Speed of light

Supposed verses

Skanda Purāṇa -

योजनानां सहस्रे द्वे द्वे शते द्वे च योजने। योजनस्य निमेषार्धाद्याति सोपि चिरं स्थितः॥


हे सूर्य त्वं तरणिः तरिता अन्येन गन्तुमशक्यस्य महतोऽध्वनो गन्ता असि । तथा च स्मर्यते- ‘ योजनानां सहस्रे द्वे द्वे शते द्वे च योजने । एकेन निमिषार्धेन क्रममाण नमोऽस्तु ते’ इति ।

“Thus it is remembered: [O Sun] you who traverse 2,202 yojanas in half a nimisha”

Verse describes speed of sun. Isn’t it fraudulent to claim that speed of light is being mentioned?
So, this should be proof, if anything, that hindu-s were mistaken about the speed of the sun (being too close to the speed of light)!
Instead, the supposed speed of the sun is misapplied to light to “prove” that medieval hindus knew the speed of light.

False Analysis

From this the speed of light can be calculated 1 Day-Night = 30 Muhurta = 24 Hours 1 Muhurta = 30 Kala = 24/30 Hours 1 Kala = 30 Kastha = 24/900 hours = 1.6 minute 1 Kastha = 15 Nimesha = (1.6/15) min = 3.2 seconds 1 Nimesh = 3.2/15 = 0.21333… second A Nimesh is therefore equal to 16/75 seconds. (0.21333) Speed of light =(2202*9 miles)/((16/75)/2 sec) = 185793.75 miles/sec

The currently agreed value of the speed of light is 186282.397 miles per second.