


(Translation by W.D. Whitney, 1868)

अथ वर्णसमाम्नायः॥१.१॥
Now the list of sounds.

अथ नवादितः समानाक्षराणि॥१.२॥
Now the nine at the beginning are simple vowels.

द्वेद्वे सवर्णे ह्रस्वदीर्घे॥१.३॥
Two and two, short and long, are similar.

न प्लुतपूर्वम्॥१.४॥
Not so, when a protracted vowel precedes.

षोडशादितः स्वराः॥१.५॥
The sixteen at the beginning are vowels.

शेषो व्यञ्जनानि॥१.६॥
The rest are consonants.

आद्याः पञ्चविꣳशति स्पर्शाः॥१.७॥
The first twenty-five are mutes.

पराश्चतस्रो ऽन्तस्थाः॥१.८॥
The next four are semivowels.

परे षडूष्माणः॥१.९॥
The next six are spirants.

स्पर्शानामानुपूर्व्येण पञ्चपञ्च वर्गाः॥१.१०॥
Of the mutes, the successive fives are the series.

And are called first, second, third, fourth, and last.

ऊष्मविसर्जनीयप्रथमद्वितीया अघोषाः॥१.१२॥
The spirants, visarjanīya, and the first and second mutes, are surd.

न हकारः॥१.१३॥
But not h.

व्यञ्जनशेषो घोषवान्॥१.१४॥
The rest of the consonants are sonant.

ā, pra, ava, upa, abhi, adhi, prati, pari, vi, ni — these are prepositions.

वर्णः कारोत्तरो वर्णाख्या॥१.१६॥
A sound followed by kāra is the name of that sound.

अकारव्यवेतो व्यञ्जनानाम्॥१.१७॥
But with an a interposed, in the case of the consonants.

न विसर्जनीयजिह्वामूलीयोपध्मानीयानुस्वारनासिक्यानाम्॥१.१८॥
Not of visarjanīya, jihvāmūlīya, upadhmānīya, anusvāra, and the nāsikyas.

एफस्तु रस्य॥१.१९॥
Of r, however, epha forms the name.

ह्रस्वो वर्णोत्तिरस्त्रयाणाम्॥१.२०॥
The short vowel, with varṇa after it, is the name of the three vowels.

अकारो व्यञ्जनानाम्॥१.२१॥
An a forms the names of consonants.

As also, of a cited word.

अःकार आगमविकारिलोपिनाम्॥१.२३॥
aḥkāra āgamavikārilopinām
aḥ makes the names of an increment, or of an element suffering alteration or elision.

ग्रहणं वा॥१.२४॥
grahaṇaṃ vā
Or the simple citation.

आसन्नꣳ संदेहे॥१.२५॥
āsannam̐ saṃdehe
In case of doubt, citation is made of the next.

Even of more than one.

प्रथमो वर्गोत्तरो वर्गाख्या॥१.२७॥
prathamo vargottaro vargākhyā
A first mute, followed by the word “series,” is the name of the series.

अं विकारस्य॥१.२८॥
aṃ vikārasya
am makes the name of a product of alteration.

पूर्व इति पूर्वः॥१.२९॥
pūrva iti pūrvaḥ
By preceding is meant preceding.

पर इत्युत्तरः॥१.३०॥
para ityuttaraḥ
By following is meant succeeding.

ऋकारल्कारौ ह्रस्वौ॥१.३१॥
ṛkāralkārau hrasvau
ṛ and ḷ are short.

Also a.

तेन च समानकालस्वरः॥१.३३॥
tena ca samānakālasvaraḥ
Also any vowel having the same quantity with the latter.

Also anusvāra.

An element of twice that quantity is long.

त्रिः प्लुतः॥१.३६॥
triḥ plutaḥ
An element of three times that quantity is protracted.

ह्रस्वार्धकालं व्यञ्जनम्॥१.३७॥
hrasvārdhakālaṃ vyañjanam
A consonant has half the quantity of a short vowel.

A syllable uttered in a high tone is acute.

In a low tone, grave.

समाहारः स्वरितः॥१.४०॥
samāhāraḥ svaritaḥ
Their combination is circumflex.

तस्यादिरुच्चैस्तरामुदात्तादन्तरे यावदर्धꣳ ह्रस्वस्य॥१.४१॥

tasyādiruccaistarāmudāttādantare yāvadardham̐ hrasvasya

Of this circumflex, in case it immediately follows an acute, the first part, to the extent of half a short vowel, is uttered in a yet higher tone.

उदात्तसमः शेषः॥१.४२॥
udāttasamaḥ śeṣaḥ
The remainder has the same tone with acute.

सव्यञ्जनो ऽपि॥१.४३॥
Savyañjano ’pi
Along with the consonant, too.

अनन्तरो वा नीचैस्तराम्॥१.४४॥
anantaro vā nīcaistarām
Or the part following is uttered in a lower tone.

अनुदात्तसमो वा॥१.४५॥
anudāttasamo vā
Or in the same tone with grave.

आदिरस्योदात्तसमः शेषो ऽनुदात्तसम इत्याचार्याः॥१.४६॥
ādirasyodāttasamaḥ śeṣo ’nudāttasama ityācāryāḥ
Its beginning is the same with acute; its remainder is the same with grave: so say the teachers.

सर्वः प्रवण इत्येके॥१.४७॥
sarvaḥ pravaṇa ityeke
It is all a slide, say some.

A separable word is treated like separete words, except in an enumeration.

तस्य पूर्वपदमवग्रहः॥१.४९॥
tasya pūrvapadamavagrahaḥ
Of such a word, the former member is called avagraha.

पदग्रहणेषु पदं गम्येत॥१.५०॥
padagrahaṇeṣu padaṃ gamyeta
In citations of a word, that word is to be understood.

अपि विकृतम्॥१.५१॥
api vikṛtam
But that word, even when phonetically altered.

And even when preceded by a.

अन्कारादि च॥१.५३॥
ankārādi ca
And when preceded by an.

एकवर्णः पदमपृक्तः॥१.५४॥
ekavarṇaḥ padamapṛktaḥ
A single sound composing a word is called apṛkta.

And is treated both as initial and as final.

वर्णस्य विकारलोपौ॥१.५६॥
varṇasya vikāralopau
Alteration and omission are of a single sound.

विनाशो लोपः॥१.५७॥
vināśo lopaḥ
Omission is complete loss.

अन्वादेशो ऽन्त्यस्य॥१.५८॥
Anvādeśo ’ntyasya
Continued implication is of that which was last.

उपबन्धस्तु देशाय नित्यम्॥१.५९॥
upabandhastu deśāya nityam
An upabandha, however, is for that particular passage, and of constant effect.

नानापदीयं च निमित्तं प्रग्रहस्रादिषु॥१.६०॥
nānāpadīyaṃ ca nimittaṃ pragrahasrādiṣu
Also a cause belonging to another word, in the case of a pragraha or of a word containing anusvāra.

यथोक्तं पुनरुक्तं त्रिपदप्रभृति त्रिपदप्रभृति॥१.६१॥
yathoktaṃ punaruktaṃ tripadaprabhṛti tripadaprabhṛti
A repeated passage, of three or more words, is as already established.

अथ शब्दोत्पत्तिः॥२.१॥
atha śabdotpattiḥ
Now for the origin of sound.

वायुशरीरसमीरणात्कण्ठोरसोः संधाने॥२.२॥
vāyuśarīrasamīraṇātkaṇṭhorasoḥ saṃdhāne
By the setting in motion of air by the body, at the junction of throat and breast.

तस्य प्रातिश्रुत्कानि भवन्त्युरः कण्ठः शिरो मुखं नासिके इति॥२.३॥
tasya prātiśrutkāni bhavantyuraḥ kaṇṭhaḥ śiro mukhaṃ nāsike iti
The parts which give it audible quality are breast, throat, head, mouth, and nostrils.

संवृते कण्ठे नादः क्रियते॥२.४॥
saṃvṛte kaṇṭhe nādaḥ kriyate
When the throat is closed, tone is produced.

विवृते श्वासः॥२.५॥
vivṛte śvāsaḥ
When it is opened, breath is produced.

मध्ये हकारः॥२.६॥
madhye hakāraḥ
When in an intermediate condition, the h-sound is produced.

ता वर्णप्रकृतयः॥२.७॥
tā varṇaprakṛtayaḥ
Those are the materials of alphabetic sounds.

नादो ऽनुप्रदनꣳ स्वरघोषवत्सु॥२.८॥
nādo ’nupradanam̐ svaraghoṣavatsu
In vowels and sonant consonants, the emission is sound.

हकारो हचतुर्थेषु॥२.९॥
hakāro hacaturtheṣu
In h and in sonant aspirate mutes, it is h-sound.

अघोषेषु श्वासः॥२.१०॥
aghoṣeṣu śvāsaḥ
In surd consonants, it is breath.

भूयान्प्रथमेभ्यो ऽन्येषु॥२.११॥
bhūyānprathamebhyo ’nyeṣu
And more of it in the other surd letters than in the simple surd mutes.

अवर्णे नात्युपसꣳहृतमोष्ठहनु नातिव्यस्तम्॥२.१२॥
avarṇe nātyupasam̐hṛtamoṣṭhahanu nātivyastam
In forming the a-vowels, the lips and jaws must not be too nearly approximated, nor too widely separated.

ओकारे च॥२.१३॥
okāre ca
Also in uttering o.

ओष्ठौ तूपसꣳहृततरौ॥२.१४॥
oṣṭhau tūpasam̐hṛtatarau
But the lips are more nearly approximated.

In utterin e, they are slightly protracted.

उपसꣳहृततरे हनू॥२.१६॥
upasam̐hṛtatare hanū
The jaws more nealy approached.

जिह्वामध्यान्ताभ्यां चोत्तराञ्जम्भ्यान्त्स्पर्शयति॥२.१७॥
jihvāmadhyāntābhyāṃ cottarāñjambhyāntsparśayati
And one touches the borders of the upper back jaws with the edges of the middle of the tongue.

उपसꣳहृततरे च जिह्वाग्रमृकारर्कारल्कारेषु बर्स्वेषूपसꣳहरति॥२.१८॥

upasam̐hṛtatare ca jihvāgramṛkārarkāralkāreṣu barsveṣūpasam̐harati

The jaws, also, are more closely approximated, and the tip of the tongue is brought into close proximity to the upper back gums, in ṛ, ṝ, and ḷ.

As also, according to some, in anusvāra and svarabhakti.

अनादेशे प्रण्यस्ता जिह्वा॥२.२०॥
anādeśe praṇyastā jihvā
In the absence of special direction, the tongue is thrust down forward.

The lips are as in the utterance of a.

तालौ जिह्वामध्यमिवर्णे॥२.२२॥
tālau jihvāmadhyamivarṇe
In the i-vowels, the middle of the tongue is to be approximated to the palate.

एकारे च॥२.२३॥
ekāre ca
Also in e.

ओष्ठोपसꣳहार उवर्णे॥२.२४॥
oṣṭhopasam̐hāra uvarṇe
In the u-vowels, there is approximation of the lips.

एकान्तरस्तु सर्वत्र प्रकृतात्॥२.२५॥
ekāntarastu sarvatra prakṛtāt
But, in all cases, with an interval of one from the preceding.

The beginning of ai and au is half an a.

Which, in the opinion of some, is uttered with the organs more closed.

इकारो ऽध्यर्धः पूर्वस्य शेषः॥२.२८॥
ikāro ’dhyardhaḥ pūrvasya śeṣaḥ
Of the former, the rest is one and a half times i.

But, of the latter, u.

अनुस्वारोत्तमा अनुनासिकाः॥२.३०॥
anusvārottamā anunāsikāḥ
anusvāra and the last mutes are nasal.

स्वराणा यत्रोपसꣳहारस्तत्स्थानम्॥२.३१॥
svarāṇā yatropasam̐hārastatsthānam
In the case of the vowels, that is their place of production, to which approximation is made.

यदुपसꣳहरति तत्करणम्॥२.३२॥
yadupasam̐harati tatkaraṇam
That is producing organ, which makes the approximation.

अन्येषां तु यत्र स्पर्शनं तत्स्थानम्॥२.३३॥
anyeṣāṃ tu yatra sparśanaṃ tatsthānam
But in the case of the other letters, that is place of production, where contact is made.

येन स्पर्शयति तत्करणम्॥२.३४॥
yena sparśayati tatkaraṇam
That is producing organ, whereby one makes the contact.

हनूमूले जिह्वामूलेन कवर्गे स्पर्शयति॥२.३५॥
hanūmūle jihvāmūlena kavarge sparśayati
In the k-series, one makes contact with the root of the tongue at the root of the jaws.

तालौ जिह्वामध्येन चवर्गे॥२.३६॥
tālau jihvāmadhyena cavarge
In the c-series, with the middle of the tongue, upon the palate.

जिह्वाग्रेण प्रतिवेष्ट्य मूर्धनि टवर्गे॥२.३७॥
jihvāgreṇa prativeṣṭya mūrdhani ṭavarge
In the ṭ-series, with the tip to the tongue, rolled back, in the head.

जिह्वाग्रेण तवर्गे दन्तमूलेषु॥२.३८॥
jihvāgreṇa tavarge dantamūleṣu
In the t-series, with te tip of the tongue, at the roots of the teeth.

ओष्ठाभ्यां पवर्गे॥२.३९॥
oṣṭhābhyāṃ pavarge
In the p-series, with the two lips.

तालौ जिह्वामध्यान्ताभ्यां यकारे॥२.४०॥
tālau jihvāmadhyāntābhyāṃ yakāre
In y, with the two edges of the middle of the tongue, upon the palate.

रेफे जिह्वाग्रमध्येन प्रत्यग्दन्तमूलेभ्यः॥२.४१॥
rephe jihvāgramadhyena pratyagdantamūlebhyaḥ
In r, with the middle of the tip of the tongue, back of the roots of the teeth.

दन्तमूलेषु च लकारे॥२.४२॥
dantamūleṣu ca lakāre
Also in l, at the roots of the teeth.

ओष्ठान्ताभ्यां दन्तैर्वकारे॥२.४३॥
oṣṭhāntābhyāṃ dantairvakāre
In v, with the edges of the lips, along with the teeth.

स्पर्शस्थानेषूष्माण आनुपूर्व्येण॥२.४४॥
sparśasthāneṣūṣmāṇa ānupūrvyeṇa
The spirants, in their order, are produced in the places of the mutes.

करणमध्यं तु विवृतम्॥२.४५॥
karaṇamadhyaṃ tu vivṛtam
But the middle of the producing organ is unclosed.

कण्ठस्थानौ हकारविसर्जनीयौ॥२.४६॥
kaṇṭhasthānau hakāravisarjanīyau
The throat is place of production of h and visarjanīya.

उदयस्वरादिसस्थानो हकारं एकेषाम्॥२.४७॥
udayasvarādisasthāno hakāraṃ ekeṣām
In the opinion of some authorities, h has the same position as the begiining of the following vowel.

पूर्वान्तसस्थानो विसर्जनीयः॥२.४८॥
pūrvāntasasthāno visarjanīyaḥ
visarjanīya has the same position as the end of the preceding vowel.

नासिक्या नासिकास्थानाः॥२.४९॥
nāsikyā nāsikāsthānāḥ
The nose-sounds have the nose as their place of production.

मुखनासिक्या वा॥२.५०॥
mukhanāsikyā vā
Or they are produced by the mouth and nose.

And, in them, the organ of production is as in the series of mutes.

Nasal quality is given by the unclosing of the nose.

अथादावुत्तरे विभागे ह्रस्वं व्यञ्जनपरः॥३.१॥

athādāvuttare vibhāge hrasvaṃ vyañjanaparaḥ

Now then — at the beginning or end of a word, a vowel, in case of separation, if followed by a consonant, becomes short as hereinafter set forth.



devā, śīkā, sumnā, śvā, ṛtā, vayunā, hṛdayā, aghā, ukthā, and śudhā, as first members of a compound, shorten their final when separated.

इन्द्रा वद्वन्वान्परः॥३.३॥
indrā vadvanvānparaḥ
Also indrā, when followed by vat, van, and vān.

चित्रा वपरः॥३.४॥
citrā vaparaḥ
Also citrā, when followed by v.



Also prasthā, indriyā, draviṇā, viśvadevyā, dīrghā, vīryā, viśvā, vātā, tvā, bhaṅgurā, karṇakā, vṛṣṇiyā, sugopā, ṛksāmā, aghā, satrā, varṣā, puṣpā, meghā, prā, svā.

Also iṣṭā, after loke and eva.

शक्तीरथीत्विषीवाशीरात्र्योषध्याहुतीव्याहृतीस्वाहाकृतीह्रादुनीशचीचितीश्रोणीपृष्टीपूत्यभीचर्षणीपर्यधीपारीशत्रूविषूवसूअनूहनूसूविभू इत्यवग्रहः॥३.७॥

śaktīrathītviṣīvāśīrātroṣadhyāhutīvyāhṛtīsvāhākṛtīhrādunīśacīcitīśroṇīpṛṣṭīpūtyabhīcarṣaṇīparyadhīpārīśatrūviṣūvasūanūhanūsūvibhū ityavagrahaḥ

Also śaktī, rathī, tviṣī, vāśī, rātrī, oṣadhī, āhutī, vyāhṛtī, svāhākṛtī, hrādunī, śacī, citī, śroṇī, pṛṣṭī, pūtī, abhī, carṣaṇī, parī, adhī, pārī, śatrū, viṣū, vasū, anū, hanū, sū, vibhū — all these, as first members of a compoound.



Also ava, sacasvā, nudā, mṛḍā, vardhā, śikṣā, rakṣā, adyā, bhavā, bhajā, yatrā, carā, pibā, nā, dhāmā, dhārayā, dharṣā, ghā, vardhayā, bodhā, atrā, tatrā, muñcā, aśvasyā, pṛṇasvā, hi ṣṭhā, tvaṃ tarā, janiṣvā, yukṣvā, achā.

Also adhā, in agni and yājyā passages.



Also kutrā, dakṣiṇenā, svenā, hantanā, jagāmā, ruhemā, vidmā, ṛdhyāmā, cakṛmā, kṣāmā, starīmā, bharemā, varṣayathā, īrayathā, ārithā, pāthā, athā, siñcathā, janayathā, jayatā, ukṣatā, avatā, yātā, śṛṇutā, kṛṇutā, bibhṛtā.

भरता याज्यासु॥३.११॥
bharatā yājyāsu
Also bhartarā, in yājyā passages.



Also attā, bhavatā, anadatā, taratā, tapatā, juhutā, vocatā, amuñcatā, cṛtā, ghuṣyā, janayā, vartayā, sādayā, pārayā, dīyā, harā, bharā, apā, sasādā, sṛjā, tiṣṭhā, and yenā.

Also uśmasī, krayī, kṛdhī, śrudhī, and yadī.

Also sū, tū, nū, mithū, makṣū, and ū.

व्युत्पूर्व आननुदात्तो ऽनूष्मवत्यनूष्मवति॥३.१५॥
vyutpūrva ānanudātto ’nūṣmavatyanūṣmavati
Also ān, when unaccented, and preceded by vi or ut, in a word containing no spirant.

अथ प्रग्रहाः॥४.१॥
atha pragrahāḥ
Now the pragrahas.

No former member of a compound is pragraha.

Only a final is pragraha.

इतिपरो ऽपि॥४.४॥
itiparo ’pi
It is followed by iti.

A long ū is pragraha.

ओकारो ऽसाꣳहितो ऽकारव्यञ्जनपरः॥४.६॥
okāro ’sām̐hito ’kāravyañjanaparaḥ
Also an which is not the product of euphonic combination, if followed by a or a consonant.

As also, when preceded by s, m, h, d, th, and pit.

Now follow cases of e and ī.

asme is pragraha.

त्वे इत्यनिंग्यान्तः॥४.१०॥
tve ityaniṃgyāntaḥ
Also tve, when not the final member of a separable compound.

देवते- उभे- भागधे- ऊर्ध्वे- विशाखे- शृङ्गे- एने- मेध्ये- तृण्णे- तृद्ये- कनीनिके- पार्श्वे- शिवे- चोत्तमे- एवोत्तरे- शिप्रे- रथंतरे- वत्सरस्यर्ऊपे- विर्ऊपे- विषुर्ऊपे- सदोहविर्धाने- अधिषवणे- अहोरात्रे- धृतव्रते- स्तुतशस्त्रे- ऋक्सामे- अक्तेअर्पिते- रैवते- पूर्ते- प्रत्ते- विधृते- अनृते- अछिद्रे- बहुले- पूर्वजे- कृणुध्वँसदने॥४.११॥

devate- ubhe- bhāgadhe- ūrdhve- viśākhe- śṛṅge- ene- medhye- tṛṇṇe- tṛdye- kanīnike- pārśve- śive- cottame- evottare- śipre- rathaṃtare- vatsarasyarūpe- virūpe- viṣurūpe- sadohavirdhāne- adhiṣavaṇe- ahorātre- dhṛtavrate- stutaśastre- ṛksāme- aktearpite- raivate- pūrte- pratte- vidhṛte- anṛte- achidre- bahule- pūrvaje- kṛṇudhvam̐sadane

Also devate, ubhe, bhāgadhe, ūrdhve, viśākhe, śṛṅge, ene, medhye, tṛṇṇe, tṛdye, kanīnike, pārśve, śive, cottame, evottare, śipre, rathaṃtare, vatsarasya rūpe, virūpe, viṣurūpe, sadohavirdhāne, adhiṣavaṇe, ahorātre, dhṛtavrate, stutaśastre, ṛksāme, akte arpite, raivate, pūrte, pratte, vidhṛte, anṛte, achidre, bahule, pūrvaje, kṛṇudhvam̐ sadane.

अमी- चक्षुषी- कार्ष्णी- देवताफल्गुनी- मुष्टी- धी- नाभी- वपाश्रपणी- अहनी- जन्मनी- सुम्निनी- सामनी- वैष्णवी- ऐक्षवी- दर्वी- द्यावापृथिवी॥४.१२॥

amī- cakṣuṣī- kārṣṇī- devatāphalgunī- muṣṭī- dhī- nābhī- vapāśrapaṇī- ahanī- janmanī- sumninī- sāmanī- vaiṣṇavī- aikṣavī- darvī- dyāvāpṛthivī

Also amī, cakṣuṣī, kārṣṇī, devatā phalgunī, muṣṭī, dhī, nābhī, vapaāśrapaṇī, ahanī, janmanī, sumninī, sāmanī, vaiṣṇavī, aikṣavī, darvī, dyāvāpṛthivī.

As also, the preceding word.

न रुन्धे नित्यम्॥४.१४॥
na rundhe nityam
But not rundhe, in any case.

Also harī, sahurī, sahūtī, kalpayantī, ā pṛṣatī, and āhutī are pragraha.

As also, the preceding word.

Also vāsasī, tapasī, and rodasī.

As also, the following word.

Also vyacasvatī, bhariṣyantī, and naḥ pṛthivī.

Also in the verses beginning ye aprathetām, urvī, te asya, yaṃ krandasī, chandasvatī, te ācarantī, and antarā.

But not upasthe.

इरावतीप्रभृत्या दाधार॥४.२२॥
irāvatīprabhṛtyā dādhāra
Also in the passage beginning with irāvatī, and ending with dādhāra.

And in the passage beginning with pūrvaje and ending with ayam.

इमे गर्भमुपैवरसेनपरः॥४.२४॥
ime garbhamupaivarasenaparaḥ
Also ime, when followed by garbham, upa, and eva rasena.

क्र्ऊरमापःसजूर्ब्रह्मजैतेषु च॥४.२५॥
krūramāpaḥsajūrbrahmajaiteṣu ca
As also, in the sections beginning with krūram, āpaḥ, sajūḥ, and brahmaja.

As also pūrṇe.

Also dṛdhe is pragraha.

घ्नीचक्रे पपरे॥४.२८॥
ghnīcakre papare
Also ghnī and cakre, when followed by p.

Also nvatī.

पपरो न॥४.३०॥
paparo na
But not when followed by p.

samīcī is pragraha.

नपरो न॥४.३२॥
naparo na
But not when followed by n.

ची यत्प्रपरः॥४.३३॥
cī yatpraparaḥ
cī is pragraha, when followed by yat or pra.

Also ān mahī.

पती श्रुतिः॥४.३५॥
patī śrutiḥ
Also the combination of sounds patī.

Also gnī.

न हिपरः॥४.३७॥
na hiparaḥ
But not when followed by hi.

Also an ī or e followed by vīḍ, dvārau, kṛṣṇaḥ, carāvaḥ, and yadā.

न ज्ञे ऽह्ने नित्यम्॥४.३९॥
na jñe ’hne nityam
But not jñe and ahne, under any circumstances.

आकारैकारपूर्वस्तु बहुस्वरस्य ते थे॥४.४०॥
ākāraikārapūrvastu bahusvarasya te the
te and the, however, are pragraha in a word of more than two syllables, if preceded by ā or e.

न शार्याते॥४.४१॥
na śāryāte
But not śāryāte.

ते मापातंनमएनमभिवायुर्गर्भमुपाहस्तुपरः॥४.४२॥
te māpātaṃnamaenamabhivāyurgarbhamupāhastuparaḥ
te is pragraha when followed by mā pātam, namaḥ, enam abhi, vāyuḥ, garbham, upa, ahas, and tu.

अनुदात्तो न नित्यम्॥४.४३॥
anudātto na nityam
But not when unaccented, under any circumstances.

एते तनुवौवैसमेवहियज्ञपदिष्टक्परः॥४.४४॥
ete tanuvauvaisamevahiyajñapadiṣṭakparaḥ
ete is pragraha when followed by tanuvau, vai sam, eva, hi, yajña, pad, and iṣṭak.

परश्च द्वयोः॥४.४५॥
paraśca dvayoḥ
As also, the letter following the two last mentioned.

Also one followed by sthaḥ.

As also, one following them both.

Also in the section beginning somāya sva.

Also dve.

As also, the following word.

एकव्यवेतो ऽपि॥४.५१॥
ekavyaveto ’pi
Likewise the next but one.

गमयतोभवतोऽनूकारात्परंतनूयदकरोत्कुर्यादिष्टिष्वब्र्ऊतांप्रवर्तास्ताꣳस्तभ्नीतांवाचयतिबिभृतस्ताग्निंगायत्रंताभ्यामेवोभाभ्यामवान्तरंपर आ षष्ठात्॥४.५२॥

gamayatobhavato’nūkārātparaṃtanūyadakarotkuryādiṣṭiṣvabrūtāṃpravartāstām̐stabhnītāṃvācayatibibhṛtastāgniṃgāyatraṃtābhyāmevobhābhyāmavāntaraṃpara ā ṣaṣṭhāt

Before, and within six words of, gamayataḥ, bhavataḥ (except when it follows ū), tanū yāt, akarot, kuryāt (in iṣṭi passages), abrūtām, pra varta, āstām, stabhnītām, vācayati, bibhṛtas ta, agniṃ gāyatram, tābhyām eva, ubhābhyām, and avāntaram.

न ग्रामीवर्चसीमिथुनीमासेलोकेधत्ते॥४.५३॥
na grāmīvarcasīmithunīmāselokedhatte
But not grāmī, varcasī, mithunī, māse, loke, dhatte.

अते समानपदे नित्यमवे चावे च॥४.५४॥
ate samānapade nityamave cāve ca
Nor ate, in a single word, nor ave, under any circumstances.

अथ सꣳहितायामेकप्राणभावे॥५.१॥
atha sam̐hitāyāmekaprāṇabhāve
The following rules apply in combined text (saṃhitā), within the compass of a single breath.

यथायुक्ताद्विधिः सा प्रकृतिः॥५.२॥
yathāyuktādvidhiḥ sā prakṛtiḥ
Separation from the text as combined — that is the fundamental text.

तत्र पूर्वंपूर्वं प्रथमम्॥५.३॥
tatra pūrvaṃpūrvaṃ prathamam
And here, that which comes first is first taken.

त्रपुमिथुपूर्वः शकरश्चपरः॥५.४॥
trapumithupūrvaḥ śakaraścaparaḥ
After trapu and mithu is inserted a ś before c.

सुपूर्वश्च चन्द्रपरः॥५.५॥
supūrvaśca candraparaḥ
As also after su, before candra.

संपूर्वः सकारः कुरुपरः॥५.६॥
saṃpūrvaḥ sakāraḥ kuruparaḥ
After sam is inserted s before kuru.

अकुर्व च प्रत्ययात्परः॥५.७॥
akurva ca pratyayātparaḥ
And before akurva, after the augment.

नीचापूर्वो दकार उच्चापरः॥५.८॥
nīcāpūrvo dakāra uccāparaḥ
After nīcā is inserted d before uccā.

असंपूर्वो ऽरमृकारः॥५.९॥
asaṃpūrvo ’ramṛkāraḥ
After asam, ṛ becomes ar.

अवग्रह आशीर्धूःसुवरिति रेफं परः सकारः षकारम्॥५.१०॥

avagraha āśīrdhūḥsuvariti rephaṃ paraḥ sakāraḥ ṣakāram

Of āśīḥ, dhūḥ, and suvaḥ, when first members of a compound, the visarjanīya becomes r, and a follwing s becomes ṣ.

अथ लोपः॥५.११॥
atha lopaḥ
Now for cases of omission.

ईंपूर्वो मकारः॥५.१२॥
īṃpūrvo makāraḥ
A m is dropped, when preceded by īm.

तुनुपूर्व उदात्तयोर्वकारः॥५.१३॥
tunupūrva udāttayorvakāraḥ
A v is dropped when preceded by tu or nu, in case these are accented.

उत्पूर्वः सकारो व्यञ्जनपरः॥५.१४॥
utpūrvaḥ sakāro vyañjanaparaḥ
A s is dropped after ut, when a consonant follows.

एषसस्य इति च॥५.१५॥
eṣasasya iti ca
Also eṣaḥ, saḥ, and syaḥ.

But not asaḥ.

इद्विदग्नैमांनएनौषधीःपरः सः॥५.१७॥
idvidagnaimāṃnaenauṣadhīḥparaḥ saḥ
And saḥ, when followed by id u, id agne, imāṃ naḥ, enā, oṣadhīḥ.

अवग्रह इत्येकम्॥५.१८॥
avagraha ityekam
Also ity ekam, when ekam is the former member of a compound.

तिष्ठन्त्येकया सपूर्वः॥५.१९॥
tiṣṭhantyekayā sapūrvaḥ
Also tiṣṭhanty ekayā, along with the preceding letter.

न कारः शकारं चपरः॥५.२०॥
na kāraḥ śakāraṃ caparaḥ
A n, when followed by c, becomes ś.

But not the n of āyan, airayan, ārdhnuvan, anaḍvān, ghṛṇīvān, vāruṇān, and evāsmin.

तकारश्चकारꣳ शचछपरः॥५.२२॥
takāraścakāram̐ śacachaparaḥ
A t, when followed by ś, c, or ch, becmes c.

जपरो जकारम्॥५.२३॥
japaro jakāram
When followed by j, it becomes j.

नकार एतेषु ञकारम्॥५.२४॥
nakāra eteṣu ñakāram
A n, before the same letters, becomes ñ

लपरौ लकारम्॥५.२५॥
laparau lakāram
Both t and n, when followed by l, become l.

नकारो ऽनुनासिकम्॥५.२६॥
nakāro ’nunāsikam
The n becomes nasalized l.

मकार स्पर्शपरस्तस्य सस्थानमनुनासिकम्॥५.२७॥
makāra sparśaparastasya sasthānamanunāsikam
A m, when followed by a mute, becomes the nasal of like position with it.

अन्तस्थापरश्च सवर्णमनुनासिकम्॥५.२८॥
antasthāparaśca savarṇamanunāsikam
Followed by a semivowel, it becomes a nasal of like quality with it.

न रेफपरः॥५.२९॥
na rephaparaḥ
But not when followed by r.

Nor, according to some teachers, when followed by y or v.

उत्तमलभावात्पूर्वो ऽनुनासिक इत्यात्रेयः॥५.३१॥
uttamalabhāvātpūrvo ’nunāsika ityātreyaḥ
ātreya holds that, when a nasal mute becomes l, the previous vowel is nasalized.

ङपूर्वः ककारः सषकारपरः॥५.३२॥
ṅapūrvaḥ kakāraḥ saṣakāraparaḥ
After ṅ is inserted a k before s and ṣ.

टनकारपूर्वश्च तकारः॥५.३३॥
ṭanakārapūrvaśca takāraḥ
After ṭ or n is inserted a t.

स्पर्शपूर्वः शकारश्छकारम्॥५.३४॥
sparśapūrvaḥ śakāraśchakāram
A ś preceded by a mute becomes ch.

न मकारपूर्वः॥५.३५॥
na makārapūrvaḥ
But not when preceded by m.

पकारपूर्वश्च वाल्मीकेः॥५.३६॥
pakārapūrvaśca vālmīkeḥ
Nor, according to vālmīki, when preceded by p.

व्यञ्जनपरः पौष्करसादेर्न पूर्वश्च ञकारम्॥५.३७॥

vyañjanaparaḥ pauṣkarasāderna pūrvaśca ñakāram

Nor, according to pauṣkarasādi, when followed by a consonant; and a preceding n, in that case, does not become ñ.

प्रथमपूर्वो हकारश्चतुर्थं तस्य सस्थानं प्लाक्षिकौण्डिन्यगौतमपौष्करसादीनाम्॥५.३८॥

prathamapūrvo hakāraścaturthaṃ tasya sasthānaṃ plākṣikauṇḍinyagautamapauṣkarasādīnām

According to plākṣi, kauṇḍinya, gautama, and pauṣkarasādi, a h preceded by a first mute becomes a fourth mute corresponding with the latter.

अविकृत एकेषाम्॥५.३९॥
avikṛta ekeṣām
According to some authorities, it remains unchanged.

चतुर्थो ऽन्तरे शैत्यायनादीनाम्॥५.४०॥
caturtho ’ntare śaityāyanādīnām
According to śaityāyana and others, a fourth mute is interposed.

मीमाꣳसकानां च मीमाꣳसकानां च॥५.४१॥
mīmām̐sakānāṃ ca mīmām̐sakānāṃ ca
As also, according to the mīmām̐sakas.

अथ षकारꣳ सकारविसर्जनीयौ॥६.१॥
atha ṣakāram̐ sakāravisarjanīyau
Now for conversions of s and visarjanīya into ṣ.



A s is converted into ṣ when preceded by svānāso divi, āpo hi, ayam u, kam u, ū, mo, pro, trī, mahi, dyavi, padi, or a former member of a compound.

Also asadāma and asiñcan.

उपसर्गनिष्पूर्वो ऽनुदात्ते पदे॥६.४॥
upasarganiṣpūrvo ’nudātte pade
Also in an unaccecnted pada, when a preposition or nis precedes.

रासःसप्तेऽग्निर्निर्विदुर्मीढुःपायुभिर्वेःसुमतिर्माकिरीयुरायुराभिःसधिर्नकिस्तकारपरो नित्यम्॥६.५॥

rāsaḥsapte’gnirnirvidurmīḍhuḥpāyubhirveḥsumatirmākirīyurāyurābhiḥsadhirnakistakāraparo nityam

Also the visarjanīya, when followed by t, of agniḥ preceded by rāsaḥ or sapte, and of niḥ, viduḥ, mīḍhuḥ, pāyubhiḥ, veḥ, sumatiḥ, mākiḥ, īyuḥ, āyuḥ, ābhiḥ, sadhiḥ, and nakiḥ, under all circumstances.

अथ न॥६.६॥
atha na
Now for exceptions.

Excepted is a s preceded by an a-vowel, a consonant, caknu, patnī, ṛtu, mṛtyu, malimlu, or bṛhaspati.

Also in a word containing ṛ or r.

Also in the former member of a compound.

Also in sava and sthānam.

न धिपूर्वे॥६.११॥
na dhipūrve
But not when dhi precedes.



Also in saṃtānebhyaḥ, saptābhiḥ, saṃmitām, stanām, sītam, spaśaḥ, sak, sani, saniḥ, sanīḥ, sabheyaḥ, sattvā, and sasyāyai.

न स्वरस्पर्धास्तरीमसाहस्रसारथिस्फुरन्तीस्तुब्ज्योतिरायुश्चतुःपूर्वस्तो॥६.१३॥
na svaraspardhāstarīmasāhasrasārathisphurantīstubjyotirāyuścatuḥpūrvasto
But not in svara, spardhāḥ, starīma, sāhasra, sārathiḥ, sphurantī, stubh, and in sto when preceded by jyotiḥ, āyuḥ, or catuḥ.

तर्हाꣳस्तस्मिंलोकान्विद्वाꣳस्ताꣳस्त्रीन्युष्मानूर्ध्वानम्बकानृतूनश्मन्कृण्वन्पितृ̄ननान्कपालाꣳस्तिष्ठन्नाद्युदात्तेनेमिर्देवान्त्सवनेपशूꣳस्तकारपरः सकारं प्राकृतो नित्ये प्राकृतो नित्ये॥६.१४॥

tarhām̐stasmiṃlokānvidvām̐stām̐strīnyuṣmānūrdhvānambakānṛtūnaśmankṛṇvanpitr̥̄nanānkapālām̐stiṣṭhannādyudāttenemirdevāntsavanepaśūm̐stakāraparaḥ sakāraṃ prākṛto nitye prākṛto nitye

In tarhān, tasmin, lokān, vidvān, tān, trīn, yuṣmān, ūrdhvān, ambakān, ṛtūn, aśman, kṛṇvan, pitr̥̄n, anān, kapālān, tiṣṭhan when accented on the first syllable, nemir devān, and savane paśūn, an original n, followed by a t, becomes s, when the t is a constant one.

अथ नकारो णकारम्॥७.१॥
atha nakāro ṇakāram
Now for conversion of n into ṇ.

n becomes ṇ when preceded by ṣu, ṣū, kṛdhi suvaḥ, sam indra, asthūri, uru, vāḥ, ṣaṭ, tri, grāma, or niḥ.

हन्यादुप्यमानं च॥७.३॥
hanyādupyamānaṃ ca
Also in hanyāt and upyamānam.

Also after pārī, pari, parī, and pra.

अवर्णव्यवेतो ऽपि॥७.५॥
avarṇavyaveto ’pi
And that, even when an a-vowel intervenes.

Also in vāhanaḥ, uhyamānaḥ, yānam, ayan, yavena, and van.

As also, when preceded by prā.

इन्द्रोऽयजुःपूर्व एनंकेन॥७.८॥
indro’yajuḥpūrva enaṃkena
Also enam and kena, when preceded respectively by indraḥ and ayajuḥ.

नृश्रीपूर्वो मनाः॥७.९॥
nṛśrīpūrvo manāḥ
also manāḥ, when preceded by nṛ or śrī.

Also aṅgānām, one, gāni, gānām, gyāni, and yāmena.

रषःपूर्वो हवन्यह्नेहन्॥७.११॥
raṣaḥpūrvo havanyahnehan
Also havani, ahne, han, when preceded by r or ṣaḥ.

रुपूर्वो मयान्यनी॥७.१२॥
rupūrvo mayānyanī
Also mayāni and anī, when preceded by ru.

After vāghā and ṣ, t is changed to ṭ.

थश्च ठम्॥७.१४॥
thaśca ṭham
Also th to ṭh.

न तकारपरः॥७.१५॥
na takāraparaḥ
But not when t follows.

Nor in nahyati, nūnam, nṛtyanti, anyaḥ, anyābhiḥ, anyāni; nor when final.

अथ प्रथमः॥८.१॥
atha prathamaḥ
Now for changes of first mutes.

उत्तमपर उत्तमꣳ सवर्गीयम्॥८.२॥
uttamapara uttamam̐ savargīyam
A first mute, followed by a last mute, becomes a last mute of its own series.

तृतीयꣳ स्वरघोषवत्परः॥८.३॥
tṛtīyam̐ svaraghoṣavatparaḥ
Followed by a vowel or a sonant consonat, it becomes a third mute.

ककुच्च मकारपरः॥८.४॥
kakucca makāraparaḥ
Also in kakut, when m follows.

अथ विसर्जनीयः॥८.५॥
atha visarjanīyaḥ
Now for changes of visarjanīya.

visarjanīya becomes r before the classes of sounds last mentioned.

न रेफपरः॥८.७॥
na rephaparaḥ
But not before r.



visarjanīya becomes r in hvāḥ, abhāḥ, vāḥ, hāḥ, abibhaḥ, ajīgaḥ, akaḥ, anantaḥ, vivaḥ, suvaḥ, punaḥ, aharahaḥ, prātaḥ, vastaḥ, śamitaḥ, savitaḥ, sanutaḥ, stanutaḥ, stotaḥ, hotaḥ, pitaḥ, mātaḥ, yaṣṭaḥ, eṣṭaḥ, neṣṭaḥ, and tvaṣṭaḥ.

करावरनुदात्ते पदे॥८.९॥
karāvaranudātte pade
Also in kaḥ and āvaḥ, in an unaccented word.

Also in antaḥ, except when accented on the first syllable.

Also a visarjianīya followed by āvṛt.

इतिपरो ऽपि॥८.१२॥
itiparo ’pi
And likewise when iti follows.

Also in ahāḥ, ahaḥ, and suvaḥ, except at the end of a separable word.

न भिर्भ्यांपरः॥८.१४॥
na bhirbhyāṃparaḥ
Not, however, when followed by bhiḥ or bhyām.

अꣳहश्च सर्वेषाम्॥८.१५॥
am̐haśca sarveṣām
Also not in am̐haḥ, as all agree.

अनवर्णपूर्वस्तु रेफपरो लुप्यते॥८.१६॥
anavarṇapūrvastu rephaparo lupyate
But, when not preceded by an a-vowel, visarjanīya followed by r is omitted.

दीर्घं च पूर्वः॥८.१७॥
dīrghaṃ ca pūrvaḥ
And the preceding vowel is made long.

As also, in eṣṭaḥ.

Not so, according to some authorities.

द्वावुत्तमोत्तरीयस्य रेफम्॥८.२०॥
dvāvuttamottarīyasya repham
According to uttamottarīya, two becomes r.

According to sāṃkṛtya, the visarjanīya becomes u.

उख्यस्य सपूर्वः॥८.२२॥
ukhyasya sapūrvaḥ
And, according to ukhya, along with the preceding letter.

कखपकारपरः षमकारपूर्वः समवग्रहः॥८.२३॥
kakhapakāraparaḥ ṣamakārapūrvaḥ samavagrahaḥ
At the end of the former member of a compound, before k, kh, or p, visarjanīya becomes ṣ — or s, if preceded by a.

Also in āviḥ, niḥ, iḍaḥ, śaśvataḥ, apasaḥ, devariṣaḥ, am̐hasaḥ, ati divaḥ, viśvataḥ, aśmanaḥ, and tamasaḥ.

Also before kṛdhi, pinva, and pathe.

न सक्रघकारपरे॥८.२६॥
na sakraghakārapare

Also before patnī ve, patī, pate, pataye, patiḥ, and patim.

Also in divaḥ and sahasaḥ, before pari and put.

Also in rāyaḥ, before po.

Also in namaḥ, before karo.

Also in vasuḥ, before k.

Not in adhvaraṃ viśvataḥ, antaḥ, jātaḥ, viviśuḥ paruḥ, and punaḥ.

Nor before a word containing dh or ṣ.

Not before pari vā or pra.

न निर्ण निः॥८.३५॥
na nirṇa niḥ
Not so with niḥ.

ऊष्मपरो ऽघोषपरे लुप्यते काण्डमायनस्य॥९.१॥
ūṣmaparo ’ghoṣapare lupyate kāṇḍamāyanasya
visarjanīya, when followed by a spirant which has a surd letter after it, is dropped, according to kāṇḍamāyana.

अघोषपरस्तस्य सस्थानमूष्माणम्॥९.२॥
aghoṣaparastasya sasthānamūṣmāṇam
Followed by a surd letter, it becomes the spirant of like position with that letter.

न क्षपरः॥९.३॥
na kṣaparaḥ
But not when followed by kṣ.

Nor, according to āgniveśya and vālmīki, when followed by a guttural or a labial mute.

ऊष्मपर एवैकेषामाचार्याणाम्॥९.५॥
ūṣmapara evaikeṣāmācāryāṇām
According to some authorities, not when followed by a spirant, and only then.

न प्लाक्षिप्लाक्षायणयोः॥९.६॥
na plākṣiplākṣāyaṇayoḥ
Not according to plākṣi and plākṣāyaṇa.

ओकारमः सर्वो ऽकारपरः॥९.७॥
okāramaḥ sarvo ’kāraparaḥ
aḥ, the whole of it, when followed by a, becomes o.

Also when followed by a sonant consonant.

अवर्णपूर्वस्तु लुप्यते॥९.९॥
avarṇapūrvastu lupyate
But visarjanīya, when preceded by an a-vowel, is omitted.

अथ स्वरपरो यकारम्॥९.१०॥
atha svaraparo yakāram
When followed by a vowel, it becomes y.

एकारो ऽयम्॥९.११॥
ekāro ’yam
e, before a vowel, becomes ay.

ओकारो ऽवम्॥९.१२॥
okāro ’vam
o becomes av.

But not, in either case, when followed by a.

ऐकार आयम्॥९.१४॥
aikāra āyam
ai becomes āy.

औकार आवम्॥९.१५॥
aukāra āvam
au becomes āv.

उकारो ऽपृक्तः प्रकृत्या वकारो ऽन्तरे॥९.१६॥
ukāro ’pṛktaḥ prakṛtyā vakāro ’ntare
An u, uncombined with a consonant, remains unchanged, and v is inserted between it and the following vowel.

न तत्तस्मात्साꣳहितः॥९.१७॥
na tattasmātsām̐hitaḥ
But not in sam̐hitā-text, after tat and tasmāt.

ह्रस्वपूर्वो ङकारो द्विवर्णम्॥९.१८॥
hrasvapūrvo ṅakāro dvivarṇam
A ṅ, when preceded by a short vowel, is doubled.

As does also a n.

अनितिपरो ग्रहोख्ययाज्यापृष्ठ्यहिरण्यवर्णीयेष्वीकारोकारपूर्वो रेफमाकारपूर्वश्च यकारम्॥९.२०॥

anitiparo grahokhyayājyāpṛṣṭhyahiraṇyavarṇīyeṣvīkārokārapūrvo rephamākārapūrvaśca yakāram

In graha, ukhya, yājyā, pṛṣṭhya, and hiraṇyavarṇīya passages, a n preceded by ī or ū becomes r, preceded by ā becomes y, except before iti.



Also in the words martyān, ud ayān, amṛtān, duryān not preceded by soma, so asmān, avimān, gomān, madhumān, haviṣmān, hūtamān before any vowel belonging to the text, cikitvān, iḍāvān, kakṣīvān, bāṇavān, hi payasvān, vaśān, vidatrān, amitrān, arān, poṣān, and mahān.



Also a n followed by indro me, akaḥ, ūḍhvam, ihā, apy etu, aganma, īḍenyān, āyajiṣṭhaḥ, ā ca, ṛtu, akurvata, aduhat, aditiḥ, agre, adharānt sapatnān, and alam.

न रश्मीञ्छ्रपयान्यमान्पतङ्गान्त्समानानर्चान्यजीयान्॥९.२३॥
na raśmīñchrapayānyamānpataṅgāntsamānānarcānyajīyān
The n of raśmīn, śrapayān, yamān, pataṅgān, samānān, arcān, yajīyān remains unchanged.

Nor a n followed by ut or atha.

Now for the coalescence of two vowels into one.

दीर्घꣳ समानाक्षरे सवर्णपरे॥१०.२॥
dīrgham̐ samānākṣare savarṇapare
In the case of a simple vowel, followed by a similar vowel, the product is long.

Now for cases in which an a-vowel stands first.

इवर्णपर एकारम्॥१०.४॥
ivarṇapara ekāram
When an i-vowel follows, the product is e.

उवर्णपर ओकारम्॥१०.५॥
uvarṇapara okāram
When an u-vowel follows, the product is o.

एकारैकारपर ऐकारम्॥१०.६॥
ekāraikārapara aikāram
When e or ai follows, the product is ai.

ओकारौकारपर औकारम्॥१०.७॥
okāraukārapara aukāram
When o or au follows, the product is au.

When ṛ follows, the product is ar.

उपसर्गपूर्व आरम्॥१०.९॥
upasargapūrva āram
If a preposition precedes, the product is ār.

When an acute enters into the combination, the result is acute.

अनुनासिके ऽनुनासिकम्॥१०.११॥
anunāsike ’nunāsikam
When a nasal, the result is nasal.

स्वरितानुदात्तसंनिपाते स्वरितम्॥१०.१२॥
svaritānudāttasaṃnipāte svaritam
When circumflex and grave are combined, the result is circumflex.

न धामापासिपरीबुध्नियाज्यापूषामिनन्तार्षे॥१०.१३॥

na dhāmāpāsiparībudhniyājyāpūṣāminantārṣe

Exceptions are dhā, mā, and pā, when followed by asi; also budhniyā, jyā, ā pūṣā, and aminanta — before a vowel belonging to the text.

एष्टरेतनेमन्नोद्मन्नोष्ठेवःपरो लुप्यते॥१०.१४॥
eṣṭaretanemannodmannoṣṭhevaḥparo lupyate
When followed by eṣṭaḥ, etana, eman, odman, oṣṭha, or evaḥ, an a-vowel is elided.

इवर्णोकारौ यवकारौ॥१०.१५॥
ivarṇokārau yavakārau
An i-vowel and u become respectively y and v.

उदात्तयोश्च परो ऽनुदात्तः स्वरितम्॥१०.१६॥
udāttayośca paro ’nudāttaḥ svaritam
And, when they are acute, a following grave becomes circumflex.

ऊभावे च॥१०.१७॥
ūbhāve ca
Also when ū is the prduct of the combination.

न श्येती मिथुनी॥१०.१८॥
na śyetī mithunī
Exceptions are śyetī and mithunī.

लुप्येते त्ववर्णपूर्वौ यवकारौ॥१०.१९॥
lupyete tvavarṇapūrvau yavakārau
But y and v are elided, when preceded by an a-vowel.

Not so, according to ukhya.

वकारस्तु सांकृत्यस्य॥१०.२१॥
vakārastu sāṃkṛtyasya
Not v, according to sāṃkṛtya.

उकारौकारपरौ लुप्येते माचाकीयस्य॥१०.२२॥
ukāraukāraparau lupyete mācākīyasya
According to mācākīya, both are omitted when followed by u or o.

लेशो वात्सप्रस्यैतयोः॥१०.२३॥
leśo vātsaprasyaitayoḥ
According to vātsapra, they are imperceptibly uttered.

न प्लुतप्रग्रहौ॥१०.२४॥
na plutapragrahau
Exceptions are protracted and pragraha vowels.

परश्च परश्च॥१०.२५॥
paraśca paraśca
Also the remaining vowel.

लुप्यते त्वकार एकारौकारपूर्वः॥११.१॥
lupyate tvakāra ekāraukārapūrvaḥ
But a is elided when preceded by e or o.

Now follow cases of non-elision.



The a is not elided in the following sections: those beginning with dhātā rātiḥ and upa; those styled vājapeya; those beginning with juṣṭa and śyenāya; those styled ukhya; those beginning with dhruvakṣitiḥ, iyam eva sā yā, and agnir mūrdhā; the first and the next to the last of the rudra chapter; and those styled vikarṣa, vihavya, hiraṇyavarṇīya, yājyā, and mahāpṛṣṭhya.

अꣳहसोꣳहतिरनिष्टृतोऽवन्त्वस्मानवद्यादहनि च॥११.४॥
am̐hasom̐hatiraniṣṭṛto’vantvasmānavadyādahani ca
Also in am̐hasaḥ, am̐hatiḥ, aniṣṭṛtaḥ, avantv asmān, avadyāt, and ahani.

अनु घर्मासआपोमर्तोरथस्त्वोदत्तेवातःपूर्वः॥११.५॥
anu gharmāsaāpomartorathastvodattevātaḥpūrvaḥ
Also in anu, when preceded by gharmāsaḥ, āpaḥ, martaḥ, rathaḥ, tvaḥ, datte, and vātaḥ.

Also (after vātaḥ) in abhi vātu and apaḥ.

Also (after apaḥ) in anu and agamat.

आपःपूर्वो ऽद्भिरपांनपादस्मान्॥११.८॥
āpaḥpūrvo ’dbhirapāṃnapādasmān
Also in adbhiḥ, apāṃ napāt, and asmān, when preceded by āpaḥ.

In asmān, also, if followed by a, when rāye, saḥ, and indraḥ precede.

तेपूर्वो ऽद्यान्धोऽꣳशुरग्ने॥११.१०॥
tepūrvo ’dyāndho’m̐śuragne
Also in adya, andhaḥ, am̐śuḥ, and agne, when te precedes.

In agne, also, when preceded by me.

अस्याश्विनापरा च॥११.१२॥
asyāśvināparā ca
As also, in asya, aśvinā, and aparā.

नःपूर्वो ऽसदग्निरघान्तमोऽभ्यस्मिन्नद्यपथि॥११.१३॥
naḥpūrvo ’sadagniraghāntamo’bhyasminnadyapathi
Also in asat, agniḥ, agha, antamaḥ, abhi, asmin, and adya pathi, when preceded by naḥ.

नमःपूर्वो ऽग्रेऽश्वेभ्योऽग्रियाय॥११.१४॥
namaḥpūrvo ’gre’śvebhyo’griyāya
Also in agre, aśvebhyaḥ, and agriyāya, when preceded by namaḥ.

आविन्नःसोमःपूर्वो ऽग्निपरः॥११.१५॥
āvinnaḥsomaḥpūrvo ’gniparaḥ
Also when āvinnaḥ or somaḥ precedes and agni follows.



Also a is retained when preceded by dhīrāsaḥ, adabdhāsaḥ, ekādaśāsaḥ, ṛṣīṇāṃ putraḥ, śāryāte ’ṣāḍhaḥ, pitāraḥ, pṛthivī yajñe, āsate ye, gṛhṇāmy agre, vām̐ eṣaḥ, jajñe, sam̐sphānaḥ, yuvayor yaḥ, pṛṣṭhe, patir vaḥ, go, śuṣmaḥ, puvaḥ, samiddhaḥ, ṛṣabhaḥ, pāthaḥ, vacaḥ, varṣiṣṭhe, juṣāṇo, yo rudraḥ, or vṛṣṇaḥ.



Also in aratim, asya yajñasya, atidrutaḥ, atiyanti, anṛṇaḥ, aviṣyan, anamīvaḥ, anneṣu, arciḥ, ajītān, ajyānim, ahniyāḥ, ambāli, arvantam, astu, akṛṇot, aṅgiraḥ, apsu yaḥ, askabhāyat, acyutaḥ, aśvasaniḥ, asthabhiḥ, aśiśret, aṅge, and aghniya.

अध्वर स्वरपरे॥११.१८॥
adhvara svarapare
Also in adhvara, when a vowel follows [the r].

स पूर्वस्यार्धसदृशमेकेषामर्धस्दृशमेकेषाम्॥११.१९॥
sa pūrvasyārdhasadṛśamekeṣāmardhasdṛśamekeṣām
In the opinion of some, it becomes half-similar with its predecessor.

अथ लोपः॥१२.१॥
atha lopaḥ
Now for cases of elision.

The a of asi is elided.

न गर्भःसंनद्धोयमोभद्रःपूर्वः॥१२.३॥
na garbhaḥsaṃnaddhoyamobhadraḥpūrvaḥ
But not when garbhaḥ, saṃnaddhaḥ, yamaḥ, or bhadraḥ precedes.

यवनहपरः स्वरपरेषु॥१२.४॥
yavanahaparaḥ svarapareṣu
a is elided before y, v, n, and h, when these are followed by a vowel.

जकारग्नपर उदात्तः॥१२.५॥
jakāragnapara udāttaḥ
Before j and gn, a is elided if acute.

Before gn, also when preceded by maḥ, vacaḥ, dadhānaḥ, and sthe.



The a is elided in abhyāvartin, apūpam, api dadhāmi, adyānu, aditiḥ, śarma, agner, jihvām, agnayaḥ, paprayaḥ, asmākam, asme dhatta, aśmā, aśvā wherever found, aśyāma, amā, aryaman, asmatpāśān, asmin yajñe, astā, avyathamānā, abhidroham, adhāyi, adaḥ, atho, adugdhāḥ, ariṣṭāḥ, arathāḥ, arcanti, antar asyām, atra stha, annāya, aṅgirasvat, and akaram.



An a is elided when preceded by gāhamānaḥ, jāyamānaḥ ketayaḥ, manyamānaḥ, vanaspatibhyaḥ, pate, sridhaḥ, tapasaḥ, svadhāvaḥ, bhāmitaḥ, agnayaḥ, āyo, adhvaryo, and krato.

तस्मिन्ननुदात्ते पूर्व उदात्तः स्वरितम्॥१२.९॥
tasminnanudātte pūrva udāttaḥ svaritam
When the elided a is grave, the preceding dipthong, if acute, becomes circumflex.

उदात्ते चानुदात्त उदात्तम्॥१२.१०॥
udātte cānudātta udāttam
When it is acute, the preceding dipthong, if grave, becomes acute.

स्वरितश्च सर्वत्र स्वरितश्च सर्वत्र॥१२.११॥
svaritaśca sarvatra svaritaśca sarvatra
As also, in every case, if circumflex.

अथ मकारलोपः॥१३.१॥
atha makāralopaḥ
Now for the omission of m.

A m is omitted, when followed by r or a spirant.

As also, according to some teachers, when followed by y or v.

न सꣳसामिति रापरः॥१३.४॥
na sam̐sāmiti rāparaḥ
But not the m of sam and sām, when followed by rā.

अथ वर्णानाम्॥१३.५॥
atha varṇānām
Now of individual sounds.

ऋकारर्काररषपूर्वो नकारो णकारꣳ समानपदे॥१३.६॥
ṛkārarkāraraṣapūrvo nakāro ṇakāram̐ samānapade
Within the same word, a n preceded by ṛ, r̥̄, r, or ṣ, becomes ṇ.

व्यवेतो ऽपि॥१३.७॥
vyaveto ’pi
Even though other sounds are interposed.

Also in hiraṇmayam.

पाणिगणपुण्यकण्वकाणगाणबाणवेणुगुणमणिप्रवादेषु पूर्वः॥१३.९॥

pāṇigaṇapuṇyakaṇvakāṇagāṇabāṇaveṇuguṇamaṇipravādeṣu pūrvaḥ

Also, in the inflectional and derivative forms of pāṇi, gaṇa, puṇya, kaṇva, kāṇa, gāṇa, bāṇa, veṇu, guṇa, and maṇi, the first nasal is ṇ.

Also in paṇi, paṇim, vīyamāṇaḥ, and ūṇyoḥ.

Also before a lingual mute.


caṅkuṇaphaṇatsthūṇauhiṇuyāddhiṇotikauṇeyo’aṇiṣṭhāulbaṇamugaṇāśrutiścupuṇīkābāṇijāyāṇavaścāṭṇārasthāṇuṃ tūṇavevīṇāyāmaśloṇayāpaṇetavāṇīḥkalyāṇīkuṇapaṃvāṇaḥśataśoṇāśrutirdhāṇikāmeṇī

Also in caṅkuṇa, phaṇat, sthūṇau, hiṇuyāt, hiṇoti, kauṇeyaḥ, aṇiṣṭhāḥ, ulbaṇam, ugaṇā wherever found, cupuṇīkā, bāṇijāya, aṇavaś ca, āṭṇāraḥ, sthāṇum, tūṇave, vīṇāyām, aśloṇayā, paṇeta, vāṇīḥ, kalyāṇī, kuṇapam, vāṇaḥ śata, śoṇā wherever found, dhāṇikā, and meṇī.

अवग्रहो वृषण्छीर्षण्ब्रह्मणक्षण्चर्मण्चर्षण्॥१३.१३॥
avagraho vṛṣaṇchīrṣaṇbrahmaṇakṣaṇcarmaṇcarṣaṇ
As final of the former member of a compound, ṇ is found in vṛṣaṇ, śīrṣaṇ, brahmaṇ, akṣaṇ, carmaṇ, and carṣaṇ.

ऋणषणष्णम्णराव्ण चेति प्राकृताः॥१३.१४॥
ṛṇaṣaṇaṣṇamṇarāvṇa ceti prākṛtāḥ
Also in ṛṇṇ, ṣaṇṇ, ṣṇ, mṇ, and rāvṇ — these are original. >

न षुम्नो ऽग्निर्युष्मानीतो ऽन्तो ऽलोपात्स्पर्शपरो व्यवायेषु शसचटतवर्जीयेषु॥१३.१५॥

na ṣumno ’gniryuṣmānīto ’nto ’lopātsparśaparo vyavāyeṣu śasacaṭatavarjīyeṣu

But not in ṣumna, agni, and yuṣmānīta; nor when final; nor after the omission of an a; nor when followed by a mute; nor when ś, s, or a palatal, lingual, or labial mute intervenes.

पृक्तस्वरात्परो लो डं पौष्करसादेः पौष्करसादेः॥१३.१६॥
pṛktasvarātparo lo ḍaṃ pauṣkarasādeḥ pauṣkarasādeḥ
In the opinion of pauṣkarasādi, l after a mixed vowel becomes ḍ.

स्वरपूर्वं व्यञ्जनं द्विवर्णं व्यञ्जनपरम्॥१४.१॥
svarapūrvaṃ vyañjanaṃ dvivarṇaṃ vyañjanaparam
A consonant preceded by a vowel is doubled, if followed by a consonant.

लवकारपूर्व स्पर्शश्च पौष्करसादेः॥१४.२॥
lavakārapūrva sparśaśca pauṣkarasādeḥ
Likewise, according to pauṣkarasādi, a mute preceded by l or v.

स्पर्श एवैकेषामाचार्याणाम्॥१४.३॥
sparśa evaikeṣāmācāryāṇām
According to some teachers, the mute only.

Also a consonant that follows r.

द्वितीयचतुर्थयोस्तु व्यञ्जनोत्तरयोः पूर्वः॥१४.५॥
Verse: 5 dvitīyacaturthayostu vyañjanottarayoḥ pūrvaḥ
In place, however, of second and fourth mutes, when followed by consonants, is put the preceding mute.

रेफपूर्वयोश्च नित्यम्॥१४.६॥
rephapūrvayośca nityam
As also, in all cases, when they follow r.

लकारपूर्वे च॥१४.७॥
lakārapūrve ca
And when l precedes.

उपसर्गपाथएषोऽत्यातिधामपरमभूतेपूर्वेषु छखिभुजेषु च॥१४.८॥

upasargapāthaeṣo’tyātidhāmaparamabhūtepūrveṣu chakhibhujeṣu ca

Also the preceding mute is inserted before ch, khi, and bhuja, when these follow either a preposition, pātha eṣaḥ, ati, āti, dhāma, parama or bhūte.

अघोषादूष्मणः परः प्रथमो ऽभिनिधान स्पर्शपरात्तस्य सस्थानः॥१४.९॥
aghoṣādūṣmaṇaḥ paraḥ prathamo ’bhinidhāna sparśaparāttasya sasthānaḥ
After a surd spirant followed by a mute is inserted a first mute of the same position with the latter, as abhinidhāna.

अघोषे प्लाक्षेः॥१४.१०॥
aghoṣe plākṣeḥ
According to plākṣi, when the following mute is surd.

उत्तमपरात्तु प्लाक्षायणस्य॥१४.११॥
uttamaparāttu plākṣāyaṇasya
But according to plākṣāyaṇa, on the contrary, when the following mute is a nasal.

प्रथम ऊष्मपरो द्वितीयम्॥१४.१२॥
prathama ūṣmaparo dvitīyam
A first mute followed by a spirant is changed into its corresponding aspirate.

According to bāḍabhikāra, when the following spirant is not of the same position with it.

अथ न॥१४.१४॥
atha na
Now for exceptons.

अवसाने रविसर्जनीयजिह्वामूलीयोपध्मानीयाः॥१४.१५॥
avasāne ravisarjanīyajihvāmūlīyopadhmānīyāḥ
A consonant before a pause is not doubled; nor r, visarjanīya, jihvāmūlīya, or upadhmānīya.

ऊष्मा स्वरपरः॥१४.१६॥
ūṣmā svaraparaḥ
Nor a spirant, when followed by a vowel.

प्रथमपरश्च प्लाक्षिप्लाक्षायणयोः॥१४.१७॥
prathamaparaśca plākṣiplākṣāyaṇayoḥ
Or, according to plākṣi and plākṣāyaṇa, when followed by a first mute.

ऊष्माघोषो हारीतस्य॥१४.१८॥
ūṣmāghoṣo hārītasya
According to hārīta, a surd spirant is not doubled.

रेफपरश्च हकारः॥१४.१९॥
rephaparaśca hakāraḥ
Nor h, when followed by r.

टवर्गश्च तवर्गपरः॥१४.२०॥
ṭavargaśca tavargaparaḥ
Nor a lingual mute, when followed by a dental.

लतवर्गौ यवकारपरौ॥१४.२१॥
latavargau yavakāraparau
Nor l nor a dental mute, when followed by y or v.

Nor the following.

A letter followed by one homogeneous with itself, or one of the same mute-series, is not duplicated.

नानुत्तम उत्तमपरः॥१४.२४॥
nānuttama uttamaparaḥ
Unless, indeed, it be a non-nasal followed by a nasal.

Now for the views of certain teachers.

लकारो हशवकारपरः॥१४.२६॥
lakāro haśavakāraparaḥ
A l is not doubled when followed by h, ś, or v.

स्पर्श स्पर्शपरः॥१४.२७॥
sparśa sparśaparaḥ
Nor a mute that is followed by a mute.

पदान्तश्च व्यञ्जनपरः प्राकृतः॥१४.२८॥
padāntaśca vyañjanaparaḥ prākṛtaḥ
Nor an original final that is followed by a consonant.

उदात्तात्परो ऽनुदात्तः स्वरितम्॥१४.२९॥
udāttātparo ’nudāttaḥ svaritam
A grave following an acute becomes circumflex.

व्यञ्जनान्तर्हितो ऽपि॥१४.३०॥
vyañjanāntarhito ’pi
Even when consonants intervene.

Not, however, when an acute or circumflex follows.

Not so, according to āgniveśyāyana.

सर्वो नेत्येके सर्वो नेत्येके॥१४.३३॥
sarvo netyeke sarvo netyeke
Some say not, in all cases.

नकारस्य रेफोष्मयकारभावाल्लुप्ते च मलोपाच्च पूर्वस्वरो ऽनुनास्कः॥१५.१॥

nakārasya rephoṣmayakārabhāvāllupte ca malopācca pūrvasvaro ’nunāskaḥ

In case of the conversion of n into r, a spirant, or y — also when the y is omitted — or in case of the omission of m, the preceding vowel becomes nasal.

Some deny this.

And claim that, on the contrary, anusvāra is inserted after the vowel.

स्रादिषु चैकपद ऊष्मपरः॥१५.४॥
srādiṣu caikapada ūṣmaparaḥ
anusvāra is also inserted in the case of sra etc., in a single word, before a spirant.

Not before an altered final.

अप्रग्रहाः समानाक्षराण्यनुनासिकान्येकेषाम्॥१५.६॥
apragrahāḥ samānākṣarāṇyanunāsikānyekeṣām
According to some authorities, the simple vowels, except the pragrahas, are nasalized.

पदं च प्लुतꣳ शाङ्खायनकाण्डमायनयोः॥१५.७॥
padaṃ ca plutam̐ śāṅkhāyanakāṇḍamāyanayoḥ
As is also, according to śāṅkhāyana and kāṇḍamāyana, a protracted pada.

अकारस्तु सꣳहितायामपि॥१५.८॥
akārastu sam̐hitāyāmapi
An a, however, is nasalized in sam̐hitā also.

सर्वमेकयमं पूर्वेषाꣳ सर्वमेकयमं पूर्वेषाम्॥१५.९॥
sarvamekayamaṃ pūrveṣām̐ sarvamekayamaṃ pūrveṣām
According to the former ones, all is of one pitch

अथ सकारपराः॥१६.१॥
atha sakāraparāḥ
Now for cases in which s follows.

स्रशोहपाश पदादयः स्वरपरे॥१६.२॥
sraśohapāśa padādayaḥ svarapare
sra, śo, ha, pā, and śa, at the beginning of a pada, take anusvāra before a s that is followed by a vowel.

विकृते ऽपि॥१६.३॥
vikṛte ’pi
Even when the vowel is altered.

As also, when they are preceded by ra.

Also in śam̐stā, except when it is accented on the final syllable.

Also in aśam̐san.

न शसनं विशसनेन॥१६.७॥
na śasanaṃ viśasanena
But not in śasanam and viśasanena.

मा पदादिरनुदात्तः॥१६.८॥
mā padādiranudāttaḥ
mā takes anusvāra when beginning a pada and unaccented.

पुमीपूर्वश् नित्यम्॥१६.९॥
pumīpūrvaś nityam
As also when preceded by pu or mī, under all circumstances.

And when followed by sakāya.

But not when preceded by a former member of a compound.

मासिमासुमासोमासामिति च॥१६.१२॥
māsimāsumāsomāsāmiti ca
Nor in māsi, māsu, māsaḥ, or māsām.



The following words have anusvāra before s: hi, pu, jigā, jighā, cham̐sine, atam̐sayat, ātām̐sīt, kanīyā, jyāyā, drāghīyā, raghīyā, śreyā, hrasīyā, vasīyā, bhūyām̐saḥ, jakṣivā, jaghnivā, jigivā, jīgivā, tasthivā, dāśvā, dīdivā, papivā, pīpivā, vidvā, viviśivā, śuśruvā, sasṛvā.

आकारेकारोकाराः सिषिपराः पदान्तयोः॥१६.१४॥
ākārekārokārāḥ siṣiparāḥ padāntayoḥ
The vowels ā, ī, and ū have anusvāra, when they are followed by si or ṣi final.

विकृते ऽपि॥१६.१५॥
vikṛte ’pi
Even when the i is altered.

अनाकारो ह्रस्वꣳ सांकृत्यस्य॥१६.१६॥
anākāro hrasvam̐ sāṃkṛtyasya
According to sāṃkṛtya, the vowel, except ā, is short.

न पदे द्विस्वरे नित्यम्‌॥१६.१७॥
na pade dvisvare nityam
Not, under any circumstances, in a dissylabic word.

ऋजीषिजिगासिजिघास्यजासियजासिददासिदधासिवर्तयासि च॥१६.१८॥
ṛjīṣijigāsijighāsyajāsiyajāsidadāsidadhāsivartayāsi ca
Nor in ṛjīṣi, jigāsi, jighāsi, ajāsi, yajāsi, dadāsi, dadhāsi, and vartayāsi.

दꣳसनाभ्योदꣳसोभिर्दꣳसंवृषदꣳशोदꣳशुकादꣳष्ट्राभ्यां परः॥१६.१९॥

dam̐sanābhyodam̐sobhirdam̐saṃvṛṣadam̐śodam̐śukādam̐ṣṭrābhyāṃ paraḥ

In dam̐sanābhyaḥ, dam̐sobhiḥ, dam̐sam , vṛṣadam̐śaḥ, dam̐śukā, and dam̐ṣṭrābhyām, anusvāra is taken in the latter place.

Also in mam̐sye, mam̐satai, yam̐sad, yam̐san, vam̐sate, and am̐sagaḥ.

उन्न वꣳशम्॥१६.२१॥
unna vam̐śam
Also in vam̐śam, after ut or na.

Also in akram̐sta, kram̐syate, ram̐syate, and bhram̐śate.

रꣳह्यै च॥१६.२३॥
ram̐hyai ca
And also in ram̐hyai.

ऐकार उख्यस्य नितान्तः॥१६.२४॥
aikāra ukhyasya nitāntaḥ
The ai, according to ukhya, is excessive.

विरित्रि संख्यासु॥१६.२५॥
viritri saṃkhyāsu
Also in vi, ri, and tri, in numerals, except in su.

Also in śim̐śumāraḥ, śim̐ṣat, sam̐śvā, sam̐srā, sam̐sṛṣṭa, sam̐skṛtya sam̐kṛta, sam̐śita, sam̐śitā, kim̐śila, and kim̐śilā.

सितृदृ हकारपरः॥१६.२७॥
sitṛdṛ hakāraparaḥ
Also after si, tṛ, or dṛ, when h follows.

मꣳहिष्ठस्य च॥१६.२८॥
mam̐hiṣṭhasya ca
As also, in mam̐hiṣṭhasya.



Also, after the first vowel, in am̐hatiḥ, am̐haḥ, am̐hoḥ, am̐homuc, atyam̐hāḥ, am̐hasaḥ, am̐hasā, am̐śam, am̐śubhiḥ, am̐śabhuvā, am̐śu, am̐śū, am̐śavaḥ, am̐śuḥ, am̐śum, am̐śūn, am̐śunā, am̐śoḥ, am̐śāya, upām̐śu, and am̐śau

अवग्रह उदात्तो ऽꣳसे ऽꣳसायाꣳसाभ्यामꣳसाविति॥१६.३०॥
avagraha udātto ’m̐se ’m̐sāyām̐sābhyāmam̐sāviti
Also in am̐se, am̐sāya, am̐sābhyām, and am̐sau, when accented on the first syllable.

नासावा नासावा॥१६.३१॥
nāsāvā nāsāvā
But not in asāv ā.

तीव्रतरमानुनासिक्यमनुस्वारोत्तमेष्विति शैत्यायनः॥१७.१॥
tīvrataramānunāsikyamanusvārottameṣviti śaityāyanaḥ
śaityāyana says that the nasal quality is stronger in anusvāra and the nasal mutes.

समꣳ सर्वत्रेति कौहलीपुत्रः॥१७.२॥
samam̐ sarvatreti kauhalīputraḥ
kauhalīputra says that it is the same everywhere.

अनुस्वारे ऽण्विति भारद्वाजः॥१७.३॥
anusvāre ’ṇviti bhāradvājaḥ
bhāradvāja says it is faint in anusvāra.

नाकारस्य रेफोष्मयकारभावाल्लुप्ते च मलोपाच्चोत्तरमुत्तरं तीत्रतरमिति स्थविरः कौण्डिन्यः॥१७.४॥

nākārasya rephoṣmayakārabhāvāllupte ca malopāccottaramuttaraṃ tītrataramiti sthaviraḥ kauṇḍinyaḥ

Old kauṇḍinya says that when n is converted into r, or into a spirant, or into y (with loss of the y), or when m is lost, it is stronger in each case successively.

व्यञ्जनकालश्च स्वरस्यात्राधिकः॥१७.५॥
vyañjanakālaśca svarasyātrādhikaḥ
And to the vowel is added, in this case, the time of a consonant.

स्वारविक्रमयोर्दृढप्रयत्नतरः पौष्करसादेः॥१७.६॥
svāravikramayordṛḍhaprayatnataraḥ pauṣkarasādeḥ
pauṣkarasādi says the utterance of svāra and vikrama is attended with firmer effort.

प्रयत्नविशेषात्सर्ववर्णानामिति शैत्यायनः॥१७.७॥
prayatnaviśeṣātsarvavarṇānāmiti śaityāyanaḥ
śaityāyana says, of all the letters, according to their difference of effort.

नातिव्यक्तं न चाव्यक्तमेवं वर्णानुदिङ्गयेत्।
पयःपूर्णमिवामत्रꣳ हरन्धिरो यथामति॥
इत्यात्रेय आत्रेयः॥१७.८॥

nātivyaktaṃ na cāvyaktamevaṃ varṇānudiṅgayet
payaḥpūrṇamivāmatram̐ harandhiro yathāmati
ityātreya ātreyaḥ

ātreya says, one must utter the sounds not over-distinctly and not indistinctly; taking, as it were, a vessel filled with drink, steady, according to the sense.

ओकारं तु प्रणव एके ऽर्धतृतीयमात्रं ब्रुवते॥१८.१॥
okāraṃ tu praṇava eke ’rdhatṛtīyamātraṃ bruvate
As praṇava, some utter o with two and a half moras.

उदात्तानुदात्तस्वरितानां कस्मिꣳश्चिदिति शैत्यायनः॥१८.२॥
udāttānudāttasvaritānāṃ kasmim̐ściditi śaityāyanaḥ
śaityāyana says it is to be utterd with either one of acute, grave, or circumflex.

धृतप्रचयः कौण्डिन्यस्य॥१८.३॥
dhṛtapracayaḥ kauṇḍinyasya
According to kauṇḍinya, it is a sustained pracaya.

मध्यमेन स वाक्प्रयोगः॥१८.४॥
madhyamena sa vākprayogaḥ
That application of the voice is with middle tone.

स्वरितः प्लाक्षिप्लाक्षायणयोः॥१८.५॥
svaritaḥ plākṣiplākṣāyaṇayoḥ
According to plākṣi and plākṣāyaṇa, it is circumflexed.

उदात्तो वाल्मीकेः॥१८.६॥
udātto vālmīkeḥ
According to vālmīki, it is acute.

यथाप्रयोगं वा सर्वेषां यथाप्रयोगं वा सर्वेषाम्॥१८.७॥
yathāprayogaṃ vā sarveṣāṃ yathāprayogaṃ vā sarveṣām
All allow that it may also be according to the application.

स्वरितयोर्मध्ये यत्र नीचꣳ स्यादुदात्तयोर्वान्यतरतो वोदात्तस्वरितयोः स विक्रमः॥१९.१॥

svaritayormadhye yatra nīcam̐ syādudāttayorvānyatarato vodāttasvaritayoḥ sa vikramaḥ

Where a syllable of low tone occurs between two circumflex syllables, or two acute, or two of which either one is acute and the other circumflex, that is vikrama.

प्रचयपूर्वश्च कौण्डिन्यस्य॥१९.२॥
pracayapūrvaśca kauṇḍinyasya
As also, according to kauṇḍinya, when a pracaya precedes.

द्वियम एके द्वियमपरे ता अणुमात्राः॥१९.३॥
dviyama eke dviyamapare tā aṇumātrāḥ
According to some, in a circumflex syllable that is followed by a circumflex, quarter moras are so.

तस्यामेव प्रकृतौ॥१९.४॥
tasyāmeva prakṛtau
In that very material.

न पूर्वशास्त्रे न पूर्वशास्त्रे॥१९.५॥
na pūrvaśāstre na pūrvaśāstre
Not in the former teaching.

इवर्णोकारयोर्यवकारभावे क्षैप्र उदात्तयोः॥२०.१॥
ivarṇokārayoryavakārabhāve kṣaipra udāttayoḥ
When i, ī, and u are converted into y or v, the accent is kṣaipra, if they were acute.

सयकारवकारं त्वक्षरं यत्र स्वर्यते स्थिते पदे ऽनुदात्तपूर्वे ऽपूर्वे वा नित्य इत्येव जानीयात्॥२०.२॥

sayakāravakāraṃ tvakṣaraṃ yatra svaryate sthite pade ’nudāttapūrve ’pūrve vā nitya ityeva jānīyāt

But where a syllable containing a y or v is circumflexed in a fixed word, begin preceded by a grave syllable, or not preceded by anything, that is to be known as nitya.

अपि चेन्नानापदस्थमुदात्तमथ चेत्साꣳहितेन स्वर्यते स प्रातिहतः॥२०.३॥

api cennānāpadasthamudāttamatha cetsām̐hitena svaryate sa prātihataḥ

If, moreover, there is an acute standing in another word, then, if there be a circumflex resulting from a rule of combination, it is prātihata.

तस्मादकारलोपे ऽभिनिहतः॥२०.४॥
tasmādakāralope ’bhinihataḥ
After such a one, in case of the loss of an a, it is abhinihata.

ऊभावे प्रश्लिष्टः॥२०.५॥
ūbhāve praśliṣṭaḥ
Where an ū results, it is praśliṣṭa.

पदविवृत्त्यां पादवृत्तः॥२०.६॥
padavivṛttyāṃ pādavṛttaḥ
Where there is a hiatus between two words, it is pādavṛtta.

Where an acute precedes, it is tairovyañjana.

इति स्वारनामधेयानि॥२०.६॥
iti svāranāmadheyāni
These are the names of the circumflex accents.

In the kṣaipra and nitya, the effort is firmer.

अभिनिहते च॥२०.१०॥
abhinihate ca
As also in the abhinihata.

In the praśliṣṭa and prātihata, it is gentler.

तैरोव्यञ्जनपादवृत्तयोरल्पतरो ऽल्पतरः॥२०.१२॥
tairovyañjanapādavṛttayoralpataro ’lpataraḥ
In the tairovyañjana and pādavṛtta, it is feebler.

व्यञ्जनꣳ स्वराङ्गम्॥२१.१॥
vyañjanam̐ svarāṅgam
The consonant is adjunct of a vowel.

And it belongs to the following vowel.

अवसितं पूर्वस्य॥२१.३॥
avasitaṃ pūrvasya
A consonant in pausa belongs to the preceding vowels.

Also the first consonant of a group.

परेण चासꣳहितम्॥२१.५॥
pareṇa cāsam̐hitam
And one that is not combined with the following vowel.

अनुस्वारः स्वरभक्तिश्च॥२१.६॥
anusvāraḥ svarabhaktiśca
Also anusvāra and svarabhakti.

But not a consonant that is followed by a semivowel, if dissimilar with it.

Nor the nose-sounds.

स्पर्शश्चोष्मपर ऊष्मा चेत्परश्च॥२१.९॥
sparśaścoṣmapara ūṣmā cetparaśca
Nor a mute that is followed by a spirant — provided the following spirant is likewise in the same case.

स्वरितात्सꣳहितायामनुदात्तानां प्रचय उदात्तश्रुतिः॥२१.१०॥
svaritātsam̐hitāyāmanudāttānāṃ pracaya udāttaśrutiḥ
Of grave syllables following a circumflex in saṃhitā there is pracaya, having the tone of acute.

But not when an acute or circumflex follows.

After a non-nasal mute, when it is followed by a nasal, are inserted, in their order, nose-sounds.

Some call these yamas.

After h, when followed by n, ṇ, or m, is inserted nāsikya.

रेफोष्मसंयोगे रेफस्वरभक्तिः॥२१.१५॥
rephoṣmasaṃyoge rephasvarabhaktiḥ
In the combination of r and a spirant, there is a svarabhakti of r.

न क्रमे प्रथमपरे प्रथमपरे॥२१.१६॥
na krame prathamapare prathamapare
But not in case of krama, when a first mute follows the spirant.

शब्दः प्रकृतिः सर्ववर्णानाम्॥२२.१॥
śabdaḥ prakṛtiḥ sarvavarṇānām
Tone is the material of all articulate sounds.

तस्य र्ऊपान्यत्वे वर्णान्यत्वम्॥२२.२॥
tasya rūpānyatve varṇānyatvam
In the difference of form of the former consists the difference of the latter.

तत्र शब्दद्रव्याण्युदाहरिष्यामः॥२२.३॥
tatra śabdadravyāṇyudāhariṣyāmaḥ
Here we will instance the offices of terms.

वर्णकारौ निर्देशकौ॥२२.४॥
varṇakārau nirdeśakau
varuṇa and kāra are indicatory.

ca and api are implicative.

त्वथैवेति विनिवर्तकाधिकारकावधारकाः॥२२.६॥
tvathaiveti vinivartakādhikārakāvadhārakāḥ
tu, atha, and eva are exceptional, introductory, and restrictive, respectively.

वेति वैभाषिकः॥२२.७॥
veti vaibhāṣikaḥ
vā is alternative.

नेति प्रतिषेधकः॥२२.८॥
neti pratiṣedhakaḥ
na is prohibitive.

आयामो दारुण्यमणुना खस्येत्युच्चैःकराणि शब्दस्य॥२२.९॥
āyāmo dāruṇyamaṇunā khasyetyuccaiḥkarāṇi śabdasya
Tension, hardness, smallness of aperture, are producers of high tone.

अन्ववसर्गो मार्दवमुरुता खस्येति नीचैःकराणि॥२२.१०॥
anvavasargo mārdavamurutā khasyeti nīcaiḥkarāṇi
Relaxation, softness, wideness of aperture, are producers of low tone.

मन्द्रमध्यमताराणि स्थानानि भवन्ति॥२२.११॥
mandramadhyamatārāṇi sthānāni bhavanti
Soft, middle, and loud are the three qualities.

In them are twenty-one tones.

ऋग्विरामः पदविरामो विवृत्तिविरामः समानपदविवृत्तिविरामस्त्रिमात्रो द्विमात्र एकमात्रो ऽर्धमात्र इत्यानुऊर्व्येण॥२२.१३॥
The verse-pause, pada-pause, pause for hiatus, and pause for hiatus in the interior of a word, are respectively of three moras, two moras, one mora, anda a half-mora.

यद्यञ्जनान्तं यदु चापि दीर्घँ संयोगपूर्वं च तथानुनासिकम्॥
एतानि सर्वाणि गुरूणि विद्याच् छेषाण्यतो ऽन्यानि ततो लघूनि॥२२.१४॥
A syllable that ends with a consonat, one that has a long vowel, one that preceedes a conjuction of consonants, one that is nasal — all these are to be accounted heavy; tthe rest, other than these, are light.

अव्यञ्जनान्तं यद्ध्रस्वमसंयोगपरं च यत्।
अननुस्वारसंयुक्तमेतल्लघु निषोधतै तल्लघु निबोधत॥२२.१५॥
A syllable that does not end with a consonat, that has a short vowel, and that is not followed by a conjunction of consonants, and one that is not combined with anusvāra — know that to be light.

अथ वर्णविशेषोत्पत्तिः॥२३.१॥
Now for the origin of the differences of articulate sounds.

जायते वर्णवैशेष्यं परिमाणाच्च पञ्चमाद् इति॥२३.२॥
The differentiation of articulate sounds arises from emission, closure, position, disposition of producing organ, and, fifthly, from quantity.

वर्णपृक्तः शब्दो वाच उत्पत्तिः॥२३.३॥
Sound combined with articulation is the orgin of voice.

सप्त वाच स्थानानि भवन्ति॥२३.४॥
Of voice, there are seven qualities.

Namely, inaudible, murmur, whisper, mumbling, soft, middle, and loud.

“Inaudible” is without sound, without application of mind, but with articulating action.

“Murmur” is inaudibleness of syllables and consonants.

“Whisper” is their audibleness.

“Mumbling” is the same, with sound.

उरसि मन्द्रं कण्ठे मध्यमꣳ शिरसि तारम्॥२३.१०॥
“Soft” is in the chest, “middle” in the throat, “loud” in the head.

मन्द्रादिषु त्रिषुं स्थानेषु सप्तसप्त यमाः॥२३.११॥
In the three qualities beginning with “soft,” there are seven tones each.

Namely, kṛṣṭa, first, second, third, fourth, mandra, and atisvārya.

तेषां दीप्तिजोपलब्धिः॥२३.१३॥
Of these, the perception is born of brightness.

द्वितीयप्रथमकृष्टास्त्रय आह्वारकस्वराः॥२३.१४॥
“Second,” “first,” and kṛṣṭa are the three tones of the āhvārakas.

मन्द्रादयो द्वितीयान्ताश्चत्वारस्तैत्तिरीयकाः॥२३.१५॥
mandrādayo dvitīyāntāścatvārastaittirīyakāḥ
The four beginning with mandra and ending with “second” are those of the taittirīyas.

द्वितीयान्मन्द्रस्तैत्तिरीयाणां तृतीयचतुर्थावनन्तरं तच्चतुर्यममित्याचक्षते॥२३.१६॥
According to the taittirīyas, the mandra proceeds from the “second,” and the “third” and “fourth” come next after: this they style the tone-quaternion.

तस्मिन्द्वियमान्तरा वृत्तिः॥२३.१७॥
In it, progression is by intervals of two tones.

That progression we will set forth.

That is what is called the quaternion of tones.

नीचोच्चस्वारसंपन्नां वदेद्धृतवतीꣳ समां वदेद्धृतवतीꣳ समामिति॥२३.२०॥
It must be uttered with krama and vikrama, not hurried, not delayed, with grave, acute, and circumflex accent, with pracaya, and even.

अथ चतस्रः सꣳहिताः॥२४.१॥
Now for the four texts.

पदसꣳहिताक्षरसꣳहिता वर्णसꣳहिताङ्गसꣳहिता चेति॥२४.२॥
Word-text, syllable-text, letter-text, and member-text, namely.

नानापदसंधानसंयोगः पदसꣳहितेत्यभिधीयते॥२४.३॥
Conjuction of independent words by euphonic combination is called word-text.

And in like manner with the syllable-text and the rest, in accordance with their several names.

गुरुत्वं लघुता साम्यꣳ ह्रस्वदीर्घप्लुतानि च।
लोपागमविकाराश्च प्रकृतिर्विक्रमः क्रमः॥
स्वरितोदात्तनीचत्वꣳ श्वासो नादो ऽङ्गमेव च।
एतत्सर्वं तु विज्ञेयं छन्दोभाषामधीयता॥२४.५॥
Heaviness, lightness, evenness; short, long, and protracted quantity; elision, increment, and euphonic alteration; natural state, vikrama, krama; circumflex, acute, and grave quality; breath, tone, and adjunction — all this must be understod by him who reads the Veda language.

पदक्रमविशेषज्ञो वर्णक्रमविचक्षणः।
स्वरमात्राविभागज्ञो गछेदाचार्यसꣳसदं गछेदाचार्यसꣳसदमिति॥२४.६॥
He who understands the distinctions of the pada-krama, who is versed in the varṇa-krama, and knows the divisions of accent and quantity, may go and sit with the teachers.