

  • References
  • “Hindus in contrast were formerly good at indigenizing foreign material: a good example is how Greek astrology came to become a big deal in the Hindu mental horizon although completely indigenized. Such examples are also seen in down to the Islamic period such as in the Sanskrit adaptation of Euclidean geometry& Mohammedan political elements.”
  • “The catastrophic defeat of the H at the hands of the English in 1857 CE changed things. The H were now a pale remnant of their past and conceded this defeat even in realms outside the military by accepting occidental constructs via the medium of English as the foundation of their reconstructive effort.”
    • “This was seen strongest in religion where the monotheistic idiom triumphed especially among the elite.”
  • “However, they retained peripheral trappings like the names, food and clothing to a greater extent than chIna-s.”
    • “As an e.g. 1 could point to a thoroughly deracinated person of v1 or kAyastha origin from the va~Nga country who would have an exquisitely Aryan name &enjoy his fish meal while being anything but H in the inner condition. Or a JNU secular. Or a person of v1 ancestry from the dravidian country with a theophorous H name while spouting the worst of the occidental intersectionalist delusions as can be commonly witness on this medium.”
  • “I’d go as far as to say that only sometime around the 1970s a generation was born that started revisiting its roots more serious & Hinduizing in a more basic sense. Still this movement is not complete as not all starting from that generation onwards made a complete H transition and in many cases the transition was derailed or went astray due to the lack of proper information regarding their roots.”


  • Contrast with China and Japan