09 Current state

Anjuman control

  • pArsi-s in India are all regulated and certified by a central Parsi Panchayat or Anjuman. Too “permissive” priests or differing views are declared “renegade” and ostracised. Panchayat also sued by angry renegades.
  • The community looks to Panchayat for direction.
  • Where does the actual centralising power of Parsi Panchayat come from? - Its control of property - not just Agiaries (fire temples) & community centers but also Baugs (Parsi colonies). Only the good sheep get good cheap housing in high-end neighbourhoods.
  • Parsi Panchayat has had control for a long time - old institutions based in Navsari now irrelevant, some dismissed as mystic crackpots.