

शौनकीय-चतुरध्यायिकायाम् -

१.१.२४. दन्त्यानां जिह्वाग्रं प्रस्तीर्णम् ।

Whitney (1.24). G: 1.1.24. Most mss. read jivhāgram. Translation: For dental sounds, the tip of the tongue spread flat [is the articulator].

पाणिनीये ऽपि -

Consider, for instance, the rule P.7.3.73 (लुग्वा दुहदिहलिहगुहामात्मनेपदे दन्त्ये). The rule says that after the listed roots, the affix -ksa- of the aorist is optionally (or preferably, if one accepts Kiparsky’s interpretation of vā) deleted before a middle termination beginning in a dantya sound. The affixes -dhvam and -ta are undoubtedly dantya-initial affixes.


दन्तमूलीयस् तु तकारवर्गः
ऋक्प्रातिशाख्यम्– १.१.४. सू ४५