
  • वर्तमान-परम्परा उच्चरणविषये स्खलिताश् चेदपि, तदनुसरणे रक्षणे वा जनानाम् अधिकारम् अभ्युपगच्छामि।
  • अष्टाध्याय्याश् च “पाणिनिय"शिक्षाग्रन्थस्य च मध्ये विवादे सति, अष्टाध्यायीम् एव प्रमाणं मन्ये – न पश्चाल् लिखितं शिक्षाग्रन्थम्।
  • अत्रौद्धत्यं चेद् दृश्यते, क्षन्तव्योऽहम् – अत्र भवादृशैः परीक्षा, खण्डनमण्डने, परिष्कारश् चैवेष्यन्ते ।


Basic appeal of the pANinIya system

  • An effort to revive and use the pANini’s svara system in veda and loka may be compared with Dr padmA subrahmanyan’s successful fairly revival of “mArga-nRtya” using bharata-muni’s texts and temple sculptures (“bharata"nATya wasn’t good enough).
  • Back to basics: Why is pANini’s svara system or grammar superior to alternatives?
  • Why ever is sanskrit superior to alternatives? Because it was the “language” of father manu and bhRgu, and the language of the deva-s, which encodes sagely thought about dharma and more. (as prof aa points out here )
  • If we want to speak the language “right” for the above reasons, and perhaps for its own sake, pANini’s svara vyavasthA is the way to go – the “mArga” contrasted with “deshI”, to use art terms.
  • One must not forget where the authority of other shikSha-s come from. It’s not that they sound more pleasant and beautiful. Rather, it is either that:
    • they (spuriously) claim to be what some ancient sage (pANini for example) agrees with;
    • or that they dominate today.


Appeal of the non-pANinIya system

  • Everyone follows it! No one speaks sasvara saMskRta. Give up and go with the flow – it will be easier.
  • Tradition followers will not allow you to participate in a group ritual if you insist on the pANinIya system.
    • Personal observation: For the most part, is fine to allow the tradition followers do the chanting in such rituals. For advanced rituals, the priests (who tend to be more advanced) can be shown the pANinIya option allowed in pratishAkhya.