Memetic framework

Axiomatic differences

  • “Despite English leaving almost 7 decades ago most H remain are unable to think independently of occidental axioms: Hence,they live in a world where many H manifestations remain difficult to understand. They have also never take the time to question if the occidental axioms are the correct 1s to use in a description of their own world: much like describing a Riemannian world with Euclidean axioms.”

Occidental imposition

It is an old Euro-american habit to superimpose their fancies on foreign cultures in reaction to their terrible internal problems. For example:

  • secularism motivated by their bloody catholic-protestant conflicts
  • svastika-hatred because of Nazi experience
  • “white” Aryanism motivated by racial superiority theories
  • denial of genetic disparity in mental faculties due to guilty-conscience over slaver racism
  • insisting that “Egyptians were black. Kemeticism is a black religion.” again due to internal racism.