
  • The Georgians don’t speak an IE language.

Early religion

  • “But what was their natural religion before being smothered by the evils of pretonmAda? The evidence from the victory announcements of the preta-s suggest that they were following the natural more eastern reflex of Iranian religion. So in a sense they are a parallel the Dravidians of India: different language family but same religion as their Arya neighbors. However, there are hints that there might have been an internal clash between Georgians who initially worshipped a more natural flavor of the Iranian religion & the Zoroastrians who insisted on uniconic worship. Later in a negotiation mediated by the shah-an-shah from Iran it appears that they adopted a fusion version with both Zoroastrian and non-Zoroastrian flavors side-by-side. The preta-s destroyed both on taking over.” - MT