + निश् मूर्धन्
(4P)—be destroyed (m)—head, forefront (of battle)
| विहारिन् मेदिनी
(adj)-delighting in (f)-earth
वैश्रवणः युगान्तमेघः
(m prop)—son of Viśravaņa; (m)—cloud gathering at the end Rāvana of a cosmic cycle
शक्तिः युद्धम्
(f)—power, ability (n)—battle
(n)—body (f)—battle
शूलम् यूथम्
(n)-lance, spear (n) herd, group
संरब्ध रक्षः
(adj)-infuriated (n)—rākşasa
संकृत्त रोदनम्
(adj)-pierced (n) crying
संख्यम् लक्ष्यम्
(n)—battle (n) target
(adj)—joined or united with (f prop)-name of Ravana’s capital
सनिभ (adj)—like
सौम्य (adj)-gentle, pleasant; as a
vocative, ‘my friend!,’ ‘mygood man!’
समरः (m)—battle
(f)—violence, injury
संपन्न (adj)—at end of compound
’endowed with’ सर्पः (m)-snake
GLOSSARY FOR VERSE (In order of occurrence)
दिश् (m)—enlightenment
(f) direction, cardinal point, जगत्
quarter .
(n)—the world, universe
(f)-gait (n)-benefit, well-being वि + Vलोक
(10P)-look at, perceive (ind)—at end of compound for the aut
sake of’
भव्य (adj)-final, last
(adj) true, capable (of perceiving भवः
truth), fortunate
(m)—existence, worldly existence, the world
(adj; f-5)—at end of compound उत्पत्तिः
does, makes or causes’
(f) birth