eLavas and communism

Bias warnings - akShay nair
  • Take it with a bucket of salt. Many things are errenous. He had earlier written that Kerala was mainly a Buddhist society before Nambuthiris came in.
  • He’s wrong that Avarnas weren’t considered as Hindus…they had their own rituals and worship. For instance many rites related to Theyyam are done by them, Even in important temples like at Kottiyoor, they have special rights to perform abhisheka with tender coconut water. Also most of the early commie leaders were Nairs and Brahmins, not Avarnas. When AK Gopalan, a Nair commie leader tried to preach equal rights for all Hindus, a group of Thiyyas (OP’s caste) actually beat him up.

Why Kerala Hindus vote for communism?

I’ve been asked this many times so here’s a simplistic explanation. There are many complex reasons but I’ll stick to the basic historical one.

Until 1936, Avarna Hindus of Kerala were not considered Hindus by the Savarnas. Avarnas were less valuable than cattle, Christians and Muslims. For instance, these three groups could walk on public roads where we couldn’t. We Avarnas comprised 70-80% of the Hindu population, but were not treated as equals. In pre-1936 Travancore, a member of my Ezhava community had to get down from his car and walk through the muddy paddy fields along the main road while his Muslim driver could drive up the road and wait for his master at the point where Ezhavas could legally travel on the road.Caste discrimination in Kerala was the exact equivalent of US slavery. If you can’t drive on roads, how can you do business. Ezhavas were a business community so you can imagine what a handicap it was not being able to travel freely, or buy/sell where you want.

Let’s go back a little further. Until 1888, Avarnas were not allowed to worship Vedic Gods. Incredible but true. +++(?? What did eLava heroes like those depicted in “oru vaDakkan vIragatha” worship in their kalaris??)+++ Such demonic discrimination was unheard of in the rest of India. In 1888, a Shiva idol was finally consecrated by social reformer Sri Narayana Guru at Aruvippuram.

Ezhavas being the most Sanskritized of all avarnas, we rapidly built modern schools and new Vedic temples. In the 1920s, many of these schools and temples were demolished by Savarna Hindus and Christians who were in cahoots. They jointly beat up Ezhavas in Travancore. Some Savarnas also joined sided with Ezhavas in their campaign to be treated equally.

When the communist movement started in Kerala, it was extremely attractive to many Hindus because communism sought equal rights, land reforms, abolition of slavery and end of untouchability. Most Savarnas sided with the Congress Party, but a small but significant section of them went over to the Communist Party of India. Only Christians and Muslims stayed away from the CPI. Ezhavas who formed at least 30% of Kerala’s total population voted overwhelmingly CPI. It made complete sense for Avarnas to vote for the party which would emancipate them, introduce land reforms. They gained a lot - especially in terms of political power and education.

When the Congress came to power in the 1960s, they made an Ezhava (R. Shankar) the CM. Again Savarnas and Christians colluded to bring down Shankar govt. There is hardly an Ezhava who has forgotten this. Imagine your fellow Hindus colluding with Christians to bring you down. Even today, most Ezhavas are working class so they continue to vote CPM or CPI. Plus, the CPM seeing the Ezhava vote slipping away to the BJP, finally allowed two CMs - the late VS Achudhanandan and Pinaryi Vijayan. CPM is actually more casteist than any other party in India.

Most Avarnas, including the SC communities of Kerala, follow Ezhavas as we helped them a lot in gaining education including job of priests in our temples. So Ezhavas are like a loss leader of the CPM. I believe the chance of Ezhavas leaving the CPM are remote. Plus, there is considerable brainwashing. Many educated Hindus believe the BJP is an Aryan party.

The CPM propaganda machinery works in 24/365 mode. Kerala education standards are abysmal so Hindus are easily fooled.

On a lighter note, I personally face considerable hostility among auto drivers in the hinterland as they think I’m a privileged fair skinned Aryan north Indian. Brainwashed to believe in the class enemy, they start the auto with reluctance + resentment on their face. For all I know, my auto driver may be an upper caste communist, mistakenly being envious of an OBC, thinking I’m a wealthy north Indian. However, I’m getting darker as I age. Plus, I’ll wear a thin, cheap, working class mundu in future.😆

  1. Savarna = Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Shudras.
  2. There is no Vaishya varna in Kerala; the role is performed by Christians.
  3. Avarna = Those not considered part of the 4-fold Varna system and therefore not Hindu. Until 1862, any Avarna could be legally enslaved by Europeans.