- quora अत्र।
Sanskrit villages
- jihrI (2015 report)
Samskrit OR Samkritam OR Sanskrit OR Sanskrut?
- Depends on how you say the sa, the m and the r in संस्कृतम्।, rather than how you write really (since it is impossible to losslessly encode the highly specific devanAgarI sounds in the very limited latin alphabet without adapting clear conventions such as these). To appreciate the difference, you should understand the difference between the way म् and ं sounds (the latter does not include a reverberation in the mouth cavity); and between ऋ and रि/ रु.
What are the rules for Simple sanskrit?
Simple Standard Sanskrit।
(एकस्मिन्नेव विषये विप्रतिपत्तिः। “Ms Sarasvati Rames” इति काचित्। तस्या निर्देशः संस्कृते कथं स्यादिति प्रश्नः। रमेशसरस्वतीति स्यादित्यहम्।)
Sanskrit names
“A lot of parents these days want to give Sanskrit names to their children but do not have access to Sanskrit pandits or literature. Such parents are misled by name websites, social media, and even books on Sanskrit names by laypersons who are not Sanskrit scholars. They end up giving meaningless names, or worse still, names with ludicrous meanings in Sanskrit.” -NM19
“Maneka Gandhi’s books on Hindu names are largely reliable, though I’ve seen a few errors. Best approach: consult a shrotriya guru, an acharya/pandit, or a good publication (Gita Press) of a sahasranama.” - Nityanand Misra here.