khwarizmi on Kama river

Source: TW

Inner Eurasia ~ 565-580 CE: The most remarkable is that little-known culture in the Kama river region. Far up north several silver bowls have been found that contain images of the goddess durgA-nAnA with at least one having an Eastern Iranian inscription. Who were they? One of the durgA-nAnA images on a bowl from Bartym in the Kama region. Was a high north Iranic outpost? (“Koryakova says it was Sarmatians.”)

The second of 4 durgA-nAnA bowls from the Kama region shows the deity holding a severed head. This indicates that multiple conventions from the H world transmitted to the Iranosphere.

The E.Iranic script was based on the Semitic Aramaic script & was known as Khwarizmi. The marUnmatta scientist Al Beeruni himself informs us about the destruction of this culture by his coreligionists: “Qutaiba bin Muslim had extinguished and ruined in every possible way all those who knew how to write & to read the Khwarizmi writing, who knew the history of the studied their sciences. In consequence these things are involved in so much obscurity, that it is impossible to obtain an accurate knowledge of the history of the country before the time of Islam. For after Qutaiba bin Muslim Al Baahilii had killed their learned men & priests, and had burned their books and writings, they became entirely illiterate.”