
  • “In Fiji, H mistake was family planning + not joining army during ww2, at 1 pt it was 51% Indian. Indians had a higher TFR. During WW2 Brits opened up army but these idiots demanded equal pay where as natives joined up & gained full ctrl of army. Also Indian TFR fell below Fijian " -SP17 "
  • “Prior to World War II, soldiers served voluntarily and were paid “capitation grants” according to efficiency ratings without regard to race. In 1939, during the mobilisation of the Fiji Defence Force, the British Royal Military changed its payment system to four shillings per day for enlisted men of European descent while enlisted men of non-European descent were paid only two shillings per day. Indian platoon readily disputed this disparity in pay. The British, fearing this dissidence would eventually be shared by the Native Fijians, decided to disband the Indian platoon in 1940 citing lack of available equipment, such as military armour, as their reason.”